Sentences with phrase «lack of supervision»

Alternatively, it may reflect a broader lack of supervision and potentially care, for the infant, resulting in an increase in behavioural disturbance.
Fears of lack of supervision appear unfounded then, as long as the situation is managed adequately.
While poor mentoring can dampen one's enthusiasm for study or an interesting science career, don't let an apparent lack of supervision or faculty disputes mar an entire field of science or your ambitions.
Maryland's Attorney Grievance Commission filed charges against Glassman - Katz in 2006, and although she claimed lack of supervision in her defense, she eventually consented to disbarment.
«Lack of supervision on the part of a broker is a recurring problem,» says California's Moran.
Despite getting a «black eye» in the press this summer for its perceived lack of supervision, the U.S. Immigrant Investor Program, more commonly known as EB - 5, has become an increasingly popular way to boost investment in seniors housing...
From my experience, any issues I've seen other people I know have had with regard to dogs and young children was mostly because of lack of supervision, and them not teaching the children to respect animals.
The majority of playground injuries are caused by falls and almost 40 percent of playground injuries are linked to lack of supervision.
So again its not the necklace that killed him it was lack of supervision & directions.
The study suggests, then, that it's lack of supervision and proper use that leads to car seat deaths.
This is one of those products that encourage independence in the water, and a parent's lack of supervision or want to look at a funny cat video on their phone for more than two seconds can lead to submersion.
These activities also keep your child too busy and occupied to engage in undesirable activities out of boredom or lack of supervision.
But frequent accidents that result in injuries beyond that could signify either a lack of supervision or worse, physical abuse.
Parents should worry about a lack of supervision or a sitter who simply plants tots in front of the TV and gives orders for not being disturbed.
Was it due to negligence, lack of supervision or a deliberate plot by some self - seeking individuals to enrich themselves at the expense of the state and the Ghanaian tax payer?
There are fewer opportunities for rehabilitative work in overcrowded prisons due to a lack of supervision and inmates are confined to their cells for longer, causing greater tensions between prisoners and with prison staff.
Is it the lack of supervision?
«There's a lack of training, a lack of supervision and this administration has cut this force to dangerous levels and it's affecting the quality of life.»
The time that the supervisor spends in assisting this transition will be rewarded in two areas: the lack of supervision required in the later stages of the degree and the potential for innovative ideas that a young, fresh mind can bring to a project.
The lack of supervision translates to less accountability which could potentially lead to some reckless and dangerous situations.
While the lack of supervision means more of those apps will be throwaways without much use, the boost in numbers does provide a lot more variety than Android experienced when the tablet wars began.
The lack of supervision over Google Play is one of the big downsides to Android.
This commonly occurs with sales that a merchant will not know the outcome of until a later date as there is a «lack of supervision
Neighborhood kids would be drawn to it when you're not home, and could easily injure themselves because of the lack of supervision.
Once again, a lack of supervision of your activities does not absolve you from your responsibilities.
In addition, I think you'd also find that many of these cases are also attributable to a lack of supervision by the parents.
If your child was injured at school due to legal negligence such as faulty school equipment, lack of supervision or faculty abuse, you could have grounds for a lawsuit.
One day a much bigger kid, 10 year old or so, apparently elated by the lack of supervision, ran into that chess playground, and started throwing the 5 lbs chess pieces with force across the chess set in random directions, sometimes missing the toddlers by inches.
Micheal Allen has hired a lawyer, who plans to sue the Kintock Center, a North Philadelphia halfway house, for systemic problems, including a lack of supervision and security.
Drowning accidents can happen in hotels, motels, a neighbor's backyard pool, apartment and condominium pools, public beaches and numerous other locations when there is a lack of supervision or when faulty gates, drains or other hazards endanger a child or swimmer who has gained access to areas that should have been restricted.
The draft Directive contains provisions which would ensure full vicarious liability on the part of corporate personalities; including liability in situations where «the lack of supervision or control» by an employee has made possible the commission of an offence for the benefit of the company.
Citing Goldfarb v. Virginia State Bar, the 1975 decision in which the justices denied antitrust immunity to a state bar because of a lack of supervision by the state supreme court, Kennedy wrote that «state agencies are not simply by their governmental character sovereign actors for purposes of state - action immunity.»
Over the years the courts have accepted that overwork, bullying, lack of supervision and pace of work can all cause work stress.
Many drowning accidents occur when a pool isn't properly fenced or gated, the gate lock is left open, the lock or latch doesn't work properly, the ladder leading out of the pool is in the wrong position and can not be accessed, or there was a lack of supervision.
Lack of supervision is the leading cause of daycare injuries.
Many state laws assume that a minor has committed a particular crime due to the legal guardian or parent's lack of supervision.
Lack of supervision and no commercial safety codes can create a risky situation if a gate begins to malfunction, or if an individual attempts to pass through improperly.
Neighborhood kids would be drawn to it when you're not home, and could easily injure themselves because of the lack of supervision.
Once again, a lack of supervision of your activities does not absolve you from your responsibilities.
The environmental factors often result from problems with parenting that might involve a lack of supervision, inconsistent or harsh discipline, abuse or neglect.
While studies support the logical conclusion that children, particularly boys, from single - parent households are more likely to exhibit delinquent behavior due to a lack of supervision than do children of dual - parent households, there is some evidence that children of single - father households are actually more at risk for both a lack of supervision and delinquent behavior than are children of single - mother households.
«It's to do with parenting practices, in particular a lack of supervision and harsh and erratic discipline — in general what you would term parental neglect,» Professor Homel said.
Over-reaction to the child's behaviour, lack of supervision and inconsistent discipline may contribute to serious behaviour difficulties.
Juvenile crime is most common in the hours immediately after school due to lack of supervision.
Lack of supervision is the best predictor of trouble.
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