Sentences with phrase «language practice of»

Anglicization in the United States: Language environment and language practice of American adolescents

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He spoke 10 languages and objected to many ancient medical treatments, including the practice of bloodletting, but he also suggested that coffee was responsible for many diseases.
Think of it like becoming fluent in a foreign language — you have to practice speaking the language before it becomes automatic.
English is the working language, and employees of all ranks are addressed by their initials, a time - saving practice that dates back to the firm's early days.
Don't just practice awareness of your own body language.
Even if you're a naturally shy person, you can learn to change the way you hold yourself, your body language, the tone of your voice, and more with consistent practice.
Song is a practiced public speaker, a charismatic presence who talks with his hands and indulges in the language of the tech guru.
«I can't tell you some of the language people use in e-mails directed to us who confuse us with Canadian Pharmacy and their spammy marketing practices,» says David Zimmer, president and owner of The Canadian Pharmacy.
The advisor says that he was upset by the language used in the memo because it made generalizations about the industry, particularly charging that churning of retirement accounts was a common practice.
David Vladeck, a former director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said that because the practice of collecting friend data went well beyond Cambridge, «that in itself may be a serious problem, especially given the language of the consent decrees, which differentiates between users and others.»
A viral story highlights the lingering difference between the language — and the practiceof consent.
The dry language employed by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, however, reveal not just how the bank's mortgage and auto insurance clients were wrongly treated, but show risk management practices that they deemed «reckless, unsafe or unsound.»
A programme for children with speech, language and communication needs has been highlighted as an example of best practice in a new national report.
Several of our attorneys that practice in this group are fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese, dialects and English, and we are able to prepare documentation in these languages and liaise with local PRC counsels to address related issues and concerns.
He frequently cites the work of Frank Furstenburg and Arlie Hochschild, two sociologists of family and gender relations whose views are by no means ideologically conservative, and he avoids value - loaded language, especially when it comes to describing the mainline Protestant churches whose leadership has, by and large, capitulated to the secular - elitist acceptance of extramarital sex, abortion, homosexuality, and other practices that conservative Christians view as inimical to moral life and family health.
For them, at last, there would be some kind of future; some older faces to apply to their unfolding lives, some language in which their identity could be properly discussed, some rubric by which it could be explained - not in terms of sex, or sexual practices, or bars, or subterranean activity, but in terms of their future life stories, their potential loves, their eventual chance at some kind of constructive happiness.»
In language that hinted at what was to come, it declared: «We believe that planned parenthood, practiced with respect for human life, fulfills rather than violates the will of God....
Instead of accommodating its usage» and so its ideas and assumptions» a translation of Holy Scripture should serve the end of conversion by employing principles that recognize Christianity as its own culture with its own language and practices, raising readers up and rooting them in a rich tradition of translation, transforming them through the creative rationality, beauty, goodness, and truth reflective of the triune God who speaks his Word.
Offred also creates her own subversive counter-texts and continually practices the mental acts of poetic synthesis and analysis, remaking distinctions that the State elides and reviving the language for which she hungers in this famine of the Word.
Some of my practices are using explicitly feminist God - language, not just «inclusive» because folk hear / see / imagine a male god when they hear «God.»
I've learned now that learning the language, practices, and ways of reconciliation won't ever be a check - mark on a to - do list.
Whoever wants to be understood is constrained to speak in accordance with the practices of the language community to which he belongs.
Because theological truth and therefore theological language belong to the eschatological dimension, linguistic analysis as now understood and practiced which deals with empirical and historical truths can not decide on the meaningfulness or meaninglessness of theological language.
There is no way of knowing how many people have given up the practice of prayer because it seemed to them hokum — in plain language «the bunk» — but the number must run into many millions.
Worse, many of those commandments laid out by Christ in clear language in the Bible were totally neglected — sometimes, even the exact opposite of the Bible's plain mandate was being practiced!
Ideally they also learn and practice other languages than their own; their holidays are used to gather knowledge and understanding of art and other cultures, rather than just sunning on a beach.
