Sentences with phrase «language learners at all levels»

CAL specializes in developing effective solutions for educators and practitioners working with language learners at all levels of instruction (preK — 12, higher education, and adult education).

Not exact matches

«I have some English - language - learners, some students reading at fourth grade level, and some at fifth grade level.
For several days in early January, Michaelis and support staff members met with classroom teachers in grades three to six charged with identifying students in different subgroups (Hispanic, African American, English language learners, special education) at levels 1 and 2 with the best chance of scoring at a higher level on the math, reading, or writing section of the CMTs, if they received intensive, targeted remediation.
Diverse needs: Diverse needs might include learner variability; language skills; technology and internet access levels outside of school; cultural specificity and challenges at home such as poverty, homelessness or instability.
Many of the nation's top education researchers have launched new studies into topics such as how best to teach reading in the academic content areas, how best to teach writing at the high - school level, and how best to support the literacy development of adolescent English language learners.
As an English - language learner and a student with LD, Juan does not yet read and write at grade level.
The IB Learner Profile provides a framework and common language for character education at the secondary level.
The DCPS funding formula does differentiate public funding based on the number of students at each grade level and in different special needs categories, including special education, English language learners, and those «at risk» for academic failure.38 DCPS would not disclose how or if it factors in parental donations when determining school budgets or allocations.39 However, it did report not having a policy to equitably redistribute parent donations or to prohibit these additional dollars from being put toward staffing.40
IDRA Testifies Before the Texas Senate Education Committee About ELL Education IDRA's Dr. Albert Cortez presented testimony state policies affecting the education of English language learners, particularly at the secondary level.
Are these errors typical of a beginning language learner or of someone who is at a higher level of language acquisition?
English language learners have unique instructional needs, and differentiated instruction is the key to reaching all ELLs one - on - one, at their precise learning levels, and empowering them to succeed.
As IDRA's 2014 José A. Cárdenas School Finance Fellow, Dr. Jimenez - Castellanos will conduct an important and timely empirical study to examine the amount of supplemental funding above the base funding level that is required to effectively implement appropriate services for English language learners at the secondary level in the State of Texas.
At the structural level, content teachers and English language specialists should work together in professional learning communities to better understand their English learners» strengths and needs and to select or create instructional supports to address them.
For example, although older English language learners may be able to read words in English at a 1st grade level, they may not be able to comprehend these words as well as a 1st grade native English speaker does.
Diverse student groups (Hispanic, African American, English language learner) have not achieved at the same levels as White students (IES, 2009).
These learners are typically found in grades 6 — 12, speak a language other than English (usually Spanish), are often orally bilingual but less adept at academic language, have often moved back and forth between their home countries and the United States, have typically received inconsistent language programming, perform below grade level in reading and writing, and have different needs from those of newly arrived language learners.
As the recently published Title III guidance to the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) states, «With effective, research - based supports and access to excellent educators, [English learners] can achieve English language proficiency and perform academically at the same high levels as their non -[English learner] peers.»
Two of Millspaugh's biggest academic concerns are similar to those at Chillum: the level of rigor and English - language learners» need for more academic language.
The state recently launched a Bilingual Common Core Initiative to analyze the language requirements of the Common Core and to develop bilingual performance indicators and achievement benchmarks for English language learner students at varying proficiency levels, as well as curriculum modules in the top five languages spoken in the state.
Use the «Data Quick View» to see additional information about the percentages of students with disabilities and English language learners identified, excluded, and assessed at the national and state level in 2017 at grades 4 and 8.
Use the «Data Quick View» to see the types of accommodations permitted for students with disabilities and / or English language learners at the national level in 2017 at grades 4 and 8 and in 2015 at grade 12.
