Sentences with phrase «lack of training in»

Lack of training in our industry is becoming a major concern as we see less and less brokerage / management oversight (or ability to oversee) and more and more salespeople.
This discomfort is usually due to a lack of training in how to assess and treat children.
Other areas hovering around the 40 % mark are email management, information governance, risk management and compliance, and low adoption rates and lack of training in the user base.
Because the problem is not an inherent condition of lawyers, but rather a lack of training in fundamental skills of helpfulness.
Capt. Jeff Hallock of the Orange County Sheriff's Department says that Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has acknowledged bad informant policy and a lack of training in People v. Dekraai.
It seems to me that a lack of concentration on bottom - up corporate fundamentals, and probably a lack of training in corporate finance, can lead Professor Hubbard and others like him to recommend courses of action that can be quite harmful to the country (even when the proposals might result in net benefits to the stockholders of the Third Avenue portfolio companies over the long term).
I'm not familiar with Fama - MacBeth regression (due to my lack of training in finance) but from a quick Google search it appears that this would require more historical market data than my database currently contains.
Ryan raised concern over a lack of training in technological literacy and virtual education for teachers, particularly for K - 12 teachers, at his school and others.
No, the gap could be more located with the lack of training in youth - adult leadership principles and practices in educational leadership circles.
Candidates welcomed the opportunity to participate in these fast - track programs, but criticized the programs» shortcomings — mismatched student teaching placements, lack of training in how to teach their subjects, and lack of preparation to work in low - income communities.
At Conference, Top Admins Weigh Ups, Downs of Virtual Education Harvard Crimson, 9/17/14 [Dean James] Ryan raised concern over a lack of training in technological literacy and virtual education for teachers, particularly for K - 12 teachers, at his school and others.
ELLs are often overrepresented in special education classes due to a lack of training in helping teachers identify students» needs and assessment when it comes language skills.
Of course it does, but their lack of training in this area can tend to make them down on things they are not up on.
In the end, it wasn't Ramanujan's religion that set him at odds with the mathematical establishment, merely his lack of training in their traditions.
Buffalo officials are in no hurry to address the police department's lack of training in tactics that many other cities have deployed in response to police shootings of African Americans in Ferguson and elsewhere.
There is also a lack of training in many police forces and the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] as to how this older law applies to a very modern medium which means that application of the law to the facts is misconceived.»
It was his interest in psychology, and his lack of training in oriental classics, that gave him his personalist approach.
Also, I did not suffer from a lack of training in homemaking — both of my parents taught me how to do laundry, how to balance a cheque book, how to manage money, how to wash floor, make supper, cook a turkey dinner, clean a toilet and generally run a household.