Rather, they are dispositions for public actions — perhaps contemplative practices, perhaps discursive reasoning employing a publicly shared language, perhaps physical expressions of emotions employing culturally conventional facial expressions or bodily movement, perhaps intentional bodily action (as we have noted, just which of these public actions has not been specified).
The Oblates declare their rejection of «the premise that European languages, traditions, and religious practices [are] superior to native languages, traditions, and religious practices
The language of ideology sounds great; it reflects concern for others and notable religious principles, but it also happens to protect a self - seeking, status - quo theory or social practice.
I have some experience with it, having studied and taught it to undergraduate students for ten years, and having practiced Buddhist meditation periodically, most meaningfully under the guidance of a Zen Buddhist master from Japan for whom I served as a language instructor for one year.
Feminists see that our whole inherited system of language expresses and undergirds the patriarchal practice.
Compliant preachers overly control the language of their sermons, «seeking to limit any surprising eruption of emotion or spirit or any challenges to familiar patterns of belief or practice
For they dwell not somewhere in cities of their own, neither do they use some different language, nor practice an extraordinary kind of....
Black theology uses the language of the masses to make plain the feelings, hopes, dreams, experiences and practices of black folk.
Thus, he concludes: «The sense of human languages and practices as the results of experimental self - creation rather than of an attempt to approximate to a fixed and ahistorical ideal..
He deals particularly the relation of faith to practice, the nature of salvation, the relationship of language and metaphysics, and the nature of grace.
Theologians who come to Scripture must overcome the gap that separates their world from that of the Biblical writers - a gap that involves language, thought - forms, cultural practices, and historical situations.
In the pathos of these remarks, Cox and Rogers were trying to find a language that has begun to vanish along with the practice of confession.
The suspicion he practices in relation to language is not some business of «accommodation» to modern culture.
For they dwell not in cities of their own, neither do they use a different language, nor practice an extraordinary mode of life.
The goal of a genuine objectivity is thus in actual practice undermined by a will to power structured in the very semantics of language and expressed through a mastery of the object through technique.
What Our Lord in this Gospel is telling us in the language and categories of the time, and what the Church has developed and applied in practice, is that the only exception to the life - long bond of marriage is where there is in fact no legally binding covenant to begin with.
Effectively, though we have given the Bible back to the people in their own language, in actual practice we have maintained the power, position, and authority of the priestly / clergy / pastoral class as the accurate interpreters of Scripture.
Because it is education that must proceed indirectly by way of the examination of texts and practices whose study is believed to lead to understanding God and all else in relation to God, and because those texts and practices employ ordinary languages belonging to widely shared cultures and do themselves have cultural locations, such education is inescapably a public undertaking, understandable to anyone who understands the relevant languages and cultures.
By analyzing the structures and language of those practices, theologians can identify the basic convictions that operate within them and seek to subject them to analysis and criticism.
Male students feel the burden as they learn firsthand how women students are revising the theological language, ministerial practice, and self - understanding associated with a profession too long captive to the interests of men.
Iraqi Christians are treated less than third (3rd) class citizens, No Rights of Freedom of speech or expression, thought, opinion etc., No Rights to Practice Religion, Hateful of Christians, when in Reality its the Christians that were there LONG before the Arabs, its a matter of facts, Iraqi Christians still speak the ARAMAIC Language, the same exact language as Jesus Christ Spoke (our GOD), the descendant of Abraham, from the Land of the Chaldean «UR».
While formally possessing the same powers as the other provinces as set out in section 92 of Canada's Constitution Act, 1867, Québec in practice exercises certain powers, for example, over language, that the other provinces are content to leave to Ottawa.
We were created to be image - bearers of the Almighty God together, so there is no room for that language or practice without some serious hermeneutical gymnastics and soul damage.
No, because UCLA, along with any number of other large research - oriented universities, embodies in its practices and its language a Weberian conception of the academic vocation.
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