Sentences with phrase «large brain size»

The research team involved (led by Richard Leakey) attributed the toothless cranium to the genus Homo with the species indeterminate due to the large brain size and questionable morphological association with known hominids.
Due to uncertainties created by its large brain size and its early initial dates, Leakey did not attribute the specimen to a species, but simply as a member of the genus Homo.
And Lucy showed without a doubt that upright walking preceded the evolution of large brain size.
His team is now using the new model to investigate how social factors may influence evolution of large brain size.
This may explain why, for example, birds with small relative brain sizes, such as pheasants, find it harder to avoid a moving car than those with larger brain size, such as magpies.
That is a long time in which no change was evident except for the larger brain size of Kow Swamp and Cossack.
Perhaps it's due to dogs» larger brain size, which, according to a study by Oxford University, is necessary in more social creatures and allows them to be better at solving problems and engaging with people.

Not exact matches

In the study researchers selected guppies for large and small brain sizes.
It is true, our brains are about three times larger than would be expected for a primate of our size.
I'd leave the head normal size (or even larger due to the number of swollen egos one encounters in the Christian world) but have a hatch of some sort for easy removal of the brain or an off switch or something.
The brain grows on average three times as large by the end of the first year (and head size growth in the first year is a sign of intelligence, e.g., Gale et al., 2006).
Around the time of the origins of our species 300,000 years ago, the brains of Homo sapiens had about the same relatively large size as they do today, new research suggests.
Among the questions that this study raises are whether the surprisingly large number of neurons in bird brains comes at a correspondingly large energetic cost, and whether the small neurons in bird brains are a response to selection for small body size due to flight, or possibly the ancestral way of adding neurons to the brain — from which mammals, not birds, may have diverged.
Mini-brains 3 to 4 millimetres across have been grown in the lab before, but if a larger brain had been created — and the press release publicising the claim said it was the size of a pencil eraser — that would be a major breakthrough.
Even if brain size accounts for just 10 to 20 percent of an IQ test score, it is possible to conjecture what kind of average scores would be made by a group of people with 30 percent larger brains.
To resolve that question would have required locking varying size groups of college students in separate rooms for a year or more to see whether larger groups altered brain structure in some way.
That meant they could carry larger brains relative to their body size.
Boskop's brain size is about 30 percent larger than our own — that is, a 1,750 - cc brain to our average of 1,350 cc.
This not only expanded the size of the basal progenitor population in a way somewhat reminiscent to what is seen in large - brained animals.
Golden retrievers, for example, have many more nerve cells than cats, and brown bears have an unexpectedly low number of nerve cells given the relatively large size of their brain.
Generally speaking, the larger a mammal's brain, the greater its tendency to play, according to a 2001 Journal of Comparative Psychology study that correlated play with relative brain size across 15 orders, from Rodentia to Primates.
Men's brains are bigger than women's — about 100 grams heavier on average — even when their larger proportional size is factored into the equation.
Brain size is scaled to body size because a larger body requires a larger nervous system to service it.
The small numbers and large sizes of brain cells in sea slugs make the animals ideal for brain research.
Although they are no larger than house cats, tamarins have brains that are surprisingly big for their size and a family life organized like our own.
With their unusually large brains relative to their body size and advanced cognition, parrots live in a complex social environment — not merely in a large population of cooperating creatures, such as bees or ants, but in a dynamic setting of alliances and competitors.
«Many corvids have relatively large brains for their body size, and can do amazing things.»
Although Lucy had a brain and body the size of a large chimp — and probably slept in a tree nest — she walked fully upright and her species may already have lost its agility in trees as it adapted to life on the ground.
Researchers knew that Neanderthal brains reached full size between the ages of 6 and 8 years and that they were about 10 percent larger than the brains of modern humans.
MADISON, WISCONSIN — Larger bodies may come with larger brains, but size means little when it comes to how much DNA an organism can pack in eachLarger bodies may come with larger brains, but size means little when it comes to how much DNA an organism can pack in eachlarger brains, but size means little when it comes to how much DNA an organism can pack in each cell.
The size of the brain's ventricles — cerebrospinal fluid - filled spaces deep within the brain — became progressively larger during the course of treatment, and changes were also seen within the subventricular zone, one of two structures in which new brain cells are generated in adults.
Larger size of the hematoma (the clotted blood) and location in the brain were associated with risk for early post-ICH dementia within six months.
Falk suspects the size discrepancy can be linked to the philandering tendencies of our primate ancestors.Falk found that like humans, male rhesus monkeys had larger brains than females, while male and female gibbon apes were equally endowed.
The people who were aspirin resistant also had larger areas of the brain affected by the stroke, as measured by MRI diffusion weighted imaging, with infarct size of 2.8 cc compared to 1.6 cc for those who responded to aspirin.
Birds and mammals have brains that are up to 10 times larger, relative to body size, than those of reptiles and other animals.
This research challenges the classically accepted view that reduction of tooth size in hominins is linked with having a larger brain.
In spite of their pint - sized brains, Homo floresiensis was able to make fire and use stone tools to kill and butcher large animals.
In particular, having larger skulls relative to their body size allowed birds to evolve relatively large and more elaborate brains.
Those with a larger amygdala, relative to the total brain size, showed more aggressive behavior while talking with their parents in these sessions.
As far as absolute brain size goes, humans don't have the largest brains in the animal kingdom; that privilege goes to whales.
But, relative to body size, primates have much larger brains than any other animals, and we humans, not surprisingly, have the biggest brains of all — about six times larger than you would expect for a mammal of our size.
Our brains are triple the size of more primitive primates, thanks to our large neocortex.
And while the large sample size allowed the group to form a good picture of what the brain looks like each year, some individuals» brains looked much older or younger than they actually were.
The team found that ARHGAP11B was also present in Neanderthals and Denisovans, human cousins with similarly sized brains, but not in chimpanzees, with which we share 99 percent of our genome — further support for the idea that this gene could explain our unusually large human brains.
In fact, for the largest carnivorans the neuron - to - brain - size ratio is actually lower.
Herculano - Houzel and her collaborators — graduate students Débora Messeder and Fernanda Pestana from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil; Professor Kelly Lambert at Randolph - Macon College; Associate Professor Stephen Noctor at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine; Professors Abdulaziz Alagaili and Osama Mohammad from King Saud University in Saudi Arabia; and Research Professor Paul R. Manger at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa — picked carnivorans to study because of their diversity and large range of brain sizes as well as the fact that they include both domesticated and wild species.
That's because compared with other primates, humans give birth to babies with larger bodies and brains — on average, human babies are 6.1 % of their mother's body size compared with chimp babies (3.3 %) and gorilla babies (2.7 %).
«This could account for small brain sizes of great apes despite their large body sizes
Previous research suggests our ability to cooperate and exhibit empathy — both thought to be critical to human success — relied in part on the large brains of our hominin ancestors, relative to body size; and that selection against aggression within early human populations allowed us to thrive.
Along with a larger brain — about two - thirds the size of ours — came a reduction in the size and projection of the face, including much smaller teeth and jaws than those of Paranthropus (H. erectus's contemporary in Africa) and loss of the skull crest.
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