Not exact matches

«The rise in serious incidents involving animals in flight leads us to believe that the lack of regulation in both health and training screening for these animals is creating unsafe conditions across U.S. air travel,» said John Laughter, Delta's senior vice president for corporate safety, security and compliance.
But the problem doesn't lie in employees» lack of skills or current leadership's inability to train future leaders.
With the new influx of $ 140 million, Ghodsi and team are hoping to tackle the next big problem in the big data / machine learning / AI world: the lack of trained people.
In their deliberations, they agreed to 20 specific actions to address global economic and social problems, ranging from building a corps of community health workers in poor regions of the world, to creating digital identities for the 2 billion people who lack access to financial services, to educating and training displaced, unemployed and underemployed workerIn their deliberations, they agreed to 20 specific actions to address global economic and social problems, ranging from building a corps of community health workers in poor regions of the world, to creating digital identities for the 2 billion people who lack access to financial services, to educating and training displaced, unemployed and underemployed workerin poor regions of the world, to creating digital identities for the 2 billion people who lack access to financial services, to educating and training displaced, unemployed and underemployed workers.
Another woman steeped in the issue is Megan Smith, the first female US Chief Technology Officer (CTO), who says, «So many Americans have the grit and creativity of a world - class entrepreneur, but they lack the resources — mentorship, networking, funding, training — to bring their ideas to fruition.»
«The rise in serious incidents involving animals in flight leads us to believe that the lack of regulation in both health and training screening for these animals is creating unsafe conditions across U.S. air travel,» John Laughter, Delta's senior vice president for corporate safety, security and compliance, said.
The company had argued that temporary Chinese workers were necessary because of a lack of Canadian training in their specific work.
-- Some entrepreneurs lack the financial training to set up the systems to gather financial information in an easy and painless way — Most important, as Steve point out, some of these figures are just misleading at this state of a company
Although I haven't paid to train with you, I have learnt so many valuable things from your website that I was lacking in the 4 something years of my trading.
Misunderstanding your buyer can manifest itself in many ways; poor campaign performance or a rise in email unsubscribes due to irrelevant messaging, dwindling conversion rates from mis - targeted website copy, failing sales numbers due to unqualified leads plus a lack of effective training and sales enablement materials, and more.
Notwithstanding that I consider that there are some such flaws in the approach adopted by the Judge, I consider it is important that the church does acknowledge, as I do, that we were, and I include myself, at that time only at the beginning of learning how to deal with disclosures of abuse, and leaders such as myself did lack experience and training.
However, the court stated, «Cannata's lack of formal training in Catholic doctrine is immaterial; this is because the ministerial exception does not apply only to those who are ordained.»
usually run by some inept volunteer leader... I like to call them «lack of Care Group» — out in the «world» people receive a lot of training to care for others — but in Church it's something of a free for all.
An OMF report, saying that the percentage of drop - outs of missionaries in the Third World countries is higher than that of Western countries, pointed out that the main reason for this is the lack of needed training.
A generation of historians (by now, several generations as these are reckoned in academia) lack any training in that methodology.
Finet the co-founder of the Foyers that underlined for me what had been lacking in my theological training.
Though derided by some as an «Essex bumpkin» for his countrified ways and lack of university training, Spurgeon's congregation soon numbered in the thousands.
Updike presents the reader of his novels and stories with the pseudo — wise men of today's society — with Jimmy, the big Mouseketeer who quotes Socrates; with the neon owl that advertises pretzels; with Ken Whitman, the scientist living in Tarbox who is considered intelligent in his field but who lacks a basic understanding of life; with Bech the writer, honored in direct proportion to the decline of his literary production; with Connor, the efficient, well - trained administrator of the old people's home who fails to comprehend as much of life's mystery as his simple and sometimes senile wards do.
That same near - failure is of course evident in every mainstream Protestant denomination, black or white, whether the criteria be lack of growth or loss of adult membership, youth participation, trained clergy, theologically alert laity, or commitment to black ecumenism.
In a real sense, the chaotic picture of the undergraduate teaching of the history of religions can be traced to the lack of adequate graduate training centers for Religionswissenschaft in North AmericIn a real sense, the chaotic picture of the undergraduate teaching of the history of religions can be traced to the lack of adequate graduate training centers for Religionswissenschaft in North Americin North America.
Unfortunately, parochial endeavors, lack of concern, and insufficient training have militated against laymen getting involved in this most important work.
What has been lacking has been some concerted effort to train laymen in the pastoral care of souls, to enlist them in the mental health movement on a par with the clergy, and to use the church effectively as an arm of the community.
Anton Boisen, father of the clinical pastoral training movement, points to a «wise observer» who has said in effect that a weakness of psycho - analysis inheres in the fact that it lacks a church — a fellowship of the faithful to help him carry on.
You see a need in a certain part of town, but you are too nervous to start doing something because of lack of training, or some fear about how to handle a certain type of person you might meet, or question you might encounter.
Some features of his style can be explained as reflections of Aramaic tradition or thinking; in general, however, his manner of writing seems to be due to (1) his intention to report rather than to create, and (2) his training, or lack of it, which results in a style colloquial or «oral» rather than literary.
The lack of accurate awareness, social stigma and isolation, lack of safety and training in the food industry, and economic / availability factors.
Improper storage, inadequate personal protection, and lack of training for handlers of pesticides are not uncommon in the developing world, and result in farm workers being directly exposed to toxins.
What Antonious lacks in formal training he makes up for with a surfeit of creative energy, gleaning insights from natural wonders like birds and fish.
I do think the team does a great job of finding under - recruited players in the area at high schools without much of a training program or weight room and know that they can get them on a solid diet and weight lifting regimen when on campus, but I believe the teaching of the craft of being a defensive lineman is and has been sorely lacking at MSU.
Lucas Perez, who has been linked with an exit over the past week due to his lack of playing time this season could return as he's back in training.
I would like to tell arsenal fan that the transfer window is not arsenal's problem.Let explain what is in my mind.We need to reinforce our team but we need to think in the future that most of the high class players are going to refuse signing for arsenal fc because of Mr Wenger's philosophy.It looks like arsenal becomes cemetery of players.How many players came in and left because of performance, became good players out of arsenal.We need to accept all of the transformation Mr wenger brings in arsenal but now it does not work.Why??? because lack of tactics, strategies and pretending best players for Mr wenger mind but in reality those players do not get standard of best player.Mr wenger wants to prove everybody that he is wright that players who are calling by wenger are best.I means Mr wenger is the only one can see all matter in good position or bad.He is wrong by thinking this way.He does not like criticism.he is the mind of arsenal.Everything he can say or defend is wright.Think about morrinho comments about arsenal!!!! Why he likes to be arsenal coach!!!! One thing I want to say about arsenal players, I think everybody watch arsenal games.We have got short mind players who play two good games and the rest shameless.They are working hard in the training ground for catching Mr wenger's mind to let them play; what is behind their (players) mind to be the most regular players.Those players have no vision even ambition; they are never becoming high class and their carriers are going to finish in arsenal after arsenal we are going to see them playing for championship.They do not care to become legend as Ian wright, Vierra, Berckam, piress, Henry... What is the big behind their mind to use wenger name to be selected in national team.They are not able to face different leagues in the world.
You have mentioned stagnation of players like ox, bellerin, Iwobi, wilshare all these are average players they lack the skill and they are not technicality gifted these qualities you are born with as talent no manager can give that!In military there are those who are called sharpshooters they are not trained to be so it is in them so your allegations against Wenger is therefore null and void and should be dismissed.It unfortunate that Wenger has worked with so many average players
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