Sentences with phrase «languages spoken there»

The school board estimates there are from 72 to 88 different languages spoken there.
Ask them to also identify the vegetation, wildlife (especially birds), and languages spoken there, since each of these is referenced in Argueta's poetry.

Not exact matches

Understanding your audience and speaking their language will help get you there.
This rising tide of connectedness in the world suddenly means that if you're an English - language publisher, there are hundreds of millions of people around the world where people speak English as a second language.
There's been a push to offer bilingual packaging and signs in the United States, but with such a large segment of the population not speaking English as a primary language, the audience certainly deserves more tailored attention.
«There was a point, he told me, where after spending nearly $ 200,000, he felt like, «I am completely illiterate in something that I have so many ideas in, in an area that is the future, and in an area where if I want to continue building things then I need to be able to speak the language,»» Poonawala said.
THERE is an increasing interest in the fascinating foods of the great sub-continent of India, where almost half a billion people speak over a dozen major languages which are localised by more than 1500 dialects.
Cohen, who believes there is no place for disfluency in our everyday language, finds filler words «impede our ability to speak with power» and «become interrupters that detract from our message.»
It's hard to do it without people who speak the local language and we need to ramp up our effort there dramatically,» Zuckerberg said.
When people speak the same language, there's less of a learning curve when talking about the technology.
Although she spoke no English when she arrived and we spoke no Farsi there was a universal language of love, laughter and kindness shared.
For example in the Luxembourg office there are more than 20 nationalities and people speaking over 10 languages.
It seems to me, that if there were a god, she would be more inclined to encourage people to speak the unifying language of science as opposed to the divisive languages of the various religions.
«in a language other than Spanish»???? Has it ever occured to anyone that there are hundreds of other languages out there and just because someone speaks one (or more) of them does not make them a threat to you.
I attended a church with «gags,» and what struck me the most after leaving it was that the people still there thought that speaking «gag language» was normal.
In fact, in the past 9 years there have only been 3 topics people discussed, regardless of their race, religion (even atheists), culture, gender, or primary language: they only spoke of (1) God, (2) family, and (3) relationships with other people & regrets / joy for those relationships.
To borrow the language of Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time to listen, but there is also a time to speak.
At the same time it was estimated that there yet remained five hundred to a thousand other language groups spoken by substantial numbers of people into which translations should be made, and many of them will be.
Priority went to Mormons in areas such as Border Patrol, FBI, State Department (supposedly Mormons all speak two languages but the rumor was there was a lot of incompetent interpreters hired).
Whether there ever was a time when humans were so few in number that they constituted only one society and spoke only one language we can not say.
There's a long pause before he answers, but the body language of the 42 - year - old American also speaks volumes.
There would otherwise be no point even attempting to communicate; it would be like speaking a different language and expecting to be understood.
Because of God's transcendence it would be mythological to refer to God's action in terms appropriate only to objects available, in principle at least, to ordinary sense perception.13 This especially means that one can not speak of God in terms of the categories of time and space; 14 i.e., whatever is predicated of God can not apply only to some particular time and space, but must apply equally to all times and spaces.15 Thus the implication of Ogden's criterion for non-mythological language about God corresponds to his statement of several years ago, that «there is not the slightest evidence that God has acted in Christ in any way different from the way in which he primordially acts in every other event.
He spoke of «God up there» when theologians such as J. A. T. Robinson were busy with erasing the mythical language of three - storied universe that underlies the early Christian thought and experience.
«Trinity» did not originally mean, as it does for some later, that there are three kinds of revelation, the Father speaking through creation and the Spirit though experience, by which the words and example of the Son must be corrected; it meant rather that language must be found and definitions created so that Christians, who believe in only one God, can affirm that he is most adequately and bindingly known in Jesus.
His own pet proof of «why there almost certainly is no God» (a proof in which he takes much evident pride) is one that a usually mild - spoken friend of mine (a friend who has devoted too much of his life to teaching undergraduates the basic rules of logic and the elementary language of philosophy) has described as «possibly the single most incompetent logical argument ever made for or against anything in the whole history of the human race.»
