Sentences with phrase «large amount of resources»

Animal products generally use larger amounts of resources and energy than various other plant - based foods, plus produce higher carbon emissions.
I played a very aggressive play style and my general was capable of spending large amounts of resources to drop a laser ordinance for a massive area of effect damage.
At first, this level of openness enticed OEMs to invest large amounts of resources into making Android smartphones and tablets.
As mentioned above, PoW requires large amounts of resources and energy, and pits miners against each other — with each competing to complete transactions the fastest in order to receive a reward (Bitcoin).
«$ 4.8 billion dollars is a tremendously large amount of resources that would go a long way in ensuring our ability to address the inequities which remain across our public school system across our state,» Perry said.
Our competitors China and India do not spend large amounts of resources on children that are difficult to educate.
«We found a very high demand for doorstep service from Pitstop's customers which has prompted us to allocate a large amount of resources to this strategy.
In general animal farming, meat processing and shipping wastes a large amount of resources.
«HUD allocated a large amount of its resources to outreach and customer relations in the form of higher grades, travel and training funding, and personnel,» the report stated.
This means that during an election year, a party must expend a large amount of resources to gain ballot access, and exhausts them before it can campaign for governor.
Roque De La Fuente used a large amount of resources in Florida towards his senate primary race, and much of the recognition he received in that race will carry over to the general election.
A large amount of resources are pooled toward increasing housing and increasing shelter capacity.
While training dogs to sniff out bombs requires a large amount of resources, they're our best bet to keeping our cities safe.
Government and state entities often draw upon a large amount of resources for these types of cases.
There are a large amount of resources that you can use to help yourself save some money on your Beaverton car insurance premiums.
Many Blockchain innovators are wisely diverting a large amount of resources to fill these security gaps: implementing comprehensive preventative and reactive strategies based on a combination of process and technology - driven solutions.
We have a large amount of resources for you to get started with or continue in your help of others.
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