Sentences with phrase «land area increased»

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Satterley Property Group has increased its Victorian land bank, buying fellow Western Australia - based developer Peet's 1,350 - lot Arena Estate in the Greenvale area for $ 93.1 million.
By fine tuning their targeting, small businesses can increase their conversions by focusing their landing pages or content marketing campaigns to the geographic norms and preferences in the areas where their consumers are coming from.
THE number of businesses in industrial areas has increased dramatically recently, according to the Industrial Land Use Survey 1997 for Perth, released by the Ministry for Planning.
Despite Swann's success, the idea didn't really take off in urban areas in America until the 1980s, when rapidly increasing real - estate prices began shutting many out of homeownership, according to Reinventing Real Estate: The Community Land Trust as A Social Invention in Affordable Housing, by James Meehan.
The Dallas Fort Worth area is not immune to this problem, recently landing on a list of major metro markets with large monthly housing cost increases.
Production of cotton has ramped up in Australia with the number of bales rising to 3.8 million in 2016 - 17 from 2.7 million and the area of land planted to cotton increased 80 per cent to 473,000 hectares over that time, according to Cotton Australia.
Even if 60 % of agriculture would convert to organic farming, concentrated feed were reduced by 50 % and food waste by 50 %, it would result in a food system with significantly decreased environmental impacts, including lower overall greenhouse gas emissions, and only a marginal increase in agricultural land area.
The world's food security would be ensured even with over 9 billion people in 2050, agricultural land area would not increase, greenhouse gas emissions would be lowered and the negative effects of today's intensive food systems, such as nitrogen surplus and high pesticide exposure, would be greatly reduced.
It should be noted that IRRI's high - yielding varieties and farming technologies have enabled increases in production per land area for farmers and made rice generally more affordable for consumers.
The increased yields obtained through IRRI technologies can help rice farmers to free up land area to raise other nutritious crops and animals.
New farmland is being developed in South America, rising global temperatures should increase the area of arable land in north America and northern Europe and improved governance in Africa is leading to increased food production there.
Land area under organic management in Africa, Asia and Latin America is currently small but increasing rapidly.
However, because of increasing land value and construction costs along with the lesser availability of land area, housing began to favor moderate density and multi-family developments.
Chiszar said voters who supported the tax increase referendum question that allowed the Park District to buy the area's last working farm wanted the land developed as a whole «unique piece of property.»
The NYC Council's Committee on Finance voted to increase the Council's operating budget to $ 81.3 million, an increase of nearly 27 percent from the current budget, following through on Speaker Corey Johnson's promise to increase internal resources and produce a stronger role for the legislative body in areas such as land use and oversight.
On his part, Commissioner of Police, Fatai Owoseni also assured that the Police will increase their presence across major areas of the state as well as ensure the total enforcement of the laws of the land.
We have invested massively on infrastructure especially road infrastructure to open up new areas, increase the value of land and give our people access to their property.
Regional Investments to Move New York City Forward - Investments in New York City's outer boroughs - $ 50 million investment in the Montefiore Health System - Transform health and wellness in Brooklyn through measures such as affordable housing with «features such as exercise rooms, rooftop gardens, and health clinics,» the expansion of New York's Land Bank Program, and the establishment of «Brooklyn as a primary location for the FreshConnect Mobile Markets and FreshConnect Checks program expansion to increase access to healthy foods in the area
When introducing the state spending plan in January, Governor Andrew Cuomo stated in a memoranda of support in his executive budget that reducing setbacks, «would maintain a safe distance for engaging in the sport while making available for hunting more lands in suburban areas, which would increase hunting opportunities, and help manage locally overabundant deer populations.»
«What has happened at Circle will increase the property rate and the value of lands in that area.
In 2002 35 percent of the total area cleared of trees consisted of land swaths smaller than 0.5 square kilometer, whereas by 2010, the contribution of these small areas to the overall deforestation number increased to 80 percent.
The planetary boundaries expert group suggests a focus on abandoned cropland in Europe and North America, together with land in the former Soviet Union and «some areas of Africa's savannas and South America's Cerrado» for this unavoidable increase in cultivated area.
He concludes that the demand pressures for increased cocoa exports, changing weather patterns and falling cocoa prices, has led to more monocropping — the agricultural practice of growing only one type of agricultural product in a large area of land, year after year — and less sustainable growing practices in recent years.
The DRC has proposed measures to preserve its forests under the U.N. - based Reducing Emissions From Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD +) system, including a suggestion to increase its area of protected land from 10 percent of the country to 15 percent.
«On top of that, the area of salt - affected agricultural land is rapidly increasing and is predicted to double in the next 35 years.
Although the country has a target to increase terrestrial protected areas from 13.8 % of total land area in 2015 to 20 % by 2025, economic development has already had an impact on wildlife.
Governments plan to increase protected areas from 13 to 17 % of the land surface by 2020.
