Sentences with phrase «language milestone at»

Remember that toddlers reach language milestones at their own rate, so don't be alarmed if your toddler's vocabulary spurt occurs closer to the end of this stage.
They may not master the language milestones at the same time as other children, and it may be a sign of a language or speech delay or disorder.

Not exact matches

Here's the language milestones to look out for at age 2.
If you think that your child is not meeting his normal speech or language developmental milestones, if he is at high risk of developing a hearing problem, or has school performance problems, then it is very important that his hearing be formally tested by a professional.
Using fingers to point at things is a 9 - month language / communication milestone.
It is important to remember that children each develop at their own rate and that's why all milestones whether for language, social or motor are all given in ranges.
Read up on physical, social, emotional, and language development in ages 2 to 4 and find out which milestones to expect at each...
Many parents know all about «childhood milestones» these days... we can go on and on about the rooting reflex, crawling, separation anxiety, stranger awareness, windows of opportunity for language... etc... But many of us stop following these developmental milestones at some point and fail to recognize that our teens are still developing important physical and emotional skills!
As with most developmental milestones, «there's a wide spectrum of what is considered normal in a toddler's language development,» says Greg Sonnen, MD, a pediatrician at Baylor University Medical Center, in Dallas.
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