Sentences with phrase «large amounts of caffeine»

Most energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine as well as sugar or artificial sweeteners.
This stems from «caffeine addiction», which can occur when large amounts of caffeine are taken in over days or weeks and reduced or stopped.
Young people may be more vulnerable to these effects, especially when consuming large amounts of caffeine.
The problem is most of them contain caffeine and in some cases a very large amount of caffeine.
Most energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine, which can provide a temporary energy boost.
Each of those will boost your health in some way and soon you will lose the habit of consuming large amounts of caffeine.
Cyclists who drank large amounts of caffeine (five to six strong coffee cups worth!)
I'm also not wild about large amounts of caffeine, so when I heard about brewing chocolate, which is naturally low in caffeine, I perked up a bit -LCB- see what I did there? -RCB-.
This means they are ingesting large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants, which can be dangerous.»
Alcohol can cause birth defects, while large amounts of caffeine have been linked to higher rates of miscarriage.
Pregnant women should also take note since coffee easily passes through the placenta and breast milk; these women should avoid large amounts of caffeine due to reports of it causing low birth weight.
In fact, many products on the market contain large amounts of caffeine or caffeine - like stimulants that are toxic to a dog or cat.
A great alternative for those who wish to avoid large amounts of caffeine, sugar, and dairy products, which are commonly found in commercial Chai products.
Studies show that women who drink large amounts of caffeine (more than 4 cups of coffee in a day) are four times more likely to have PMS.
Large amounts of caffeine may result in a more wakeful fussy baby.
«Some kids are drinking energy drinks - containing large amounts of caffeine - when their goal is simply to rehydrate after exercise.
When drinking large amounts of caffeine, this can lead to irritability, jitters, and insomnia.
Although tobacco and large amounts of caffeine are risk factors for many conditions, they apparently confer some protection to those with a predisposition for Parkinson's.
To help sustain her blood pressure, Putnam took medication, wore an extremely tight corset and drank a large amount of caffeine.
Once you have turned in your thesis to your committee and it comes down to those final weeks, if you are still taking in large amounts of caffeine - your nerves are still going to be running high.
It contains large amounts of caffeine, which is a well - known stimulant and triggers the thermogenic process.
A great alternative for those who wish to avoid large amounts of caffeine, sugar, and dairy products, which are commonly found in commercial Chai products.
The words above are fueled by passion and large amounts of caffeine.
Licking a couple drops of coffee off the kitchen floor won't hurt them, but larger amounts of caffeine can cause panting, trembling, nervousness, irritation, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, hypothermia, seizures, and death.
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