Sentences with phrase «lack thereof»

This particular private's freedom of religion (or lack thereof) was respected through this entire process.
It has nothing to do with humility or lack thereof.
It is beyond my competence to lecture Rivers about the validity or lack thereof of black rage; but surely there is a place for more than just «love» in successful political action?
No one will ever agree on a neutral religious based site, but both of these go out of their way to try and be fair and equal to people of all religions or lack thereof.
When we are waiting, our trust (or lack thereof) is put on display.
Equal rights for all, without regard to skin color, ethnic heritage, economic status, religion (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, marital status, whether or not you have children, what school you went to or what your politics are.
Some look at this passage and see that Christ judges the sheep and goats based on their acts of kindness, or lack thereof, upon the Jewish people during the tribulation and say, «See?
delusion - A belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence (or lack thereof to the contrary) until you have tangible evidence of the existence of god, the notion of god remains in the realm of ideas... and thats a factual statement!
It is overtly obvious that the Framers wanted there to be separation of Church and State as they valued freedom... it is the act of protecting those types of freedoms that makes our country so great today where people of ALL religions (or lack thereof) can come to the US and work to make it the best country on Earth without fear of being persecuted for their beliefs.
*** @ Doesn't Matter *** > Atheists have a lower rate of divorce than Christians and se - xual repression (or lack thereof) plays a solid role in this.
Anyone with Protestant heritage, however, could gain a position regardless of his religious views or lack thereof.
And Hitler was a christian, but neither acted out of their relgious convictions, or lack thereof.
Notes Marin, «What each ideal has in common is that they all focus on sex — or lack thereof — as the standard by which to judge a life.»
As I read more and more books on Jewish backgrounds, this type of book organization (or lack thereof) seems to be a common theme.
Nobody's censoring anything because of its political viewpoint or lack thereof.
I can see how logic is hurting you, or rather, the lack thereof.
On the other hand, I do respect the religious beliefs of others because that is what I want in return — respect to have my own beliefs (or lack thereof) and be left alone.
It's clear... «all» religions are one big pile of dung surrounded by sheep that pontificate about its virtue or lack thereof!
I gave up my faith many years ago but swore I'd never try to «convert» anyone else to my beliefs (or lack thereof, rather).
So this is what I came up with: Robin Williams and God discussing the theological veracity of Hell, or lack thereof.
Second, conflict is not destructive if the political process is open to citizens of all convictions, and there are neither penalties nor rewards based on religious conviction or the lack thereof.
Religious beliefs (or lack thereof) have absolutely nothing to do with morals.
Church attendance has no bearing on the existence of a god, or lack thereof.
I'm willing to wager that anyone who believes such a thing has a mental issue that has nothing to do with his faith or lack thereof.
Religion is simply a system of beliefs regarding the supernatural, or lack thereof.
It's this whole concept that humans bound to the natural world can somehow define and prove the supernatural existence or lack thereof.
However, it would be unjust to disregard Benedict's actions — or lack thereof — since laying down the Petrine office.
Oh, the humaity, or lack thereof when religion and intelegence are both the basis of an argument... online.
Your own faith — or lack thereof — is none of my business.
@Momoya — My faith, or lack thereof, isn't harmed at all by the billboards.
I know this will peeve a lot of people out there but I think as long as you treat your fellow human beings the way you want to be treated then regardless of faith or lack thereof the gates of heaven will be open for you.
Their fruit or lack thereof is not even mentioned.
Or if we're going to continue, as it sadly appears, at least give proper respect to those who's claim that their faith, or lack thereof, is off limits.
So far, all you've shown is that religious belief or lack thereof is no indicator of morality since atheists and believers both do really human stuff like killing and such..
You are more than your virginity — or lack thereof — and more than your sexual past.
What good is the work of Christ if all will be saved regardless of their confession or lack thereof in this life?
sorry, one must first learn to use the brain before one argues intelligence or lack thereof
Belief is what happens when a mind is presented with evidence, or a lack thereof.
It's not because of his quarterback skills (or lack thereof, depending on who you ask).
The more I think about this, it really has nothing to do with my religious beliefs or lack thereof.
In an effort to produce more creative writing on the de-conversion website (and stir the able minds of our readers to seriously consider their faith (or lack thereof (wow, I'm not sure a triple parenthetical is good grammar)-RRB--RRB-, I hereby present to you: the gospel story in its entirety.
For me if one is of the opinion, or belief, or if someone concludes that based on the evidence, or the lack thereof, that there is no god then o.k. I certainly can't prove otherwise.
They quietly profess their belief or lack thereof and are not critical of how others choose to belief and don't push their feelings on others.
Maybe some people would want to pigeonhole me as atheist or agnostic, but the truth is I just don't care about other peoples» imaginary friends, or lack thereof.
What I care about: policies, not one's personal relationship with a deity (again, or lack thereof).
To resolve the Donatist controversy, St. Augustine formulated the doctrine of ex opere operato; that is, that the Eucharist does its salvific work regardless of the sanctification (or lack thereof) of the celebrant.
Additionally, science has nothing to say about the existence, or lack thereof, of a «god».
Personally, I'll continue believing comfortably in my invisible magic man and my boyfriend can keep believing in his lack thereof.
I just wish that you understand that no one is «laughable», everyone shares equally the same right when it comes to faith or lack thereof.
It should be that they either represent all religions (and lack thereof) OR represent none when dealing with political issues - it seems so one sided to me.
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