Sentences with phrase «land station data»

If you go to the readme file in the archive, they say exactly what files they use: «This directory contains the adjusted land station data and metadata used in the Old Analysis; data from GHCN - Monthly version 3.2.2.
The first 50 years (my longer term model was based on GISS land station data) had something like a 0.15 C upward trend due to increased solar activity, compared to a ~ 0.10 C anthropogenic contribution.
For the ocean data, GISS still uses ERSST v3b rather than the newer ERSST v4, but will switch to that file next month, when we add the June 2015 data; the collection of land station data used in that paper includes many more sources than GHCN v3.3.0 and will probably be incorporated into a future GHCN v4.
DMI recommend that the 2m air temperature data should not be compared with overall Arctic temperature estimates from other data sets, which generally cover a wider area (usually above 65N) where more land station data is available.
If the model is successful and the adjusted SST run produces something close to the actual land station data, then the unadjusted run * will * produce «worse» results.
stations will seriously affect the mean, and that evidence for global warming is exclusively tied to the land station data.
It is probably even less reliable than the land station data, even when we consider that the land station data is affected by the urbanization bias problem.
Of course, if the Sea Surface Temperature data was adjusted specifically so that it better matched the land station data, then you can't then use that adjusted data to claim the land station data is reliable!!!
I also have no doubt that much of the warming is overstated, primarily because of bad data, bad methodology, poor quality control and a gross underestimation of the UHIE on the land station data.
If NASA and NOAA were adjusting data to exaggerate the amount of planetary warming, they sure went to an awful lot of trouble and effort to produce only a small overall increase in warming in the land station data.
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