Sentences with phrase «large chunk of something»

This carried on into 2016, and I spent large chunks of it feeling depressed and incapable of meeting the varying needs of my children.
Top of the league for longer than any other side, they managed to do this in the first half of the season while missing Alex Oxlade - Chamberlain, Lukas Podolski, Mikel Arteta, Thomas Vermaelen, Abou Diaby and Santi Cazorla for large chunks of it.
One of the things that the Viacom chairman has already done with those assets is to give large chunks of them to his former girlfriends.
But «let's try not to make it so» is also a good idea, if those who do want a consensus to address climate change could challenge that trend: David Cameron has done so in making it a high profile issue and taking a clear line - but he has tended to tell us that this proves his party has changed, which means he underestimates how far he seems to be from convincing a rather large chunk of it.
«If what your concern is the greenhouse gas emissions or energy or water use of the entire system, I don't think you should leave out large chunks of it,» Fischbeck said.
When Trenberthâ $ ™ s speech was pre-published on the internet it caused something of a stir, both for the way large chunks of it had been taken almost verbatim from another scientist and for its use six times of the word â $ œdenierâ $.
A large chunk of them are weight loss supplements.
J. P. Morgan had a mortgage - and crisis - related legal tab of more than $ 19 billion, a large chunk of it related to Bear Stearns and another acquisition, Washington Mutual.
If you have ever taken your time to study most of the successful business people around you, you would realize that a large chunk of them are involved in businesses that they aren't trained in school to do.
I fully expect this as well — government will a large chunk of it either directly via taxation and fees or indirectly by mandating US bond purchase with the funds.
I believe that what I teach is of great help to people, which is why I make a large chunk of it available for free through this website and my podcast, and so I hope that when you buy one of my books or teaching courses, it is not because you were pressured, but because you simply wanted to learn more.
The youth experiment is what it always was, a cheaper way to build a team and make money to pay for the new stadium while still putting on an exhibition of good football in order to sell tickets and merchandise and the fans along with the business's that bought boxes in the stadium paid for a large chunk of it if not all.
A large chunk of it I am sure will be dedicated the mob mentality prevalent in football fans.
Chicago was pretty cold this past month, but luckily we were able to spend a large chunk of it in California -LCB- more specifically Newport Beach, Palm Springs, and Los Angeles -RCB-.
Caillou still has a special place in her heart but Dora has certainly taken a larger chunk of it.
While most of them loudly proclaim that they are against racism and anti-Semitism (and accuse right wing of those), a large chunk of them are hugely anti-Semitic due to ideological alliances with Hamas and co (discussed in detail above).
Power was inherited at about 3,000 megawatts, with a large chunk of it not distributable.
He added that:» Operatives responded timely, met the money in Bureau de Change office, but a large chunk of it had been converted into Euro and Pounds sterling.
«Operatives responded timely, met the money in Bureau de Change (BDC) office, but a large chunk of it had been converted into Euro and Pounds sterling.
Blocky video calls could one day be a thing of the past — thanks to an AI that compresses images by simply throwing out large chunks of them, and making up what should be there instead.
If we rounded up a list of all of the CEOs in the world, it's safe to say a large chunk of them would be Capricorns.
When you look at the laundry list of chronic health woes and diseases in this day and age in our country, a large chunk of them have inflammation at the root.
Chicago was pretty cold this past month, but luckily we were able to spend a large chunk of it in California -LCB- more specifically Newport Beach, Palm Springs, and Los Angeles -RCB-.
IN just watching it, it's clear that a large chunk of it is fiction since much of what takes place is what we see in movies over and over again.
The story follows a mostly straightforward progression and large chunks of it are presented entirely linearly.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have offered a whole new perspective for openness by providing unlimited learning opportunities — a large chunk of it is video - based.
Happy to own a larger chunk of it here.
Not every municipal bond is tax free, but a large chunk of them are.
These are the dogs that will chew on a toy, bite off a large chunk of it, and, next thing you know, there is no more trace of that broken off piece.
That's not to say Garden Warfare 2's overall launch content is insubstantial — it's just that a large chunk of it is a repeat of what was in the prior game.
Set in the swamps of Louisiana in the second half of the 19th Century (1850 - 1899), with a large chunk of it making up an open world area to explore.
The game is hella long as most Rockstar joints are, and I managed to keep the same horse through a large chunk of it.
A lot of which has already melted, this summer, but we're approaching one of the larger chunks of it that's still in this area.»
I want to re-post a large chunk of it here because I think it bears repeating:
This can restrict the ability for someone to rebuild a pension when they have lost a large chunk of it through pension sharing.
Consumers in the U.S. mainly purchase phones from carriers, and quite a large chunk of them still sign contracts with their carriers, and even though the Moto X4 is available through Google's Project Fi, chances are that none of the four largest carriers in the country will sell Android One phones, at least not in the near future.
Because a whale might have unfathomable amounts of money and the belief that their contract will expire at a value less than the price they purchased the contract for, it would not be surprising if the whales pumped up Bitcoin price in the days leading up to the contract expiration date by buying more Bitcoin, and then sell off a large chunk of it on an exchange at the inflated price — hours before their contract expires.
Some of this growth can be attributed to the booming medical industry but a large chunk of it also comes from the need for coverage of the physician shortage.
To have anything meaningful in terms of cash flow, you really must own a large chunk of them.
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