Sentences with phrase «large baby boom generation»

The report says «a frequently heard myth» is that as the leading edge of the large baby boom generation approaches retirement, home prices will collapse as this group sells their family homes to a smaller pool of younger buyers.
With the aging of the large Baby Boom generation, long term care and nursing facilities will require increasing numbers of pharmacy technicians.
The demographics of the legal profession in Canada mirror that of the wider population with the proportionately large baby boom generation nearing retirement age.
My first exposure came in the 1950s at my family's kitchen table, where my mother, a middle school English teacher, talked about strategies for encouraging children to write, and my father, a high school principal, talked about new ways to recruit good teachers at a time when the children from the large baby boom generation were enrolling in the nation's schools.
As reported in a recent Bloomberg article, «the large Baby Boom generation puts a big strain on the budgets of Social Security, Medicare and other retirement programs.
In other words, demographics alone have shaved two percentage points off participation, as the large baby boomer generation started to reach retirement age around the start of the recession.»

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Earlier this year, millennials surpassed baby boomers as the largest generation in America, and brands increasingly need to reflect their personalities as millennial households grow.
Millennials have surpassed baby boomers as America's largest living generation and this group of tech - savvy, socially conscious consumers know what they want.
Baby boomers are retiring in droves, while millennials, those born from the early 1980s to the year 2000, have become the largest generation in the U.S. labor force.
The generation with the largest chunk of savers holding equity stakes at least 10 percentage points above Fidelity's recommended allocation for their age is baby boomers, coming in at 26 percent.
72 percent of American baby boomers are white, but the larger Millennial generation doesn't look like that: Only 56 percent are white.
More than 30 percent of American workers today are part of the Millennial generation, making them the largest shareholder of the American work force, above both Gen - X and Baby Boomers.
But whatever we baby boomers or Generation X'ers think about Millennials they are now the largest group within the workforce and very quickly they will become the majority and those companies which can engage and motivate the Millennials will put their companies in a position to attract the top talents and retain them.
Competition for housing is soaring, affordability is weakening, and the U.S. housing recovery is grinding to a crawl — and, in large part, the baby boom generation is to blame.
Personal consumption is the largest pillar of U.S. GDP, accounting for 70 % of the economy.1 Since the 1980s, the Baby Boomer generation — born between 1946 and 1964 — has been an enormous engine of that spending.
The largest living generation, millennials appear to be much less at risk from the effects of the anchoring bias than baby boomers.
In the United States, for example, the baby boom generation, which is a particularly large cohort, is now beginning to retire.
As the largest generation born in U.S. history, baby boomers» sheer numbers coupled with their reluctance to retire will likely ensure that their influence endures in the workplace in the coming years.
A baby boomer turns fifty every seven seconds, creating what will soon be the largest and most influential senior generation in history.
Some demographers had feared the baby - boomer generation could suffer because its larger numbers could put pressure on public services.
Let's assume we have a generation that makes up for a large part of the society (let's call them «baby boomers», maybe).
Willetts draws on philosophy, game theory and history as he explains the consequences of the unusually large baby - boomer generation.
Wealthier members of the baby - boomer generation might make up a large proportion of those setting aside inheritance for their children and grandchildren, but for others that remains a luxury beyond their means.
«Large decrease in age - related macular degeneration in baby boomers compared to previous generations
The global baby boom of the last four decades of the 20th century means there is a large generation of women who will be fertile for decades to come.
And, since the Millennials have overtaken the Baby Boomers as America's largest generation, today's schools simply can not afford to ignore the implications of this competition.
Since around 2011, the nation's largest generation of Americans, the baby boomers, have begun entering into retirement.
The health profession is predicted to grow rapidly over the next two decades as the Baby Boomer generation reaches retirement age.With the largest population group in the US in greater need of health care services, there will be an increased... [Read more...] about Student Loan Forgiveness For Nurses
Sandwiched between the larger Millennial and Baby Boomer generations, Generation X can often go unnoticed.
The baby boomer generation represents one of the largest retirement groups in U.S. history.
As the largest generation, Baby Boomers represent the biggest segment of pet owners (37 percent).
The Millennial generation (typically defined as people born between 1981 - 1997) just recently fully became a driving force in consumer spending, now outranking Baby Boomers as the largest living generation in the U.S. And as you will read in this month's cover story, which marries the latest market research into Millennials» spending habits with first - person accounts from retailers and pet owners themselves, it is a generation that has been very good for the pet industry so far and should be for years to come.
In fact, many experts warn that the largest segment of baby boomers (often defined as the generation born between 1946 - 1964) will soon begin to forgo pet ownership as they reach their later «golden years,» prompting a precipitous drop in pet ownership, and thus pet - related spending.
Pet ownership has been rising consistently, thanks in large part to the baby - boomer generation.
With Florida's large senior population and the Baby Boomer generation aging into retirement, elderly neglect and nursing home abuse is on the rise and becoming a particularly serious problem in the Sunshine State.
Millennials (Americans aged 18 — 36) have surpassed the baby boomers as the generation with the largest purchasing power in today's economy.
As members of the baby boom generation become senior citizens, a larger portion of our population will need nursing home care.
Following World War II, the average age of marriage dropped, and the number of children increased dramatically, making the Baby Boomer generation substantially larger than the Traditionalists.
With the Baby Boomer Generation moving into their late fifties and early - to - mid-sixties, an increasingly large number of our population is feeling the effects of ageism.
According to Pew Research Center, in early 2015, Millennials became the largest group in the U.S. workforce surpassing members of Generation X and Baby Boomers.
As the large baby - boom population ages, and as people keep more of their original teeth than did previous generations, the need to maintain and treat teeth will continue to increase the need for dental care.
Demand for physical therapy is expected to increase in response to the health needs of an aging population, particularly the large baby - boom generation.
Baby boomers are no longer the largest living generation in the United States.
While it is true that over 94 million Americans are out of the job market, economists at the Wall Street Journal suggest that this low rate is due mostly to an aging population and that it is not expected to rise significantly at all, but rather continue to decrease as the baby - boomer generation retires in increasingly large numbers.
Advances in pharmaceutical research have resulted in the increased use of medications to fight disease, and the aging of the baby boomers has created a large generation of older people, who on average use more prescription drugs.
For 2018, ESR chose «Millennials» — people aged 18 to 34 in 2015 — to be the number one trend as this technically savvy generation has overtaken «Baby Boomers» as the largest segment of the U.S. workforce and should cause background checks to become a more applicant friendly experience.
With the aging of the baby - boom generation, defined as persons born between 1946 and 1964, the older age cohorts are expected to make up a much larger share of the labor force.
They've already overtaken baby boomers as the largest generation.
«They are the generation of collaboration, teams, doing things together — completely unlike the baby boomer generation, which was, «It's me against the world... I don't need anybody else's help,»» said Leisey, whose three largest teams have leaders averaging 30 years old.
The largest generation of young people since the 1960s are called «echo boomers» because they are the genetic offspring and demographic echo of their parents, the baby boomers.
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