Sentences with phrase «large blobs»

The phrase "large blobs" means big and round or shapeless masses. Full definition
I was too embarrassed to photo the extra large blob of whipped cream I also spooned on top, but you can take my word that shortcake - style ain't a bad thing.
Over the next year or so, WMAP and other experiments will test whether large blobs really are lacking and whether small ones really are elliptical.
They are mostly located near the edges of the much larger blobs, but some of them are detected both inside the blobs and well away from them.»
One large blob painted in Impressionist pastels leans back to primp for the camera; a blue plank, titled Open Mic, is made just the right width to fill the iPhone frame in front of it; a bust of an American Indian aims to take a sensible passport photo; all with the aid of state - of - the - art sticks.
In addition to creating these stoic blocks of mangled refuse, the artist conducted freeform performances he called «expansions»: dynamic happenings that involved, among other things, pouring liquid plastic into large blobs.
So, beside the apparent architectural transformations, the exhibition consist further of conceptual, individual pieces commenting on the notions of «work» within and beyond the art institution: Large blobs of melted aluminium spread around on the stairs, a power drill stuck in the wall rotating around itself, one twisted EUR pallet, a spectacular wall of 322 mirrors and a local reinterpretation of the American artist Walter de Maria's old text piece «Rome Eats Shit».
When I was making them, I felt very apprehensive about the large blobs of chia gel floating on a sea of cold coffee and mashed banana.
What's more, the modeling showed that pockets of rock with different compositions will migrate from anywhere on the core - mantle boundary towards the margins of the large blobs.
Sure enough, I put them in the oven and they turned into one large blob.
It is also worth considering the openness of the weave of your fashion fabric, as the glue spots on fusible interfacing (particularly lower quality interfacing) tends to have large blobs, which may melt through the weave and leave unsightly, visible glue marks on the right side of your fashion fabric.
The only other control in the game is the Circle button which, when pressed, will split up the LocoRoco into smaller blobs, allowing it to get into smaller passageways and areas the larger blob would otherwise not be able to access.
Sometimes you might experience a part of a level multiple times, but each time as a larger blob, able to go where only larger blobs can go.
It might convince non-believers if you could provide a testable GHE hypothesis, rather than ignoring the fact that the Earth is a large blob of molten rock, with a very, very thin coating of of solidified rock, a condensed aquasphere, and a thin coating of atmosphere.
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