Sentences with phrase «large chunk of that»

That's probably because your baby isn't sleeping for large chunks of time.
Kids were left on their own for large chunks of the day, even from an early age.
Stop spending large chunks of money on a pricey driving academy.
Because your teachers spent large chunks of time standing in front of the classroom talking at you.
You can either begin with finger foods scattered on a plate or high chair or with larger chunks of food for them to gum on as is done in baby led weaning.
I used to be very afraid of large chunks of meat.
The idea is simple: Instead of investing large chunks of cash, you can do it in small increments.
The Dutch manager's side has been plagued with injuries this season, with a number of key players missing large chunks of the campaign.
Avoid taking large chunks of foods with you as they are a choking hazard.
It is very easy for key points to get buried in large chunks of text.
The holidays make up a very large chunk of sales for tech companies, whether it's smartphones or tablets they're selling.
It's almost as if you have to forget large chunks of what you've learned and start from scratch.
Perhaps the ship was going too fast, hit a particularly large chunk of ice at just the right angle in a vulnerable spot.
I recommend chopping the dark chocolate very finely because as much as I love large chunks of chocolate, they get very hard when frozen.
Also make sure to cut the steak into bite - sized pieces before serving it to your pooch; dogs often get excited and may choke on large chunks of meat.
This determines how large a chunk of food you can slice.
Through large chunks of this prequel, viewers bare witness to this gimmick far more than I can recall in just about any horror film that I can think of.
Over time, the sea level dropped enough to expose a shelf where large chunks of limestone rock were deposited.
I invest large chunks of cash every few months to make huge purchases in a small amount of companies, but the waiting kills me.
I accumulate larger chunks of shares under $ 52 / share, and ideally under $ 50 / share.
Essentially you put large chunks of soft food on a high chair tray and let your baby explore it.
It can buy ebooks and the cellular models can consume large chunks of cellular time.
How frustrating must it be to arrive home and find that your dog has decided to perfect its DIY skills by stripping the wallpaper and removing large chunks of plaster from the wall?
Once you are past the first 15 minutes, you can increase in much larger chunks of time.
But the clouds are dense, and they extend over large chunks of the sky.
This cake looks fantastic, I love how large the chunks of fruit are, it looks really satisfying.
When large chunks of credit card debt are discharged in bankruptcy it can often have a positive impact on credit just a few months after filing.
Although the company has created binding contracts to prevent it from selling large chunks of their holdings, flooding the market and causing the price to crash, some investors are still concerned.
They've dedicated large chunks of the last two E3 press conferences to the game, so perhaps we ought to be taking it seriously.
While nimble and digital technology savvy firms are either grabbing larger chunks of market share at a faster rate or are creating new business models shaking the very foundation of established markets.
I worry about someone receiving a whole clove or a very large chunk of garlic and it being too much.
No, I'm talking about good old ads that will take up a rather large chunk of your screen for no apparent reason.
While these sticks are one of the safest treat and chew options on the market, when a dog insists on swallowing large chunks of anything, the potential of choking is still there.
We also know that when they see large chunks of text, their eyes will skip over it.
At the moment I'm still in the beach resort area, but from what I gather there are several other large chunks of real estate to be discovered.
The theory focuses on how individuals acquire and learn large chunks of information through visual means or text materials.
The one difference is that, yes, there are large chunks of carrots in the jar as well.
You can use your tools to either suck in items for use or destroy the world or add large chunks of certain assets to craft something new.
This is because large chunks of our genome perform similar functions across the animal kingdom.
This risk is even higher in chunky peanut butter brands, so if you make the decision to feed your cat peanut butter, avoid any brand that contains large chunks of peanuts.
The group provides large chunks of low - cost capital that are high grade, safer positions with a lower spread.
Add egg and continue to blend just until large chunks of dough form.
Don't mix too much because you want large chunks of fish!
Often the mentality is to scale as quickly as possible, often requiring large chunks of money.
However, if the top brass are selling large chunks of stock and no one on the inside seems to be buying, consider avoiding the stock for the time being.
Transportation costs take up a surprisingly large chunk of your monthly budget, especially if you're a car owner.
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