Sentences with phrase «lack of women»

These days, she is worried about the near total lack of women in senior administrative positions in academic medicine.
People were complaining before about lack of women and racial diversity, for example.
It's no wonder that there's a serious lack of women at the top positions in tech!
Another rationale for the relative lack of women in high - growth entrepreneurship is that women founders don't think big enough or aren't confident enough.
She cited lower female enrollment in law schools, lack of women in law firm leadership positions, and stagnant growth in the ranks of women in the judiciary.
And many readers expressed displeasure at the list's lack of women authors.
It's his passivity about the very real lack of women in tech and the undeniable uphill battles faced by foreign entrepreneurs that ought to make people mad, not his ineloquent delivery.
McIntosh bcomes David Cameron's 307th MP and a likely bet in due course for increasing the much - criticised lack of women in the coalition's senior ranks.
She has won fans for her outspoken criticism of a perceived lack of women in Jeremy Corbyn's top team and written a well - received book on her own experiences, Everywoman.
«Labour attack lack of women being selected Main Party democracy is compromised in quest for more women MPs»
Other than Graham, who doesn't really have much to do here, there's a surprising lack of women in the movie, which might make this as much of a guys» film as «Old School.»
These stand - ins for the dangers of absolute subservience to a conformist ideology suddenly turn the movie into a delightful parody of end - of - world flicks, much as was This Is the End at the start of the summer (with the same lack of women, though Rosamund Pike — better here than in Jack Reacher — shows up to add some needed estrogen to the mix).
These are the questions that are conspicuously absent, highlighting the continuous lack of women in game development, because developers are not yet having the conversations that true diversity, outside of the stale white male, brings to the table.
Certain pages of her diary have been ripped out and by focusing on their absence, Geyer sketches a parallel between that omission and a constant lack of women's inclusion in the writing of history.
The original show, from a 21st century perspective, can look like a dinosaur, most pointedly for its complete lack of women and artists of color.
However, what is puzzling, is why do women (or any other identity - politics aficionados who care more about gender than a person's individual qualities) who complain about lack of women being elected, don't actually put their money where their mouths are and support and vote for those women who DO run for office?
Disappointing as this may sound, the lack of women at the top is not the biggest issue here — it's merely a symptom of something far more insidious: unconscious bias against women.
President's conversation with Tumblr founder ranges from student loan debt to the tech industry's lack of women.
One glaring problem is the lack of women or underrepresented minorities in tech leadership positions.
That ongoing debate revolves around whether the lack of women in high - growth entrepreneurship is partly attributable to the fact that only 18 percent of undergraduate computer science degrees are earned by women.
«A confluence of industry events has brought [the lack of women and minorities in technology] to the center stage, from the threats and harassment that have characterized the debate in the gaming world to the publication of hiring data and diversity statistics in the tech industry,» Intel CEO Brian Krzanich told the audience during his keynote address at CES.
The field of AI has been criticized for its lack of women in prominent research roles at universities as well as at major technology companies.
When Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In was published in 2013, it generated a great deal of discussion on the issue of the lack of women in leadership positions.
The lack of women in coaching and leadership roles in collegiate sports is «devastating,» says Deborah Slaner Larkin, chief executive of the Women's Sports Foundation.
CES makes headlines every year for the crazy new gadgets emerging from the desert, but this year a different issue took center stage: the lack of women in attendance and on its panels.
The lack of women in leadership roles in certain male - dominated fields is a «chicken or the egg» problem.
The acronym, which stands for science, technology, engineering and math, is meant to bring awareness to the lack of women in these technical fields.
What's more, she's also using the day to teach her students about the lack of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.
The consultant and mentor explains why early - stage companies can't do it all on their own and why she doesn't think the lack of women in technology is a pipeline problem
It's an excellent list but I noticed the lack of women authors and I commented on that, which led to a long stream of recommendations.
The reasons women don't get funded are complex, but a main contributor is the lack of women controlling the purse strings.
In fact, she quoted back to me venture capital stats I know all too well as the first women to launch a venture capital firm in Georgia about the lack of women decision makers in venture capital.
«Instead of sitting here and complaining about it,» meaning the lack of women and people of color in cryptocurrency, «I'm going to actually go and do something,» Demirors says.
As the discussion on the lack of women in engineering teams gathered pace, we concluded that Crunchbase was uniquely placed to address the issue of women being represented in tech when it comes to founders.
Emily Chang asks Joyus Founder & CEO Sukhinder Singh Cassidy to respond to comments by Sequoia's Mike Moritz attributing the lack of women in VC as...
This Part II delves into what it is really going to take to achieve industry - wide change, which is not being discussed amidst all of the «lack of women» in VC.
«There is a lot of discussion about the lack of women and underrepresented minorities in venture capital.
The lack of women in tech and venture investing was a front - burner issue in 2014, generating a lot of talk and promises.
Emily Chang asks Joyus Founder & CEO Sukhinder Singh Cassidy to respond to comments by Sequoia's Mike Moritz attributing the lack of women in VC as being due to girls not studying STEM.
«The lack of women in the industry is definitely a sensitive issue,» says Peirone.
[Note: Kent has updated his blog to address concerns about the lack of women on the list.
I guess that's why honor killings, genital mutilation and lack of women's rights continues to be a predominately Muslim thing.
Historically there has not been a sense of deprivation in the Orthodox Church because of the lack of women priests.
The name of a female writer came up and a couple of the guys groaned, noting that she constantly complained about the lack of women speakers at Christian conferences.
The Church Investors Group has also warned recently that it will toughen its stance regarding the lack of women on company boards.
Among the Games» lowlights were nine positive drug tests from gold medalists and the lack of a woman among the 207 Saudi athletes.
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