Sentences with phrase «land of promise»

«Happiness doesn't have to be a golden land of promise.
Can we imagine ourselves seeking together the good life in this land of promise?
The land of promise lay desolate, a land that God had forsaken.
What word now for the land of promise?
Where was this god, or the people of his hand, or the land of his promise?
By faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, and be looked forward to the city whose builder and maker was God.
Every field and flower declares this a land of promise.
We have tried to show, to be sure briefly, that the Abraham cycle is particularly relevant in the faith of Israel to that first historical epoch in Israel's history when she left a land (Egypt) to gain a land (Canaan); while the same is to be said of the Jacob cycle and its relatedness in faith to the story of Israel in the land of promise.
The land of promise was not Abraham's land of origin, nor was it the land of his fathers» graves.
It was the proudest day of that boy's life, because he thought the flags were flying to welcome him, who from far Sicily was coming to the land of promised freedom.
He was a man who spent his life in leading Israel to the land of promise.
She is fleeing Colombia, with its dead horizons and numbing poverty, and heading out to a land of promise.
It is a portable sanctuary, for they are still a pilgrim people destined to wander for some forty years as nomads in the wilderness, learning, worshiping, preparing for the day when they claim the Land of the Promise and make it their holy land forever.
An economic migrant — a desert nomad — leads his family toward a land of promise, believing he is following the will of his Creator.
To submit to the waters of baptism in the Jordan meant to move from the bondage of Egypt, of Babylon, of sin, to the land of promise, freedom, salvation.
Others came back to the old «land of promise» in the years to follow, probably never in large numbers.
The message of redemption from this second Egypt, of a second exodus and a second entrance into the land of promise, is brought forth from its place of living seclusion in the hearts of Isaiah's disciples.
The first is a period of formation: the development of a small clan into a large society of people; the unification of disparate tribes into a nation; migration in and out of slavery, through the wilderness, and into the land of promise.
Even when you are carried into exile, out of the land of promise, the hands that carry you are still those which once brought you into the land — and which have power to bring you back, according to the nature disclosed in the Name.
Divided, the people of God take a new name, Israel - and - Judah, until Yahweh tears them from the land of promise and melds them together in exile into one new man, now all Jews, now all «Judahites,» incorporated into the royal tribe.
The Lord midwives his son Israel through the travail of Egypt and carries him to Sinai, where he teaches him to worship in his tent and live in the land of promise.
Like Abraham long before, Ruth came as a foreigner and became God's chosen in the land of promise.
And the apocalyptic outlook, centering in the coming Parousia of the Son of Man in Galilee when that land will become fully and forever the land of promise, the center of the New Age, is likewise reflected in Mark, especially in the two verses 14:28 and 16:7.
20:10) that the episode comes to be seen as the explanation for Moses» failure to enter the land of promise (see Ps.
This theme continues through the stories of the patriarchs and forms the prologue for the much more important and rather more historically based tradition, of the deliverance from Egyptian slavery and the entry into the land of promise.
In the bible, Caleb was one of the Israelites leaders sent by Moses to explore the land of Promise.
Few weeks in Ghana, Nicholas run out of money and had to do another stowaway, this time to Israel, the land of promise.
Go to the land of promises.
It exposes the tangled ties between Mexico and El Norte - land of promise and opportunity, homewrecker and unreliable friend.
The land west of the Mississippi was overwhelmingly vast, both beautiful and brutal, a land of promise and pain, a land of unbelievable hardship and unbelievable riches.
BERNIEMACK ARELLANO's Habagat Central chronicled his various travels to the different provinces, towns and cities in Mindanao entitled «Mindanao Saga: Return to the Land of Promise».
This is our collective efforts to showcase the many blissful things to experience, discover and see in the 97,530 square kilometers land area of the Island once dubbed, «The Land of Promise».
This is the western landscape, the last frontier, the land of promises, but it is full of illusions, sometimes anthropomorphic, and certainly a landscape that no longer exists.
YouTube, the land of promise where a dad with a camera posts a daily blog, and is viewed more times than the nightly news in Australia.
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