Sentences with phrase «language of adventure games»

That is the language of adventure games, but it is not the language of war, and the resulting contradiction has divided reviewers.

Not exact matches

Jean de Lery, in the account of his adventures among the Indians of Brazil, about 1557, describes the wooden grating set up on four forked posts, «which in their language they call a «boucan;» on this they cooked food with a slow fire underneath, and as they did not salt their meat, this process served them as a means of keeping their game and fish.
It took too many people too long to fall in love with a stylized rom - com martial arts adventure that appropriates video game language to provide commentary on how relationships evolve, but Scott Pilgrim vs. the World has rightfully become recognized as a one - of - a-kind pop masterpiece.
Each day, Monday through Friday in July, we combine two hours of fun and interactive, age appropriate Spanish language classes with lunch, games at the beach, soccer games with local children and a number of adventure activities.
Even if you never cared about Doko Demo Issyo games, even if the language isn't for you, there remains little doubt that this is still a pretty decent adventure title and honestly one of the cutest games ever made... at least until the next Bokunatsu.
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