Sentences with word «lactivist»

The aim of lactivist tactics is to scare women into breastfeeding by inflating the benefits and concomitantly exaggerating the so called «risks» of formula feeding.
The difference here is that in the case of IV fluids for lactivist purposes, there's a perfectly safe and healthy alternative in formula, whereas with vaccines, the alternative to not vaccinating is the diseases themselves, which aren't perfectly safe nor healthy.
Outside circles of top public health officials and what are known as lactivists — advocates for breastfeeding — most Americans remain unaware that Obama breastfed her daughters, now national symbols of healthy children.
These «ladies» are actually life - sized photos of women feeding their children, an effort by lactivists to make people more comfortable with public nursing.
Unfortunately I think many lactivists do believe absolutes.
Do you know why lactivists exist in the first place?
I'm personally very thankful for the (non-judgmental) lactivist community online and the information you put out there because in future, I hope to have more success breastfeeding through what I've learned.
I found the dissertation valuable for the way in which Newman explains the American lactivist movement.
Maybe it's because lactivists like Martha are well aware that for many women breastfeeding isn't awesome at all.
I wish more lactivists went with a «try it for a few weeks and see how it goes.
It opened my eyes to the fact that the only person who gets to decide which feeding method is best is the mother, she knows her family and her situation better than anyone else, certainly better than the anonymous lactivists on the internet who mean to shame her for her choices.
She's now waging a campaign to have other lactivists, breastfeeding moms, and people who have common sense to join in and send letters to your affiliates.
In the second place, most lactivist efforts are utter failures because they fail to take into account the real reasons why women choose not to breastfeed: the pain, the difficulty, inadequate milk supply, and the inconvenience.
What lactivists like myself are fighting is the idea that breastmilk can be easily substituted with formula.
I've heard lactivists say some pretty hurtful things to formula feeding mothers, and I've heard formula feeders say equally harsh and hurtful things to breastfeeders.
-LSB-...] a self - professed lactivist who writes at Eco Child's Play, says she doesn't believe that «setting aside creative, imaginative free play for an -LSB-...]
Perhaps lactivists overreached by dramatically inflating the cost of breastfeeding supplies:
Unfortunately, most lactivists ignore that some difficulties just can not be overcome (no amount of support is going to effect IGT, for example).
If lactivists really cared about increasing breastfeeding rates, they'd stop talking and start listening, but instead they just keep yammering away.
ELISHA: When I first heard lactivist my initial feeling were someone that supports breastfeeding moms.
Mostly due to the indiscreet, self - entitled, confrontational and narcissistic attitude that comes with it... which is seemingly a pattern with lactivists to begin with.
Our family is a huge lactivist family.
I tried everything that all the Facebook lactivist mommies and La Leche League forums recommended: nipple shields, mouth exercises, dribbling formula on my nipple like I was in a preschool version of the candle wax scene from 9 1/2 Weeks.
The single biggest obstacle to lactivists encouraging breastfeeding is that they are so desperate to stroke their own egos that they don't listen for even a milllisecond to what women are actually telling them.
Yet lactivists feel no compunction about behaving like know - it - alls and doing the exact same thing.
What about reading lactivist blogs and LLL articles about ways to increase your supply while nursing?
To read more of Lauren's stories, visit her at The Peaceful Lactivist.
I'm not a crazy lactivist who thinks all formula is totally unnecessary either.
Thank you for taking the REAL feminist stance that women should be free to choose whatever way of birthing and infant feeding they feel is best for them, not just the NCB / lactivist approved choice.
I DO think there are lactivists out there who are absolutely anti formula.
I would love for one of those hateful «militant lactivists» to have spent a few days on my schedule and then tell me that I just wasn't trying hard enough.
I mean I'm not defending IV fluids for lactivist purposes, but isn't there a similarity between a story like that and telling stories of horrible reactions to a vaccine or c - section complications resulting in death?
This seems to follow the pattern of wishful thinking that permeates the NCB and lactivist lines of thinking.
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