In this case, the formulation of God's language is alluded to; thus there is coherence in this set of expressions, so that we can not dismiss the word «speak
There was no holy language; it was the common everyday language translated into whatever tongue the listeners spoke and infused with the enthusiasm of the believers.
«Indeed, there is a language of faith in which existence naively expresses itself, and, corresponding with this language there is also a science that speaks of existence without objectifying it to worldly being.»
There always has been a small though significant and still growing support for the Old Mass in the English - speaking world where liturgy in the English language was always seen as the unmistakable medium of non-Catholic worship.
In the UK in 2013, over a quarter of babies were born to mothers who were themselves born elsewhere, and in London schools there are over 300 languages spoken.
There is nothing remotely similar for English - speaking Christians, and without it people lacking command of classical languages and access to university libraries have no first - hand knowledge of the past.
And even the truths in it are from ancient languages that have long ago lost their meaning??? If you get strength from the Bible that's really great, but understand that one size does not fit all, and therefor there is indeed a need for a decoder ring when speaking «religious»..
Even within the subgroup that speak the language there is diverse interpretation of the meanings.
The New Testament is the Word of God spoken through the words of men, and since the proclamation of the act of God as the incarnate word confronts us in this particular form, it can never be spoken of in direct, straightforward language, and therefore there can not be in the strictest sense any «assured results»..
2) «prophecy that explicitly predicts that the Messiah would rise from the dead on the third day» — Explicitly there is perhaps nothing as the Old Testament spoke often in a picture language.
There are a number of other places where the Bible speaks using «all of» language where it is quite clear it doesn't mean that literalistically.
Such a system had serious drawbacks because the teaching materials were several centuries old, the study of Arabic — and no Chinese — was inadequate, so the students could read only a limited amount and could not speak the language, there was no general educational background for the religious courses, and the freedom allowed to the students often led them to form bad habits.
This is mostly due to the languages they speak, kind of food they eat, kind of crops that grow there, how is the water availability, what is the kind of weather — hot, cold, etc. and other factors.
While the religious groups seem to be speaking more stridently in their own languages, there is a realization that the grant of authority to the churches to speak definitively about the «things of God» has largely been wit · hdrawn.
There the Spirit tries to break through the limits of imperfect human language in the speaking with tongues.
Iraqi Christians are treated less than third (3rd) class citizens, No Rights of Freedom of speech or expression, thought, opinion etc., No Rights to Practice Religion, Hateful of Christians, when in Reality its the Christians that were there LONG before the Arabs, its a matter of facts, Iraqi Christians still speak the ARAMAIC Language, the same exact language as Jesus Christ Spoke (our GOD), the descendant of Abraham, from the Land of the Chaldean «UR».
Jews, not Hebrew Israelites as far back as the book of Esther were ran out to Gresian, Turkey, and were there for 2000 years, even loosing their Hebrew language, speaking Yiddish, then when the 1897 Herzel Movement came, this is when the jews began to claim Israel, or Zion, and the instigation of both wars, World War I, & II, following the Holocaust, also instigated to establish the vision in Daniel 11:14, exposed by a rich jew, former zionist Benjamin H. Freedman, these jew zionist cracked a few eggs to make an omlet, it has even been found that there wasn't 6mill.
REV.MANI VARGHESE... I think you need a translator to tell you how to write in English... not that there's anything wrong with speaking other languages.
On the strictest biblical terms there must be something in common between the words we use to speak about God's being and about our being, otherwise it is impossible to see how language about God the Father, and God the Son can be meaningful at all.
On the one hand, there is some talk about speaking in tongues in the New Testament, but it seems like people were translating, and at least in Acts it seemed like people were hearing their own languages, not some strange spirit - talk.
I am speaking figuratively about there being citizens of such a system, for there could be no languages or persons under such conditions.
At the same time, there are passages in the Gospels that can hardly have received their present form in Aramaic; their language, structure, ethos, theology, all seem to point to a purely Greek - speaking community for their main line of transmission and final formulation.
It is almost as if he wanted to find a way back again to the experience of the child's first amazement before the mystery of the world and to linger there forever, speaking a language of pure naming, pure invocation — the language of Adam or of the natural poet.
Theres a reason, I think He is raising up people to reach this people group, and it's hard to reach a people group if you don't speak their language and if you offend their culture every time you come across them.
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