Sentences with phrase «lame argument»

The phrase "lame argument" means that the argument is weak, unconvincing, or not well thought-out. Full definition
I've never seen anything like bitcoin that inspires such lame arguments from its opponents.
Makes lame argument that bubbles are hard to spot.
The problem with your really lame argument is that you have to prove your god exists first in order to make that statement true and you can't.
That's the most lame argument I think I've ever encountered in this blog, and that's saying something.
My point is that you should feel free to disagree, but «the review didn't say anything» tends to be a pretty lame argument.
We heard the same lame argument with Flowers and Apple.
Sigh... same old lame argument from people who do not understand history or have been indoctrinated by the David Barton school of revisionism.
Leaving aside lame arguments as to whether it provides some type of support for the Abrahamic religions, the author seems to have missed the entire point of the new discovery.
You're just perpetuating your sentiments with other posters based on equally lame arguments.
DeSmogBlog provides answers to the usual lame arguments that come up in comments and deranged websites.
Interestingly, USA Today gives famed denier Pat Michaels a chance to respond, but he makes a bizarrely lame argument, which, for anyone who understands the subject (or has read my book), should make one more worried about catastrophic global warming, not less:
«Lame argument,» huffs Timothy Bresnahan, an economics professor at Stanford who, as chief economist for the Justice Department's antitrust division, helped bring the monopolization case against Microsoft.
Yikes... That is one of the lamest arguments.
When they use their «rhetoric» on me, I always think, «wow did that lame argument actually WORK on them?»
«why do you continue to use that lame argument when it has been repeatedly explained to you that that is not what the original Hebrew says?
Try telling your lame argument to the thousands of molested children done by priests.
isn't it a lame argument that anyone that disagrees with your beliefs is not intelligent?
That is the lamest argument for context I've ever heard, Russ.
No course not — just find another lame argument.
Like you, I can make some lame arguments to justify the device as a laptop replacement.
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