Sentences with phrase «land mines»

"Land mines" are hidden explosives buried in the ground that are intended to cause harm or damage when triggered, either by someone stepping on them or by their proximity to a person or vehicle. They are used to hinder or harm the enemy during wars or conflicts. Full definition
There are a handful of land mines in the mortgage approval process.
The winner will face plenty of land mines in its attempt to stay in front.
I thought about whether I should even try to answer this question, as it's loaded with land mines.
The legal profession has more than its share of land mines for would - be bloggers.
A ward of soldiers wounded by land mines, mortar fire, or bombs may be especially vulnerable to infection.
The game is going to feature weapons like land mines, armor and electric weapons of some sort.
When the dog gets stimulated for digging a hole in the garden it thinks there are land mines buried there.
When you have to walk through land mines that others have laid it is understandable, but when you have laid the mines yourself, then there is a bigger problem.
My advice: leverage the challenger mentality outlined in tip # 3 of my previous post on building massive sales credibility to drive the conversation and reveal hidden land mines.
Also, it avoids political land mines and recognizes that toxic loans are a substantial threat to homeowners nationwide — and to the national economy.
If you can avoid stepping on financial land mines, you will be able to reach financial independence more easily.
Because so many of the loan fraud land mines are yet to come to light, the consequences of valuation fraud will be felt for a long time.
Years of political unrest have also left their mark, and flood waters are transporting land mines, posing an extra danger to the relief mission.
Here's a rundown of the top mortgage approval land mines, ranked from least to most serious.
From being a household pet to working with a drug unit or uncovering land mines in a war zone, this dog can do just about anything with the correct training and handler.
There are now more enemies and land mines which in turn makes the tank controls feel slightly more dated and more difficult to navigate the maps.
The real land mines, I think, come in the arena of fan translation.
Seriously, this member of the top 10 interview questions is loaded with career ending land mines.
Things like unpaid taxes, mechanics lines, or court judgments are all possible land mines.
Maybe he's right, but history shows us that is a pathway laden with land mines.
I've stepped on a lot of land mines, and I can work on helping you avoid them.
MOTALA & MOSHA, THE ELEPHANTS Motala and Mosha are Asian elephants who lost their legs after stepping on land mines along the Thailand — Burma border.
Each step Abel takes to realize his business vision is a potential land mine set by either his competitors or an ambitious District Attorney (David Oyelowo).
In order to reflect on the Human Solidarity Day, PWC urges for countries around the world to come to a conclusion or agreement to help ban land mines or just stop the military for the day, as people's safety should come first.
Looking out onto a cleared land mine field in western Cambodia during a 2007 visit, Marta Karpiel saw row after row of white sticks, each marking an area where a mine had been removed.
Even more common were shrapnel injuries from land mines.
As World War Two comes to an end, a group of German POWs, boys rather than men, are captured by the Danish army and forced to engage in a deadly task — to defuse and clear land mines from the Danish coastline.
Given his litigiousness, it's no surprise that Antonious has earned the enmity of some executives in the golf industry who see him not as a creative genius but as a gadfly who likes to sprinkle the landscape with legal land mines.
«It is difficult then to see how we can hold so prominent a position against land mines, yet somehow continue to advocate that use of cluster munitions is acceptable.»
During World War II, Dr. Menzel recruited and trained over 400 of the best dogs for the Middle East Forces as land mine detectors, and they proved superior to the mechanical detectors.
Cranston's hypnotic voice guides listeners through the harsh realities of war and the emotional land mines of surviving in these very personal yet universal stories of a young man's service in Vietnam.
POSTSEASON SHIFTS: Speaking of postseason, here's a little land mine for coaches, players and fans hoping to play deep into the NorCal Regionals: CIF now has the option of shifting a Central Section team from the Southern California Regionals to the NorCal bracket at the very last minute.
There are still unexploded land mines left over from bombing during the Vietnam War.
And there are all kinds of potential land mines along the way, which is perhaps why Twitter is taking such a cautious approach with Moments.
He served in the United States Army as a corporal during World War II, a service that had him defusing land mines and fighting in the Battle of the Bulge.
My goal here, however imperfectly pursued, is (as a professional consumer of I.P.C.C. reports) to offer ideas on how the I.P.C.C. might avoid setting land mines for itself in the future.
This innovative land mine detector can find explosives that are not encased in metal by detecting the hydrogen atoms that comprise the devious war devices.
Twenty - six thousand people perish each year when they step on or drive over land mines, a third of them the right age to be clutching a doll in one's hand.
Against the emotional manipulations of a wounded Union soldier on the right side of history, Coppola subtly plants land mines for our allegiances are makes the audience reconcile their unspoken past.
There are more land mines in Afghanistan than there are people, so Massoud Hassani turned a childhood toy into an extraordinary wind - powered bamboo mine sweeper that destroys and tracks them.
While he is also an advocate for the restoration of post war communities (including land mine removal efforts), Goldsmith has recently aimed his efforts towards the Morris Animal Foundation, a non-profit research group that pursues advancements in veterinary medicine and technology.
Therefore, if you're any good at it; if you can avoid stepping on any of the many, many land mines buried out there, you can create a ton of value relatively quickly, and shareholders everywhere will be truly grateful.
Freedom Fields USA is the second - largest private donor group to Halo Trust, the world's oldest humanitarian land mine clearance organization.
And keep it up if The Lego Movie's trailers did nothing to convince you otherwise that a feature - length movie starring those dastardly little plastic land mines would end up with the same disastrous fate as so many other game - to - movie conversions... we're looking at you, Battleship.
Powell has a 20 - year history of training dogs to detect land mines buried throughout war - ravaged countries.
Kosovars going home face land mines, booby traps, and poisoned wells.
Also with Sony Pictures Classics, it's set after World War II and sees German POWs forced to remove land mines from Danish beaches.
Both land and air - based vehicles are accessible, as are a number of new weapons, including land mines, rocket - propelled grenades, and stationary gun turrets.
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