But land, water and fertilisers are already in short supply in many areas, and expansion of agricultural land will put further pressure on biodiversity, increase greenhouse gas emissions, and perhaps bring us closer to ecological tipping points that could strain the global life - support systems upon which agriculture itself depends.
The ability to do so will certainly allow farmers to extend the growing season of crops and the land area in which to grow them, increasing both yield stability and production capacity,» said Asst Prof Xu.
• More effective management and protection of large areas outside of formally protected areas; • Increased law enforcement combined with improved legal frameworks and stiffer sanctions for poachers; • Coordination across all sectors on land use and protection of natural resources with a priority on conserving great ape populations; • Conservation advocacy for wildlife and law enforcement to effect behavior change; • An enhanced understanding of diseases such as Ebola to guide conservation actions; • Monitoring of great ape abundance and distribution, habitat loss, and illegal activities.
The researchers» analysis has shown that from 2000 to 2010, the urban land area in East - Southeast Asia increased by around 22 % from 155,000 to 189,000 km2.
In his final weeks in office, Obama expanded the monument to its current 100,000 acres, asserting that the additional land would «increase habitat connectively, watershed protection and landscape - scale resilience for the area's unique biological values» (Greenwire, Jan. 12).
Aichi Target 11 calls for increasing by 2020 terrestrial protected areas to 17 percent on land and 10 percent in marine environments.
They found that AP increased faster than air temperature (AT) over land in the past few decades, especially in the low latitude areas, and the rise is expected to continue in the future.
«Zoning of protected areas and forest conservation on private land, combined with subsidising farmers to increase yields on degraded pastures rather than create new ones, has seen deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon decline steeply since 2004 — although it's too early to say if this success will be sustained,» said co-author Dr Bernardo Strassburg of Brazil's International Institute for Sustainability.
And that heat helps draw air upward, pulling moist air in from nearby forested land that increases rainfall in the immediate area.)
Over time, the need for automated environmental monitoring systems will increase — in areas remote from land, for example.
Under current projected rates of sediment sinking and sea - level rise, the area of land at risk on deltas globally is expected to increase by at least half by 2100.
«You've got bears that are spending increasing amounts of time on land becoming nutritionally stressed, moving into areas of human settlements,» says Todd Atwood, a wildlife biologist at the US Geological Survey.
The numbers of large carnivores, especially leopards, are increasing in private lands and lands outside the protected - area systems in India, bringing new challenges for coexistence.
These findings can also be illustrated in other aspects of resource use: the team found the highest rate of increase in the cultivation of arable land to be in the 1950s; the peak for human - made irrigation areas then followed in the 1970s, and the peak for nitrogen fertilisers was subsequently in the 1980s.
New research suggests that offering financial incentives for farming industries to mitigate the impact agriculture has on the environment, by reducing fertiliser use and «sparing» land for conservation, for example, actually has a positive effect on critical areas such as greenhouse gas reduction and increased biodiversity.
The project therefore represents one of the most plausible approaches to enhancing crop yield and increasing resilience in the face of reduced land area, decreased use of fertilizers and less predictable supplies of water.
So he started out by replanting the land according to a system of natural succession — eventually reforesting the entire area and turning it into an incredibly biodiverse yet productive working farm which, it's claimed, has actually altered the microclimate around it in the form of increased rainfall and lower temperatures.
The silicate + CO2 - > different silicate + carbonate chemical weathering rate tends to increase with temperature globally, and so is a negative feedback (but is too slow to damp out short term changes)-- but chemical weathering is also affected by vegetation, land area, and terrain (and minerology, though I'm not sure how much that varies among entire mountain ranges or climate zones)-- ie mountanous regions which are in the vicinity of a warm rainy climate are ideal for enhancing chemical weathering (see Appalachians in the Paleozoic, more recently the Himalayas).
In addition, when correlations were constrained to the time period that satellite burned area observations were available from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)(2001 - 2012), and thus where estimates of land - use change carbon emissions were more certain2, correlations between fire weather season length, long fire season affected area and net land carbon fluxes increased substantially to ρ = − 0.797 and ρ = − 0.825, respectively, n = 12, P < 0.01).
Chambers et al. (2007) predict that the high flammability of this winter annual weed will increase wildfire frequency and thereby transform large areas of sagebrush steppe from perennial shrub to annual grass dominance decreasing the land's forage utility.
Sand buildup has increased the land areas of many.
A recent global survey showed that our land area is increasing despite the slow rise in sea level.
This chemical weathering process is too slow to damp out shorter - term fluctuations, and there are some complexities — glaciation can enhance the mechanical erosion that provides surface area for chemical weathering (some of which may be realized after a time delay — ie when the subsequent warming occurs — dramatically snow in a Snowball Earth scenario, where the frigid conditions essentially shut down all chemical weathering, allowing CO2 to build up to the point where it thaws the equatorial region, at which point runaway albedo feedback drives the Earth into a carbonic acid sauna, which ends via rapid carbonate rock formation), while lower sea level may increase the oxidation of organic C in sediments but also provide more land surface for erosion... etc..
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