Sentences with phrase «large damage awards»

The trend in the courts seems to be a rise in the number of large damages awarded, especially in cases of ongoing abuse occurring over a period of years.
This series is designed to provide plaintiff attorneys with clear guidance on representing major automobile injury and death cases, and strategies for winning large damage awards with the least expenditure of effort.
Cases in which licensees were found to have breached their fiduciary duty to their clients accounted for two of the six largest damage awards in the report.
Since they are even less able than a wealthy individual to pay large damage awards, they recognize the need to have coverage limits greater than what can be obtained from their homeowner or auto policies.
The Human Rights Tribunal is ready and willing to award increasingly large damages awards - especially when the impugned conduct is carried out over a prolonged period of time by a person in a position of power and authority against a vulnerable individual; and
In the three P2P cases tried so far, «all three of those juries demonstrated through the very large damages awards they imposed that they view illegal downloading and «sharing» as wrong, and deserving of harsh sanction.»
Before this Act became law, some regarded Mississippi as a haven for products - liability plaintiffs who were seeking large damage awards.
The number of large damages awards is rising, especially in cases of incest occurring over several years.
The article discusses two recent decisions in which damages were awarded for sexual harassment and whether they signify a trend towards increasingly large damages awards.
In most cases, though, they are financial investments in which backers are motivated by the potential proceeds from a large damage award.
Wagner: Cohen Milstein has obviously attempted to construct the broadest possible group of Intel employees as participants in the plaintiff class in order to ensure a large damages award.
The large damages award granted here, and the powerful and sweeping nature of the injunction, ensures that this new tort will certainly pop its head up in the future.
Unlike the court in Jones, Justice Stinson awarded a larger damages award here of $ 50,000.
It was one of the largest damage awards ever in the state, comparable, Daniel notes, to the award against O.J. Simpson in the California wrongful death lawsuit brought by the families of Nichole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
Madsen points out that there would have been a large damages award and, perhaps more importantly, Packers Plus wasn't just pursuing the service companies — Harvest Oil is an exploration and production company and Packers was seeking disgorgement of their profits for all of the increased hydrocarbon recovery that Harvest had enjoyed as a result of using the technology.
This is because filing suit against the other driver individually limits you to the amount of assets the other driver may have (which could be close to zero) and the other driver could conceivably file for bankruptcy if they are ordered to pay a large damage award.
That said, the large damages award, Justice Stinson's specific discussion of the harm that the plaintiff suffered, and the shocking nature of the defendant's actions suggest that this decision will be a powerful precedent.
The jury found Trinity liable for more than $ 680 million in damages, which is the largest damage award in FCA history.
When you work with an experienced New Orleans bike accident and injury attorney at The Gertler Law Firm, you stand the best chance of recovering the largest damage award possible.
In an ongoing personal injury case, the plaintiff brought a motion to exclude drivers who pay premiums from the jury pool altogether, arguing that the possibility a large damages award could cause a hike in their own rates places them in an inherent conflict of interest.
As one commentator explained, the Eastern District's «speed, large damage awards, outstanding win - rates, likelihood of getting to trial, and plaintiff - friendly local rules suddenly made [it] the venue of choice for patent plaintiffs.»
The Maguire case was one of the larger damage awards involving an agency issue in 2016.
Property management cases, which often involve personal injury or even death, also represent some of the largest damage awards.
The appeals court upheld the large damage awards, saying the brokerage showed malice toward the developer.
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