Sentences with phrase «large budget film»

Maybe, maybe this large budget film can shake him up a little, but so many directors are just not cut out for blockbuster film making.
A huge mix of medium to large budget films seem to have got extra production value from using Vancouver for location and stage work, I'm sure they'll be able to do the same for Deadpool.
Drinking Buddies is somewhat of a crossover from micro-indie films into a larger budget film for Joe Swanberg; it contains a well - known cast (Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick) and much higher production values (having a dedicated director of photography, etc.) than his previous 14 films.
Byrne and Cannavale always feel underserved when they step into mainstream large budget films and here return to their independent and comfortable roots.

Not exact matches

Firm distributors exhibit a strong tendency to allocate more resources to films produced by those with whom they have had prior interactions, «approving larger production budgets, marketing these films more heavily and scheduling them on more attractive release dates.»
Filmed entirely on location in Morocco on a relatively modest budget of $ 20m, major challenges included filming large - scale battle sequences using a stunt team, and recreating the fall of Jericho with powerful explosives.
Moviegoers are finally about to get a break from all of the big - budget summer blockbusters and superhero action movies, as studios move away from large - scale spectacles in favor of award - season prestige films.
In past seasons, big - budget cinematic - style epics, snappy dance - driven shorts and films propelled by humour have typically attracted the largest audiences.
Because of this film's larger budget, Johnson is able to create a thoroughly realized visual world to match his verbal panache.
He subsequently specialized in performing in low - budget features, though he has occasionally won bit parts in larger films such as The Executioner's Song (1982).
On top of that, there is something very realistic about low - budget films that do exactly that, because it feels more grounded in reality, instead of overblown on a large scale.
Writer / director Blomkamp follows his politically charged 2009 sci - fi film District 9 81 with another socially aware sci - fi action movie, albeit one with a much larger budget.
With such films as the Mad Max films, The Book of Eli and even The Hunger Games, there are better options with even larger budgets out there if you are looking for spectacle that isn't just purely visual candy.
A serious, large - budget treatment of Rabe's exploits and a moving, terrific film about trying to maintain one's decency amidst horrors.
Production-wise, the film is pretty slick with large budget F / X helping the upscale television production.
I'd really love to see him work on an R rated space war film with large budget, maybe cast Stallone as the star?
But in this case it's because the «nautical action adventure» film The Modern Ocean, requires a larger budget, and the WME deal will help it roll in.
With Haywire — his 23rd full length feature — he takes another stylistic left turn this being an independently financed, relatively low budget B - movie style action film of which a large portion was filmed in Dublin back in 2010.
``; John Rabe»; is a serious, large - budget treatment of Rabe's exploits and a moving, terrific film about trying to maintain one's decency amidst horrors.
Director John Crowley (Boy A, Intermission) does a very fine job with a good troupe of thespians, and while the film lacks a huge budget for large - scale action scenes, the more grounded developments definitely work in its favor in keeping a tenuous believability in what is mostly a story built on creative fantasy.
Who knew that only 2 % of cinematographers on the largest budget American films were women?
When speaking about her film adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time last fall at the Vulture festival, director Ava DuVernay told a crowd, «I'm trying to make a Lynn Shelton movie, just on a larger budget
It is still a sequel, which typically means it's a bigger, flashier film due to a larger budget.
This is Mottola's most visually ambitious film, and probably the largest budget he's ever worked with.
Midnight Special answers the question of what a «Jeff Nichols film» might look like on a larger budget.
Thanks to a background in visual effects, Ball uses a reasonably modest budget (as far as dystopian sci - fi blockbusters go) to create a film that feels quite large in scope and exciting as far as the chases, gunplay, and fights.
There is also a new feature length commentary with Adrienne Barbeau, who played Maggie, discussing her memories of the film with director of photography Dean Cundey, who credits Carpenter's vision for being so ahead of its time in even attempting to create a (seemingly large) whole different world on the tiny budget of an independent film.
Despite the sizable budget, it is an experimental film at its heart, although with an acclaimed director and well - known stars, perhaps it is too large a project to survive the scrutiny of those expecting much more from a major release.
After debuting with The Roostand Trigger Man, both low - budget DIY art - horror films that gained rave reviews on the indie festival circuit but were never afforded a wide release, he was entrusted with the large (ish) budget of Cabin Fever 2.
