Sentences with phrase «language level of»

Convey the content of the message clearly and accurately according to the receptive language level of the student

Not exact matches

With Musk, I've been consistently impressed with how much the language of science, technology, and rational inquiry is woven into his conversation, often at a granular level.
The two of them had decided that these little machines needed a simple, «high - level» language with which users could write programs.
This proposed statutory language, which all states will now have the option to adopt, is intended to «harmonize state - level regulation of virtual currencies in the absence of an overarching federal payments regulatory framework.»
Gaebler lauded the law's language allowing the SBA to raise its loan guarantee from current levels to as much as 90 percent for some loans, but said «this latest, new rule negates some of those provisions and... doesn't offer much respect to the small business economy, especially when you consider the big role that small business plays in an economic recovery.»
At the federal level, the US Department of Energy's much - anticipated study on grid reliability deliberately removed language noting harm from climate change between the draft and final versions.
While it is encouraging to see the high level of support from Chinese companies, for whatever reason, the unfortunate truth is that not all leading domestic Chinese companies are able to serve the one belt, one road as they are constrained by traditions, culture, and language barriers.
There is the fact noted above that the language of political correctness and the language of pastoral Christianity overlap only at the level of phonetics.
, official languages and huge disparities in the level of education between congregants.
The writer who goes under this name has left us some of the most magnificent poetry in the Bible — poetry which is largely free from the archaic obscurity of some of the earlier prophets, and can be enjoyed for the power and range of its imagery and its richly embroidered language, as well as for the sublimity of its thought, which touches, probably, the highest level reached anywhere in the Old Testament.
But the fact that the patient retains his use of language at all illustrates that a certain organizational level persists within the «nonsocial» nexus.
Instruction in Islam is given in local languages at the lower levels, but for higher studies a good knowledge of Arabic is necessary and mastery of Persian and Turkish is required for any extensive research.
So if a person wants to read all of the various holy works himself in the original languages (not me) or carefully research the secondary level works of the scholars who do, I think both approaches show their is something special / different about the Bible.
Hence the act of understanding language is partially a case of high - level conceptual occasions, and partially one of reiterative expectations.
If ecumenical dialogue is to take place and to mean anything, it can not operate simply at the level of a quest to find common language and a few shared but isolated concepts.
On the level of language, however, in the writing itself, connections are made: between Jack's jaundiced skin and the «jaundiced» air in their contaminated home; between the lazy, insolent motion of the apparition and her mother's indolent dawdling in the backyard.
I have to leave my immigrant church, a concern for first generation congregations who saw and still see churches as a both a strategy and physical space to connect generations divided by language, education, power, and levels of assimilation through faith.
And Paul is making claims about «all flesh» and «every person» and about the «power of the gospel to save» that go beyond the specific cultural conditions of Jews and gentiles in the first century — his language demands to be engaged with at the anthropological / theological level.
It is distressingly banal to reduce Paul's language about sin and grace, about disobedience and love, to the level of cultural attitudes (toward, for example, «imperial ideology»), though such a reduction often passes itself off as theology in some seminary classrooms today.
Their level of value depends on how language and actions collaborate with the unfolding nature of reality, that is the unfolding, subsummation, and reconciliation of all things.
Thus if, in keeping with a process analysis of language - function, both the confession and the metaphysical assumption are to be taken with full seriousness, the meaning or point of the confessional element must be sought on the imagistic, rather than the univocal, level.
John Paul uses the strongest language possible: Suffering in Christ «unleashes» love — again, both in the sufferer, who is united with Christ at the most intimate level, and in the one who ministers to him in imitation of Christ.
But between these primitive forms of sign interpretation and the interpretation and use of language there are many intermediate levels.
The principle is that in regard to the presentation of subjective aims, God has to «speak» to each actual occasion in its own «language,» that is, at its own level, in a manner harmonious with the character of the sort of data which are in general operative in the aesthetic synthesis which is the concrescence of the actual occasion in question.
Such a miracle would involve the suspension of the laws of nature at the level of primitive actual occasions, but if we accept the principle that God «speaks» to a given actual occasion in its own «language,» and if the «language» of primitive actual occasions in nature is such that the character of the data available for aesthetic synthesis in the concrescence of such occasions admits only of absolutely miniscule contrasts with the givenness of the character of the past, then God has no leverage via subjective aims to introduce shifts in the social structures conditioning the possibilities available for aesthetic synthesis in the concrescences of such primitive actual occasions.