K12 will provide comprehensive wraparound services targeted to individual student needs and for the benefit of the school community: development of strong community within the virtual academy; access to the best and most current virtual instruction curriculum, assessment and instruction based on solid research; customizing each student's education to their own individual learning plan; academic success at the school and individual student levels resulting from teachers» instruction and constant monitoring of student growth and achievement with interventions as needed; national and local parent trainings and networking; frequent (i.e., every two to three week) teacher / parent communication through emails and scheduled meetings; establishment of unique settings for students and parents to interact; connecting students on a regular basis with students across the United States in similar virtual academies and across the world through networking and K12 national competitions (e.g., art contest and spelling bees) and International Clubs; access to the entire K12 suite of services and instructional curriculum (currently including K12, Aventa, A +, and powerspeak12) to include world languages, credit recovery courses, remedial courses, and AP courses; participation in a national advanced learners programs; a comprehensive Title I program that will provide additional services for students; school led trips, for example, visits to colleges, grade level specific trips such as student summer trips overseas, etc.; School prom; school graduation ceremonies; national college guidance through a network of K12 counselors; school community service opportunities; student developed student body council; school extracurricular activities: possibilities would include the development of a golf club, chess club, bowling club.
Plus, with robust learning scaffolds embedded in every lesson — including linguistic supports for English language learners and more intensive instruction for Response to Intervention students — Achieve3000's solutions help learners at every ability level maintain and even grow their reading and writing skills over the summer.
Designed for students at reading levels 3.0 through 5.0, the software can also be used by English language learners, learning disabled pupils, and remedial readers.
Highly engaging, cross-disciplinary articles are differentiated at 12 levels in English and 8 in Spanish, with built - in supports for intervention students and English language learners
Highly engaging, cross-disciplinary articles differentiated at 12 levels in English and 8 in Spanish, with built - in supports for struggling readers and English language learners
A report from the National High School Center at AIR and the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research (CCSR) found that ninth grade course performance is more predictive of high school graduation for English language learners (ELLs) in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) than other ELL - specific indicators, including English language proficiency level and whether students experienced interruptions in their education.
Designed for students at 5th through 8th grade reading level, the program can also be used by English language learners, learning disabled pupils, and remedial readers.
Hopeful that the legislature would initiate some action to address the question and resolve the issues before court intervention, State Senator Judith Zaffirini submitted a plan to the legislature to address the need for improved monitoring of state bilingual and ESL programs in Texas, including the disaggregation of English language learner state testing data at the elementary, middle and high school level.
By differentiating the same grade - appropriate content at 12 reading levels in English and 7 in Spanish and providing robust scaffolds for struggling students and English language learners, Pro ensures all learners have the opportunity to work with grade - appropriate informational text.
In this webinar learn how to assess writing, assign writing across the curriculum, and provide daily writing practice to improve reading comprehension and writing skills for learners at varying proficiency and language proficiency levels while saving time and using data to focus instruction.
Teachers are expected to increase the number of students scoring at or above grade level in reading, math and state language tests for English learners, by 25 percent over the next year.
Fortunately, in addition to tracking the performance of all students on mathematics and English Language Arts standardized tests, the new accountability system and the LCAP also look at English learners» progress toward English language proficiency — tracking progress from one level to the next on California's English language proficiency test.
The program was designed to address the cycle of blame between parents and educators at several Sacramento schools with a history of low student achievement, high levels of poverty, and a high percentage of English language learners.
Differentiating instruction for students at different skill levels, for students with disabilities, and for English - language learners; and
Read Naturally Masters Edition (ME) has three series with multiple levels that are aimed primarily at the English language learner.
The demographic shift has created a sizable challenge for the small district: how to shift instructional practices aimed at a largely well - off Anglo population to practices that can help all its students, including English - language learners, succeed at the high levels demanded by rigorous new state and federal mandates.
For example, some publications aimed at language learners may define sentence - level synchronisation points, whereas other types of publications may only map major sections across Renditions.
Toney said LearnStreet will continue to focus on a project - based approach and, while it will expand horizontally into other languages, its real opportunity will be in expanding vertically to accommodate learners at different levels.
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