Sentences with phrase «large animal model»

The researchers are performing tests in large animal models as the next step toward human studies.
The team hopes to get support to continue its tests of the device in large animal models, and eventually conduct clinical trials.
In large animal models of heart failure, the researchers found that gene therapy delivery of high dose SUMO - 1 alone, as well as SUMO - 1 and SERCA2 together, result in stronger heart contractions, better blood flow, and reduced heart volumes, compared to just SERCA2 gene therapy alone.
This work should be done in mouse and large animal models with mutations in human - relevant exons 45 - 55, rather than in the traditional exon 23 - mutated mouse model.
The screening of the pure - bred dog population for new forms of PRA represents an important strategy to establish new large animal models.
Hingtgen's group is already testing how far their tumor - homing cells can migrate using larger animal models.
The study took advantage of an important large animal model of SMA, the SMA piglet developed by the research group.
«Use of such a clinically - relevant large animal model allows us to begin tackling the next challenges on the road to translating this novel therapeutic strategy to human patients.»
The pig HD model is an example that suggests large animal models could better model other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), he says.
Dr. Gonzalez» research has aimed to develop and utilize large animal models to translate lab bench findings into clinically relevant therapeutic interventions that benefit both human and veterinary patients.
«Pig model of Huntington's offers advantages for testing treatments: Large animal model of neurodegeneration similar to human.»
Our finding of similarity in clinical progression between human patients and Huntington's disease monkeys suggests monkeys could become a preclinical, large animal model for the development of new treatments.»
The next step will be to demonstrate efficacy in larger animal models, as well as test whether this approach can be used to protect against or treat other diseases.
Reporting today in Stem Cells Translational Medicine, the research team verified the effectiveness of lab - grown anal sphincters to treat a large animal model for fecal incontinence, an important step before advancing to studies in humans.
The laboratories also collaborated to successfully prove that reversing a protein deficiency through gene therapy is effective in improving and stabilizing SMA in a large animal model.
«This study highlights the importance of confirming the validity of potential biomarkers in a relevant, large animal model and will be useful in the design of future clinical trails,» commented lead investigator Stephen J. Kolb, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH.
In addition, the researchers noted, there are no large animal models for age - related macular degeneration that faithfully replicate features of the human condition.
«We report here a gene therapy dose - finding study in a large animal model of a severe muscle disease where a single treatment resulted in dramatic rescue,» said Childers.
Still, Angelika Schnieke from the Technical University of Munich, Freising - Weihenstephan, in Germany says that she and her colleagues are trying to ensure they follow the animal welfare principle of minimizing animal use through a European program to coordinate the development of large animal models.
The researchers are now planning to extend their studies to larger animal models and eventually begin preliminary human trials.
«The dog has a retina very similar to ours, much more so than mice, so when you want to bring a visual therapy to the clinic, you want to first show that it works in a large animal model of the disease,» said lead researcher Ehud Isacoff, professor of molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley.
«Large animal models of human disease, like cats, are really helpful for determining what's going to happen in a child when you're treating them,» Vite said.
The research team is now starting to test the robotic system in a large animal model of short bowel syndrome.
«This is the first time that a neural stem cell therapy has been tested in a large animal model with a brain more similar to humans,» said Emily Baker, lead author of the study, who recently received her doctorate in neuroscience from UGA.
These findings are promising for developing a preclinical, large animal model of Huntington's disease for assessing new therapeutics, which could ultimately provide better treatment options, including altering the course of the disease.
«This study provides proof - of - concept experiments, in large animal models, that a small, miniaturized device can be safely implanted in the brain and provide miniaturized control of the electrical activity and function of single neurons or small groups of neurons.
Conceptually related studies were successful in a large animal model.
The Evaluation of a Biphasic Osteochondral Implant Coupled with an Electrospun Membrane in a Large Animal Model.
Biological performance of a polycaprolactone - based scaffold used as fusion cage device in a large animal model of spinal reconstructive surgery.
This large animal model is helping scientists to track altered substances in the blood that could predict HD progression and response to treatment.
«Next steps are to confirm our promising findings in a larger animal model, screen and address any toxicities, scale production, and eventually test for safety and efficacy in humans,» says Doctor.
To quote Dr. Sweeney, «So we were able to conclude that IGF - 1 could prevent all of the hallmarks of age - related atrophy and loss of skeletal muscle function in mammalian aging, at least based on the rodent model, and now we're hoping to pursue this in larger animal models
Our results demonstrate that CD40 - B can stimulate immune responses in vivo that impact second remission and survival in a spontaneous, large animal model of NHL.
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