Sentences with phrase «large chunk of cash»

The idea is simple: Instead of investing large chunks of cash, you can do it in small increments.
There's opportunity to earn both monthly passive income and large chunks of cash months after closing on a property.
I invest large chunks of cash every few months to make huge purchases in a small amount of companies, but the waiting kills me.
That said, of course, if you have large chunks of cash coming into your business in spurts from whatever source, using that to increase the equity positions in your income properties could be useful so that when those balloons «pop» (come due) you'd need to bring less or no cash to closing on the refinance if the amortization on the loans is too long (s / b 20 years or less, ideally).
If you have a very very large chunk of cash, you may want to start nibbling at dividend stocks.
While the majority of freshly - licensed drivers will have no option but to select a car that is very definitely «used», some buyers (or their parents) will commit large chunks of cash to the belief that a brand new car will provide greater security and be significantly less expensive to run than a used one.
I recently sold half my positions and am sitting on a large chunk of cash.
In other words, a large chunk of the cash reserves are from season ticket sales so the money has to be paid out during the year on things like players wages.
A large chunk of that cash went to the political action committee NYC is Not For Sale, which ran nasty attack ads against Christine Quinn.
For the large chunk of cash you'll need to bring a 2009 Range Rover HSE home, you'll at least get a solid, capable, luxury SUV with legendary off - road abilities.
The winners of the $ 250 million dollars will be the New York Public Library, which is receiving a large chunk of cash to make the low - income reading app.
But that's a large chunk of cash.
If you allocate a large chunk of cash into a dividend stock at an overvalued price, you might have sub-par returns for a decade.
When you have a large chunk of cash sitting in your savings account, it can be easy to spend it all on a down payment.
Also be prepared to put a large chunk of cash down.
However, shorter amortizations are ultimately more beneficial for the buyers when you look at the bigger picture, as the loan will be paid off faster and a large chunk of cash can be saved in interest for that particular Canada mortgage.
The downpayment on a first home is usually the biggest obstacle for homebuyers due to the fact that it is difficult to come up with a large chunk of cash.
If, however, you wish to leave a legacy, have a large chunk of cash (say from an inheritance) or a highly valued estate that you would like sheltered from taxes, then a private foundation might prove useful.
i) Management Nap Policy: Ah diddums, management finds it hard to sleep, or even nap, unless they've a large chunk of cash lying» round so they feel warm & cozy... Maybe they're even hoping a lap dancer will be impressed at the size of their... balance sheet?
Some consumers are nervous about stashing a large chunk of cash in a place where it can not be easily accessed.
Currently, a large chunk of my cash is in the savings account at Emigrant Direct.
EA is known for developing and promoting sequels — that's where a large chunk of the cash comes from.
By carrying a large chunk of cash instead of a debit or credit card, you'll be inclined to think twice about making purchases, especially small impulse buys that would require you to break the bill.
But keep in mind that failed investments can eat up a large chunk of your cash value and cut down your chances of having a supplementary income.
And while New York and California are considered among the highest - taxed states in the country, the difference between the two can amount to a large chunk of cash.
When the property is free clear a large chunk of the cash flow is not sheltered.
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