Sentences with phrase «lactose intolerant»

Other types of whey protein powder come in a less pure form and can be troublesome for lactose intolerant people.
I'm not lactose intolerant so that wouldn't be a problem.
Butter contains only trace amounts of lactose, so moderate consumption should be safe for most lactose intolerant people.
A dog becomes lactose intolerant when their body does not produce the appropriate amount of an enzyme.
When my daughter was diagnosed as lactose intolerant last summer, frosting was one of the first things I started to tackle to make it dairy free.
The test said he is also lactose intolerant and has issues processing caffeine.
It can be used as a milk substitute for lactose intolerant individuals who can not digest milk and would normally lose out on its health benefits.
At the ripe old age of 30, I discovered that I was actually lactose intolerant.
Parents of lactose intolerant children are generally advised to avoid dairy products completely.
I also love kefir & can also tolerate it because I am lactose intolerant too.
However, not all dairy products contain high levels of lactose; cottage cheese and yogurt are two products that can be fed even to lactose intolerant dogs.
Parents of lactose intolerant infants, or infants with a cow's milk protein allergy, often wonder if their babies might benefit from goat's milk.
But what does this mean for our four - legged lactose intolerant friends?
Seriously, what about all the basil - loving vegans + lactose intolerant folk of the world?
But being lactose intolerant doesn't mean you must forgo dairy at every meal.
It's perfect for anyone who is lactose intolerant because it has no dairy.
This is because most mammals become lactose intolerant once they reach adulthood.
Some even to the point of being lactose intolerant just like humans.
I am mildly lactose intolerant in that I can tolerate small amount of dairy so long as I take a big dose of probiotics daily in addition to all the yogurt I eat.
I am extremely lactose intolerant so I can not have my favorite salad dressing; blue cheese.
I'll have to try it with coconut cream sometime as I am becoming more and more lactose intolerant by the day.
They are ideal for lactose intolerant infants and babies who have a milk allergy.
I'm not a big fan of it but I'm also slightly lactose intolerant.
When people don't have it in abundance in their gut, they are considered lactose intolerant.
If you see me with a «coffee cup» it is going to be hot chocolate with almond or coconut milk because I am lactose intolerant not a health nut.
I'm not vegan just a little lactose intolerant and it's been making me sick.
Moreover, many people are simply lactose intolerant and can not capitalize on these food sources.
As a side note, I am highly lactose intolerant, and on further investigation have discovered that cultured products are often acceptable.
I felt awkward telling people I am lactose intolerant while eating pizza or yogurt.
Dairy products are not good for dogs, who are often lactose intolerant.
Not all dogs are completely lactose intolerant, so you'll have to test your dog's dairy product consumption limits.
If your baby is allergic to dairy or is very badly lactose intolerant, your child's pediatrician may recommend another option, such as soy milk.
Many children become lactose intolerant at these ages and will do better with cheese and yogurt, foods in which most of the lactose is broken down, than with milk.
There's just too many lactose intolerant and vegan friends in my circles.
And, I've been lactose intolerant since I was a kid.
There are degrees of intolerance, though, and some dogs are more lactose intolerant than others.
From a dietary point of view, they are suitable for lactose intolerant customers, vegetarians, vegans and customers who choose to avoid or restrict their dairy produce intake.
Considering 75 percent of people around the world are in fact lactose intolerant, the people who actually can consume milk safely with positive health benefits is the minority!
Dairy allergic or lactose intolerant guests coming for the holiday?
The baby isn't necessarily lactose intolerant, just unable to digest it all.
People who are lactose intolerant stay away from dairy products because they can not digest the lactose contents properly.
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