Sentences with phrase «language comprehension because»

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By the time they reach third grade, English - language learners may begin to struggle with a more challenging reading curriculum, and because of this, their school may examine them more closely for comprehension challenges and may eventually refer them to the school's special education team for a learning disability diagnosis in their second language without fully assessing them in their native language.
There hasn't been a comprehensive study of the technologies teachers are using to aid K - 12 English - language learners, but educators strongly recommend individual computer programs and other technologies because they say they accelerate the acquisition of phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and reading - comprehension skills and other language building blocks.
Instruction in problem - solving skills should put less stress on understanding of cue words and more on situated language comprehension and information processing, because cue words sometimes misguide students.
Because of the Matthew effect, the greatest opportunities for enhancing language comprehension come early; once wasted, they may be lost permanently.
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