OPENING THIS WEEK Kam's Kapsules: Weekly Previews That Make Choosing a Film Fun by Kam Williams For movies opening May 8, 2009 BIG BUDGET FILMS Next Day Air (R for violence, drug use, pervasive profanity and brief sexuality) Action - oriented crime caper about the comedy of errors which ensue after a couple of hapless hoodlums (Mike Epps and Wood Harris) are mistakenly delivered a large package filled with bricks of pure cocaine.
It is apparent that a large portion of the $ 90 US million budget went towards the CGI, and perhaps this makes the film feel a little cramped at times.
In the largest of innumerable ironies, the duo is incensed that their underground credibility is being ruined by the production of a big - budget picture and seek to, if not stop the production of the film - within - a-film (to star James Van Der Beek and Jason Biggs), get a piece of the financial pie.
Reynolds reportedly wanted to repeat the low budget / big earnings success of the first Deadpool, which had a $ 780m return on a $ 58m budget.Conversely, Miller wanted to create a spectacle to rival the largest Marvel Studios productions — and which would reportedly require three times the budget of the first film.
Synchronicity — Sci - fi can be a tricky bet at smaller festivals like this (especially when you hear them being compared to much larger budget and classic films like Blade Runner), but TAD has chosen a few good ones the last couple of years and with director Jacob Gentry's track record of The Signal behind him, there's at least some solid talent involved.
$ 58m times three would be $ 174m, making it the third largest budget for an X-Men film after X-Men: Days of Future Past's $ 200m and X-Men: Apocalypse's $ 170m.
Trying to apply any form of sensible logic to this film is a complete waste of time because Rampage is essentially what would happen if one of those cheap, beyond awful Sharknado films got a large budget.
This can have an especially damaging effect on the earning potential of independently made films, such as those mentioned above, which do not have access to the large advertising budgets at the disposal of the major studios — studios, which, as CARA's record indicates, have received much more lenient ratings for similar content.
There are enough of these shots to give the film a larger feeling of geography than most low - budget films are able to achieve.
The uniquely «meta» film, an extended and higher - budgeted remake of an unreleased short film Rogen and co-star Jay Baruchel (Goon, Fanboys) had made about six years prior («Jay and Seth versus the Apocalypse»), casts the large ensemble of real - life comedic actors, all playing satirical versions of themselves, while reacting in hilarious ways to the over-the-top craziness that surrounds them.
It's also worth mentioning that for a film not given a large budget in comparison to other similar movies, the special effects are fairly good in the places that count most.
By and large it was a good year for films that were able to tell great stories without the necessity of a big budget or scope.
The Royal Tenenbaums gave the duo its largest and most accomplished cast, New York City filming locations, and, ever so slightly, their biggest budget to date.
In its ambition it resembles Rose Troche's third film, The Safety of Objects — that picture also saddled with a large, veteran cast and a problem with focus, but most importantly with the responsibility of a young filmmaker given the opportunity, with a bigger budget and well - regarded performers, to produce a piece commensurate in scale to that perceived expectation.
Audiences seemed to sense that Prom was just going to place a big - screen surcharge on the type of thing they'd normally watch for free, and without any larger box - office incentives (3 - D, a certified heartthrob, a pre-established character), the film barely recouped its paltry $ 10M budget.
If I were to pick the single most impressive box - office story of the summer, it wouldn't be Iron Man 3 hitting a figure that is, however large, not that big a deal for a movie with its kind of budget, especially one serving as de facto sequel to a film that destroyed very nearly every record that exists.
As of 2009, Nigeria is the third largest producer of movies in the world, producing over 2,400 films a year (all shot on video on shoe - string budgets and released straight to video) and generating $ 286 million a year for the Nigerian economy.
Even after winning an Academy Award for the epic Traffic (2000) and continuing to work on bigger - budget Hollywood films like Ocean's Eleven (2001), this high - profile filmmaker has never lost his drive to make compelling independent cinema, whether large - scale (2008's Che) or small (2010's And Everything Is Going Fine).
He's already prepping his next social thriller, but this time the budget will be five times larger than the $ 5 million micro-budget he worked with for his first film.
These films, often hilarious or tragically absurd, are made without the benefits of large budgets and technological wizardry.
The technology is already being used on larger scales by big film makers with big budgets, but the real test was whether it would be possible to use it in an affordable way on a smaller scale.
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