Sentences with phrase «lack of sophistication in»

If the self - represented litigant feels bogged down by what they perceive as «sharp lawyering» from the other side, they should be proactive in requesting that the lawyer not take procedural advantage of their relative lack of sophistication in such matters.
But the lack of sophistication in this analysis was disappointing, to say the least.
They point to Amazon's competitors» lack of sophistication in these areas and shrug.
When the consumer grinds themselves they must remember that this is an oily seed and due to its nature can go rancid very quickly due to a lack of sophistication in their own personal equipment.
Said one owner, «I'm surprised at the lack of sophistication in some cases about understanding the numbers.»
As I look over the business plans and projections that these entrepreneurs share with us, one thing I constantly see is a lack of sophistication in calculating the investor's return.

Not exact matches

Badly written, pretentious and irresponsible in its claims and arguments, wholly lacking in historical sophistication and mastery of its sources, it nevertheless remains our only theological correlation of the original religious ground of Christianity with the higher religious expressions of Oriental mysticism.
Fifty years ago, Americans might have dismissed the conservatism of Christians in the global South as arising from a lack of theological sophistication, and in any case regarded these views as strictly marginal to the concerns of the Christian heartlands of North America and Western Europe.
And in almost exactly the same way, when the Pope condemned both materialism in thepolitical culture of the West and secularism within the Catholic Church in Western Europe and North America, he was condemned by liberals within the Church as someone who lacked the sophistication to understand the complexities of life in the West.
A bold wine lacking in pretension with a hint of sophistication.
It looks fantastic and the air of subtlety and sophistication that permeates the entire film gives it a maturity so often lacking in modern cinema.
These ideas may lack the sophistication one finds in Pixar films, but they will resonate with many younger members of the audience.
If Knightley's propensity for face - pulling suited her rendering of sexual hysteria in A Dangerous Method, here it reveals a lack of sophistication.
We have students in this state who are, through no fault of the teachers, but just because of the history in that school, or the training and preparation of those teachers, or the lack of resources or whatever it may be — those teachers are teaching material that is one year, two years below (in content sophistication) what it needs to be.
Given the low probability of victory as well as the considerable time, expense, and psychological discomfort involved in waging a legal battle, it isn't surprising that private placements are rare, especially among families who lack the wealth and sophistication required to navigate the legal system successfully.
In Maine it is being perpetrated by a tea - bag governor and his ultra-right hacks, and the lack of finesse and sophistication shows.
While it might lack the sophistication of AWD systems in such legendary off - road brands as Jeep and Land Rover, it worked just fine during a day of freezing rain and ice.
Packed with a supercharged 5.0 - liter V8, the result is a 550 - horsepower Range Rover uncompromising in its sophistication and comfort, capable of unleashing the brute within when the road — or lack thereof — requires a heavy hand rather than a velvet touch.
The empty space is the high point in an interior marked by ill - fitting plastic, ho - hum cloth upholstery and a general lack of sophistication.
I went from an iphone to a BB torch due to my new job, and I have to say, the overall OS, in terms of ease of use and sophistication / polish, is sorely lacking.
I imagine most people will agree that perinatal and neonatal medicine in companion animal practice lacks a certain degree of sophistication and expertise when compared to human medicine.
Yet in the sense that the word primal has been associated with a lack of sophistication, this analogy would be false.
What I like here are the busy conjunctions of slide projections, films and models (including one of his studio), and the daring of his cinema - in - the - round, its range and humour - though it lacks Islam's sophistication, Macuga's reticence, Wilkes» directness.
Jones» lack of mathematical sophistication may explain his trouble in understanding the argument.
None of your learning was any good and you've tossed it in and accepted a comic - book narrative with an astonishing lack of sophistication.
Mind you, that's not nearly as harsh as one recent comment by a (B.C.) corporate lawyer, who described the Quebec Court of Appeal decision as «poorly reasoned, spectacularly wrong in its conclusions and generally reflect [ing] a lack of understanding of both corporate law principles and commercial realities», adding that «parties to sophisticated business agreements will be far better served by agreeing to adjudicate their disputes in Ontario, where the courts generally have much greater commercial sophistication
Much of this «sharp lawyering» against unrepresented litigants goes unreported and uncommented on, and the reason is elementary: most unrepresented parties lack the legal sophistication and knowledge to understand that opposing counsel has treated them vexatiously, in a manner that would be in clear breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct if experienced by fellow Members of the Bar.
Having no knowledge of the applicable Rules of Professional Conduct, the self - represented litigant is therefore prone to be bullied by opposing counsel, with no one around to articulate — much less to document — how a lawyer might be «gaming» the court's processes in order to take full advantage of a self - represented party's relative lack of legal sophistication.
We too have worked on roles in the US market that lack the sophistication of business services roles in the UK and Australia.
Second, legacy review tools lacked the sophistication required to handle the burgeoning growth of data in today's litigation environment.
While having a vision may be nice — in a complex world, visions require a psychological sophistication that many of us mere mortals lack.
It is not unreasonable to believe that cloud providers (who by the very nature of their expertise and business models) will invest in the security and integrity of their solutions, generally with a sophistication that is lacking at law firms.
While lacking the sophistication and extensive features of premium systems, the Swann Smart Security Camera offers more than enough to make it a solid contender in a busy marketplace.
Even though Android Wear has been through several updates since launch, we still occasionally catch a glimpse of this design and think it lacks sophistication against the great improvements in Lollipop and Marshmallow.
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