In other words, Collingwood answers Ayer by emphasizing that metaphysical language about being is never situated on the level of empirically verifiable or tautological propositions but on the level of absolute presuppositions.
In the extreme, they become moods and motivations operating at the level of internalized values instead of observable features of discourse, language, or institutions.
Both art and religion are rooted in the Logos, and the language of both is symbolic; for symbols, whether religious or aesthetic, open up levels of reality which are otherwise closed for us and unlock dimensions of our soul which correspond to that reality.
But protagonists of rival theories can seek a common core of overlap in observation languages, on a level closer to agreed observations to which both can retreat.
Below the level of atoms it becomes increasingly difficult to devise methods of dividing things, but anything that has mass (i.e., in Bergson's language, all energy, all composites of matter and élan vital) can in principle be divided in principle be divided, and the principle of metaphysical divisibility should apply.
While advancing to STL - level courses brought new opportunities, like studying Church Fathers and Scholastic theologians in their original languages, it also brought a new sense of isolation.
The adult Christian, no matter what the degree of his psychological or spiritual maturity and commitment, needs education in terms of increased understanding and strengthened performatives at and beyond the level of language.
When we operate on the assumption that our language must constantly be trimmed so as not to give offense, to stroke the psyche rather than to place it under attack, it will of course gradually decline to the level of greeting - card sentimentality.
The second distinctive characteristic of the human level is that, despite periods of recession, successive generations add something to the diversity and range of meanings which language and other symbols can carry.
I agree that the creation account is a piece of literature / theology which is couched in language which the Hebrews could understand but to put it on the level of a completely imaginary fairy tale like Cinderella creates problems because we cant formulate doctrine on the basis of fairy tales.
The use of a nickname, the humorous situation that «breaks the ice» at a stuffy party, swearing which offends the pious because it is close to the logic of the language about God, the use of words with a specialized meaning and enclosed in quotation marks or inverted commas, the discovery of someone's name after an encounter on an impersonal level are incidents which may lead to discernment.
The very expression «postulate» should not mislead us; it expresses, on the properly epistemological level and in the language of modality, the «hypothetical» character of the existential belief involved in the demand for completion, for totality, which constitutes practical reason in its essential purity.
He notes that Marxists share with conservative philosophers a disdain for concerns about the meaning of language, but he observes that it is exactly at the level of language that the moral inadequacies and corruptions of our age are evident.
In a remarkable little book, The Educated Imagination, Northrup Frye suggests that there are three levels to the understanding and each of the three has its appropriate language.
Frye's second level of speech he calls the level of social participation, and the appropriate language there is «technological language
Now the third level of consciousness that I want to lift out of Frye's analysis he calls the level of imagination, and the appropriate speech for this level is what he calls «poetic language
In common language, a hierarchy is an organization of individuals with levels of authority — usually with one level subordinate to the next one above and ruling over the next one below.
Let's look briefly at Northrup's types: Ordinary speech is the language of the level of consciousness.
Nevertheless, since the possibilities of grouping the Turing machine's primitive table into higher level concepts are quite varied, a new philosophy of mechanism would tend to support an organization of software into a higher level language that is intuitively mechanical.
It understands only if the simple actions are grouped successively back towards a higher level language, so that groups of simple actions or instructions may have an intuitive understanding that can be expressed in ordinary language.
Graves writes on page 20: «I will assume, along with Carnap, Nagel, and most other philosophers of science, that a theoretical reduction of one level A to another level B requires the following two things: (1) Each term that appears in A should be definable in terms of the language of B.
This intuitive understanding of the language of TV is shared by people whether they can read print or not — and therefore brings about a kind of levelling between those who can read print and those who can not.
By an opaque concept of revelation, 1 mean that familiar amalgamation of three levels of language in one form of traditional teaching about revelation: first, the level of the confession of faith where the lex credendi is not separated from the lex orandi; second, the level of ecclesial dogma where a historic community interprets for itself and for others the understanding of faith specific to its tradition; and third, the body of doctrines imposed by the magisterium as the rule of orthodoxy.
In more advanced education at the university level, there must necessarily be specialization — in one of the sciences, in literature, in philosophy, in the languages, and in much else.
With the highest levels of education traditionally denied to women, the written language has therefore become a major tool of men's continued power.
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