Sentences with phrase «lack of treatments which»

Most of the common negligence cases that we see in dentistry are to do with periodontal disease and lack of diagnosis and lack of treatments which has in turn led to tooth loss and then the need to replace the teeth, usually with dental implants.

Not exact matches

Probably the most discussed aspect of the NGP Report (see this excellent discussion on CBC's The 180 beginning at around the seven minute mark) is the JRP's treatment (or lack thereof) of «upstream» greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), and specifically the apparent asymmetry between the JRP's decision to consider the need to open markets for projected increases in oil production — the vast majority of which would uncontrovertibly be from the oil sands — but not the GHGs associated with this projected growth.
the only attribute lacking right now is height which would be sufficiently fulfilled once nikkib's out of the treatment room
A key factor is the widespread lack of appropriate education for health professionals in the prevention and treatment of breastfeeding problems, which means that in a wide range of settings women commonly do not receive the quality of care needed from the health services (Cattaneo 2010; Renfrew 2006).
In a separate statement, Abbott said: «It is of critical importance that we are able to scrutinise the conditions in which people are held, especially given the allegations of appalling treatment, abuse, and a lack of legal advice and medical support in this centre.
The results open new avenues for the treatment of the dry form of AMD, which currently lacks an efficient treatment.
On «the lack of quality controls on cells,» which makes the treatment hard to replicate, thus not guaranteeing safety and efficacy of the product
«But human trials of sitagliptin have been limited to date because they have lacked important tools like a placebo arm and allocation concealment (in which researchers do not know what the next treatment allocation will be, further preventing selection bias in testing),» said Loomba.
Researchers use the neurospheres to test treatments for gut motility disorders, in which portions of the intestine, sometimes referred to as the second brain, lack sufficient nerve cells to function properly.
The lack of knowledge and tools highlights the importance of ongoing research leading to the development of better diagnostic tests and biomarkers that can predict which patients are at risk for progression from latent to active disease, as well as better - tolerated treatment regimens for latent TB infections, note the authors.
Breast and ovarian tumours lacking one of these two genes are more sensitive to a new - generation chemotherapy, the PARP inhibitors, which is revolutionising drug treatments in this type of cancer.
The treatment could provide what the company calls a virtual cure for Type 1 diabetes, which is caused by a lack of insulin - producing «islet» cells in the pancreas.
In addition to losing her husband to a delayed cancer diagnosis, her son, Cal, now 13, was the victim of lack of treatment for too - high bilirubin levels as a newborn, which resulted in kernicterus, or brain damage from severe jaundice.
With ruthless precision, Dr. Offit unpacks the science (or apparent lack thereof) behind the supplement industry, the vitamin craze, chiropractors, the risks of vaccines (apparently none), the treatment of Chronic Lyme (a disease he says doesn't exist), the madness of alternative cancer cures (which don't work), and the tragedy of treatments aimed at desperate parents whose kids are autistic (which also don't work).
Health issues which can be treated with amino acids such as a weak immune system, lack of energy, poor digestion, hair loss, reduced potency / libido and erectile dysfunction have different causes and will require customised treatments based on the individual's needs.
While human studies on the use of castor oil in the treatment of alopecia are lacking, there are a few studies which compel me to believe that castor oil is a viable option for hair loss treatment.
If the problem were just a lack of insulin, then insulin replacement therapy, which is a standard medical treatment, would entirely cure the condition.
There is a serious lack of information and research on the effects of nutrition on MS, which presents a difficulty to a holistic approach to treatment when a serious part of the puzzle (nutrition and diet) is overlooked.
Rumley has described the roots of the inspiration for the film as coming from his mother's treatment for terminal cancer, and watching the manner in which medications and the lack of greater social interaction destroyed her connection with the world at large.
The researchers also point out there were 1290 unique school and grade combinations in the study sample — an average of 40 students per combination — which meant it «lacked statistical power to find significant differences between treatment conditions or grade levels».
We've heard that a turbocharged version will follow, which should remedy the lack of punch, and which also gets a far more aggressive visual treatment.
Previously, the only additional treatment would be to try to set the break again in the same fashion with the dog's own graft, which in many cases, carries the same potential fail rate due to a lack of blood supply to the bone.
