Sentences with phrase «large culvert»

Approving repairs or replacement of large culverts on Cheningo Solon Pond Road, Bloody Pond Road or Daisy Hollow Road
A research initiative that mapped decisions by town managers in Maine to sources of climate information, engineering design, mandated requirements, and calendars identified the complex, multi-jurisdictional challenges of widespread adaptation for even such seemingly simple actions as using larger culverts to carry water from major storms.116 To help towns adapt culverts to expected climate change over their lifetimes, the Sustainability Solutions Initiative is creating decision tools to map culvert locations, schedule maintenance, estimate needed culvert size, and analyze replacement needs and costs.

Not exact matches

Truck Spills 8,000 Pounds of Red Wine Grapes Onto Highway 128: A trucker hauling grapes through the Alexander Valley spilled a large load of grapes onto Highway 128 Tuesday morning after apparently taking a curve too fast and hitting a culvert, CHP officials said...
The rain — up to 18 inches in certain areas, creating several 100 - year runoff events — caused significant damage to roads, such as large mud - and rockslides, roadway erosion, culvert and bridge failures, and closed multiple routes.
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