Sentences with phrase «lack of training put»

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While Monaco's first - team players were being put through their paces, a tinted - windowed car raced inside the training compound where the former Porto man met with club bosses to discuss his on - going lack of fitness and his future plans.
If there is a lack of interest then it is time to put potty training on hold and try again later.
Then, after months of worn out knees from scrubbing messes and frayed nerves from bashing our heads against the Wall of Lack of Communication, our brilliant son put together all the pieces of the jumbled up mess of a puzzle we handed him and was «trained»!
A study by the Pew Charitable Trusts» Kids» Safe and Healthful Foods Project, also expected to be released Monday, said that 91 percent of school food officials the group surveyed said they face challenges in putting the standards in place, including problems with food costs and availability, training employees to follow the new guidelines, and a lack of the proper equipment to cook healthier meals.
The plan also puts the emphasis on training, research and data collection, says Richartz, as Europe lacks adequate data for about half of its fish stocks.
Lack of sleep and too much training is counter-productive to your results because you will be putting your body in a poor hormonal state and you will be taxing yourself mentally as well.
Meanwhile, equating the teaching of basics with job training of «compliant workers,» he glosses over the fact that «many employers in the business community feel dissatisfied because,» in the words of the Committee for Economic Development's 1994 report, Putting Learning First, «a large majority of their new hires lack adequate writing and problem - solving skills.»
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