Early on, an affected dog appears to lack stamina, which can delay diagnosis and treatment if the owner assumes it is out of shape or unmotivated.
Delayed treatment or lack of treatment often causes a small problem to get much worse, which can have significant impact on the health and quality of life of your animal.
Just like humans, dogs and cats suffering from cancer or going through cancer treatment may suffer from a severe lack of appetite, which only contributes to a further deterioration in their health and well - being.
Had the extrapolation and duplication been properly disclosed at the time, an alert reviewer or reader might have inquired about the reason for this unique treatment, which would have necessarily led to discovering the lack of robustness in MBH98.
This then leads to a lack of confidence on the dentist's part which can be reflected in the quality of treatment that is provided.
Many people in different care settings are deprived of their liberty by virtue of the type of care or treatment that they are receiving, or the level of restrictive practices that they are subject to, which they lack the mental capacity to provide valid consent for.
situations involving the removal of a seriously ill person in which substantial grounds have been shown for believing that he or she, although not at imminent risk of dying, would face a real risk, on account of the absence of appropriate treatment in the receiving country or the lack of access to such treatment, of being exposed to a serious, rapid and irreversible decline in his or her state of health resulting in intense suffering or to a significant reduction in life expectancy.
They will express most if not all of the 8 behavioral manifestations: (1) campaign of denigration of the targeted parent (2) weak, frivolous, or absurd reasons for the rejection of the targeted parent; (3) lack of ambivalence towards both parents in which one is viewed as all good and the other as all bad; (4) lack of remorse for the poor treatment of the targeted parent; (5) reflexive support for the favored parent; (6) use of borrowed scenarios; (7) the «independent thinker» phenomenon; and (8) spread of animosity towards the friends and family of the targeted parent.
The most common types of malpractice suits involve mistakes in treatment, improper diagnosis, and lack of informed consent which can include treatment against a patientâ $ ™ s wishes, uniformed patient, and an emergency exception.
A phone like, say, the Galaxy Note 4 (which got an excellent score in our full - review treatment despite lacking the coolest charging technology this side of Wardenclyffe).
Factors such as self - efficacy and family functioning were also measured in order to understand which might predict relapse or a lack of response to treatment.
They will express most if not all of the 8 behavioral manifestations: (1) campaign of denigration of the targeted parent (2) weak, frivolous, or absurd reasons for the rejection of the targeted parent; (3) lack of ambivalence towards both parents in which one is viewed as all good and the other as all bad; (4) lack of remorse for the poor treatment of the targeted parent; (5) reflexive support for the favored parent; (6) use of borrowed scenarios; (7) the «independent thinker» phenomenon; and (8) spread of animosity towards the friends and family of the targeted parent.
For example, factors such as which parent has the most money, the most friends, the largest house, is the most religious, the most physically active, has the most education, is home the most, lacks a history of diagnosis or treatment, and so on, may bear on the issue at hand, but are not the determining factors in and of themselves.
Finally, respect for human rights obligations, especially the right of indigenous communities «to practice and revitalise their cultural traditions and customs» [74] and to equality before the law, including in the enjoyment of the right to equal treatment before the tribunals and all other organs administering justice [75], calls for the development of principles which address the unique evidentiary issues involved in native title litigation, including the reality of claims based substantially upon orally - transmitted traditions, the lack of written records of indigenous laws and customs, the «unsceptical» receipt of uncorroborated historical evidence incapable of being tested under cross-examination, and the epistemological, ideological and cultural limitations of historical assessments of traditional laws and customs by non-indigenous commentators.
The lack of effect of cognitive behavioural therapy may be the result of using group rather than individual treatment, which might have been more appropriate.
Couples should ascertain which issues have led them to treatment, such as emotional distance, childhood trauma seeping into adult patterns, infidelity, lack of communication and more.
Limitations include generalization of results which is limited to a sample of a Latino families residing in a southwestern U.S. metropolitan area, small sample size, no - treatment control group, and lack of follow - up.
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