Sentences with phrase «lack of sleep at»

Truly, despite the lack of sleep at times and frustration over health and anxiety, it has been pretty nice, and I'm a lucky gal.
Lack of sleep at a younger age, however, could drive down growth hormone prematurely, accelerating the fat - gaining process.
Because lack of sleep at night has been linked to decreased memory and concentration during the day, Salas and her colleagues suspected that the brains of good sleepers could be more easily retrained.
There are several reasons for a baby's lack of sleep at night.
I feel as though I might go insane from lack of sleep at times!

Not exact matches

Perhaps those who equate sleep with laziness or lack of dedication can be convinced of the benefits of sleep by looking at what's going on in a world that is the ultimate in pragmatism, where performance and winning are everything: sports.
It should really be no surprise, as a lack of sleep tends to make almost anyone cranky... and it's hard to be cranky and charming at the same time.
There is an arrogance that lingers in business and possibly in our culture at large — the self - congratulations for running on a lack of sleep.
I'm really dragging today at work from a lack of sleep!
During the 1948 siege of Jerusalem, these two rooms accommodated refugees from more vulnerable neighborhoods, who stepped over the sleeping family at night on their way to the toilet that could not be flushed for lack of water.
Her words puzzled me at the time but weeks or months later, numbed by lack of sleep and overwhelmed by being the whole world to this one little person, my maternal feelings retreated and I was left feeling confused and empty, with a mewling infant in my arms.
Going through a torrid spell — long hours at work where I'm pulled in all directions, the intensity, stress, lack of sleep and all of those fears tormenting my head has made me feel like I'd just slept walk through the last couple of weeks w a cloud over my head.
I just reread all of the Harry Potter books -LRB-... all in one week...); late night reading is at least partially to blame for my recent lack of sleep.
My husband had been gone for five months at this point, and the lack of sleep was catching up to me — we were in full on survival mode.
I find when I'm in a rut, or lacking inspiration, it's usually when I'm tired and stressed, and trying to get too many things done at once in all areas of life — and once life calms down a bit and I catch up on sleep, it all comes back.
Perhaps it was a lack of sleep, or perhaps he was multi tasking (you can see him posing for pics and signing an autograph at the same time),... Read More»
Perhaps it was a lack of sleep, or perhaps he was multi tasking (you can see him posing for pics and signing an autograph at the same time), or perhaps he was on activated auto - mode after years of playing for the Biancocelesti, but his dialogue was «Forza Lazio»!
When your husband is exhausted by a punishing work schedule and complains that «all you do is sit there and feed the baby,» or your mother questions whether you have enough milk because little John is still not sleeping through, or someone tells you that you shouldn't feel tired — hinting at a lack of fitness or will.
Lack of sleep can cause behavior problems and make it hard to pay attention at school.
Our 6 month old daughter has us up 3 - 5 times at night and we are totally exhausted and going insane from lack of sleep!
I don't want to oversimplify the difficulty of adapting to wake - ups and tending to our children at night — it's a huge change, and lack of sleep affects our bodies, minds and emotions so much.
First time mothering is difficult, and lack of sleep puts you at a disadvantage.
After just two short weeks, my husband and I were at our wits end with lack of sleep.
As tired as you are by your infant's sleep or lack thereof... As worried as you are about getting rest once baby comes... As tempting as it is to overlook this fact at 3:30 am when every other soul on the face of the earth is sleeping soundly and you are alone and desperate in the dark with a crying baby...
You need more sleep when your body is growing a baby, so don't let a lack of it put you at risk for getting sick.
The sheer lack of sleep means most breastfeeding moms will bed share with baby at some point.
I enjoy wearing my baby, nursing him, letting him sleep with me at night, and all of the «bad» things like lack of sleep, that go hand in hand with the good.
I understand what lack of sleep does to people, but to me, you don't try to change it at the expense of the child (through crying and being left alone for instance).
This has all been accompanied by poor sleep, bad headaches at least once a day, bone - tired feeling, lack of appetite... and now it just feels like an accomplishment if I get showered and get us out for a little bit during the day.
