Sentences with phrase «large amount of time»

Children often spend large amounts of time in group settings; school, organized sports, day care, stores - even home can be a busy, noisy and crowded place.
If you spend large amount of time in writing an email and at last if you do not get any response, then all your time will be wasted.
Smaller pack sizes are easier to transport out of the home, which is ideal for shoppers who spend large amounts of time on - the - go.
Learn the answers to these questions and learn how to love homeless people from someone who spends large amounts of time with the homeless every week.
This film has no problem abandoning the human actors for large amounts of time, confident that we can get enough emotional resonance through the apes.
Cats, especially those who spend large amounts of time outdoors, have bacteria in their saliva.
But be prepared to invest large amounts of time in doing this: Your body is as important as your brain.
The responsibilities of management require large amounts of time be devoted to the task.
I know that this team spent a very large amount of time together.
Why should any humans be expected to spend large amounts of time not enjoying themselves?
If your video projects are consuming a disproportionately large amount of your time or budget, try thinking of other ways you can be creative that might require fewer resources.
It requires maintenance, accounting and decision - making on a variety of legal and other topics that can eat up surprisingly large amounts of your time.
It was about ensuring data integrity across different steps in the Insurance value chain, to save large amounts of time and money on the auditing process.
However, you should not devote an overly large amount of time and resources to this area of SEO.
That is why they often don't like bills from lawyers, particularly bills with large amounts of time recorded by attorneys in the same firm talking to each other.
This is quite understandable as creating their assets for current generation platforms takes an overwhelmingly larger amount of time and resources compared to designing them for a platform like the 3DS.
While it takes a significantly larger amount of time and energy to tailor each resume you send out, this method has proven to be most productive.
It can also make you the envy of all your friends who spend large amounts of time complaining about their other half.
When test results are used for school and educator accountability a common response has been to spend large amounts of time on so - called «test prep».
It's uncomfortable to your eyes to read on a computer screen for large amounts of time.
I love being outside and will spend large amounts of time in the fenced yard.
No dog is immune to these parasites, but dogs that spend large amounts of time outdoors are at a greater risk.
As a business consultant, I often found that people ignore all logic when they have invested large amounts of time and energy into an endeavor.
They spend large amounts of their time reading resumes and they have seen every trick in the book.
They love to be with people, so they are not suited to spending large amounts of time on their own.
For example, a person with autism who is viewing a movie of people in a room will spend a relatively large amount of time looking at non-social objects — such as chairs — and is more likely to look at the mouths or bodies of the characters than their eyes.
They dedicate large amounts of time and money to read more and better content.
I don't believe there is a God, and I also don't believe in wasting large amounts of time and resources researching and trying to prove whether he exist or not.
High - stakes tests that consistently focus on narrow slivers of a larger curriculum can yield inflated scores when schools devote large amounts of time to test prep exercises.
Second, your «what ifs» are already accounted for by scientist who spend large amounts of time studying this.
Our Baby Safe Homes safety professionals will help you choose and install the RIGHT gate fit for your home without having to spend large amounts of time researching products in stores or online.
What Phantasy Star IV has in addition to these is an exciting pace; that means you don't need to expend large amounts of time before something happens to move the story along.
A complete career change is a major undertaking involving large amounts of time, effort and commitment — and because we spend so much of our lives at work, it's important to get it right.
I've either been doing this for to long and I'm hallucinating again or I've just spent an exceptionally large amount of time around lethal cows, bandits and immensely silly humor.
He is discovering that he has a very large amount of time now to spend with his family, work on self improvement and expand the real estate endeavor by creating more systems and processes that assist us with passive income.
And the first time I heard that song I listened to it an embarrassingly large amount of times.
You spent an apparently large amount of time telling us this??? hmmm humour certainly is an individual thing.
I try not to spend large amounts of time wading through complete bullshit, but as a service to my readers, I bought and read Melissa Cheyney's latest attempt at academic relevance.
Robocalls, phone banks and direct mail depend on databases of voter registration and consumer behavior, and database experts frequently spend large amounts of time sorting their lists and testing different messages and asks.
Evil Factory is a simple arcade shooter that doesn't depend on much, including large amounts of time, that runs purely on patience, strategy and microtransactions.
Blended Learning models have allowed special needs to students to be present and fully connected to the classroom community throughout the day, instead of spending large amounts of time removed from their classmates.
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