Positional plagiocephaly, or plagiocephaly without synostosis (PWS), can be associated with supine sleeping position (OR: 2.5).113 It is most likely to result if the infant's head position is not varied when placed for sleep, if the infant spends little or no time in awake, supervised tummy time, and if the infant is not held in the upright position when not sleeping.113, — , 115 Children with developmental delay and / or neurologic injury have increased rates of PWS, although a causal relationship has not been demonstrated.113, 116, — , 119 In healthy normal children, the incidence of PWS decreases spontaneously from 20 % at 8 months to 3 % at 24 months of age.114 Although data to make specific recommendations as to how often and how long tummy time should be undertaken are lacking, supervised tummy time while the infant is awake is recommended on a daily basis.
It's amazing how long some moms can wear the same robe for days at a time and cook and clean and organize the kids» activities with puffy eyes, one of which is only halfway open due to lack of sleep.
We know that many parents, tired and at their wits end from lack of sleep, are offered the advice of putting cereal in baby's bottle so that baby might sleep for a longer period of time.
Lack of REM sleep, which takes about 90 minutes to reach, can cause memory lapses and can negatively affect the way you perform your daily activities, possibly even putting your baby at risk.
If she still has a very early bedtime, it might be contributing to her lack of sleepiness at night (at this age, kids need a total of 11 to 13 hours of sleep in a 24 - hour period), so you might consider moving bedtime back an hour.
Sleeping, by definition, is lack of consciousness, at least full consciousness.
I pumped for about a day, and then laughed (possibly maniacally, due to lack of sleep) at myself for even imagining that I had that kind of time, and I went out and bought a huge tub of formula.
Additionally, a lack of sleep can cause «brain deterioration,» according to a 2013 study, which may at least in part explain memory loss in seniors.
Since he just finished up a growth spurt, he might be overly tired from lack of sleep and just needs you to help him sleep until his body can be at a rested state.
since i am awake at night am a good text buddy for those in trouble since bfeed trouble comes at night when nobody else is awake and the tiredness & lack of sleep is weighing the mom down pa.
They are confused and sometimes frustrated by their child's lack of sleep, BUT at the same time they have resigned themselves to it.
All those mood - swing - inducing, hair - growth - stimulating, glow - generating hormones mixed with a lack of sleep can leave you with a lack of drive, if you know what we're getting at.
I might be suffering from lack of sleep and all day be yawning and feel like I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat but when I climb into bed my eyes pop open and I am wide awake... and the cycle continues.
My wife worked all day and wanted to spend more bonding time with Iris at night but didn't want her work to suffer from lack of sleep.
At this stage, lack of sleep, fluctuating hormones and attending to your baby's every need can lead to a roller coaster ride of emotions for mom.
Aside from the separation anxiety, the added chores with having a baby at home, lack of sleep, and the physical and mental toll it takes for a woman to continue being mindful about pumping can be stressful.
«Your visit was just what we needed, we were at the end of our tether due to lack of sleep — exhaustion was winning!
When my own babies were small, neither social ideology nor wakeful babies caused me a lack of sleep — my babies slept snuggled up with me at night.
Other risk factors include financial problems, loss of family and partner support, overwhelming expectations at work and home, lack of attention from the partner, sleep deprivation, and a straining relationship or marriage.
Heightened anxiety might also look like the inability to fall or stay asleep (and lack of sleep only exacerbates anxiety); implementing rituals or repetitive behaviors as a way to ward off anxious feelings (to varying degrees of success); continuing to experience peak anxiety after your loss week has passed (though often times, this is because of knowing support from others in the loss community and learning that loss can happen at anytime in many different ways); and losing relationships as a function of others not being able to manage or cope with your anxiety.
This helps you remember what times things occurred (because your lack - of - sleep brain isn't as good at remembering on its own) and helps you recognize patterns (good and bad).
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