Sentences with phrase «large downward moves»

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Because some asset prices may fall more abruptly than they rise, and because the effects of downward moves in asset prices on demand may be larger due to the greater negative impact of deflation on the net worth of borrowers — witness the United States in the 1930s or Japan in the 1990s, the case for adjusting monetary policy in response to negative asset price shocks is commonly considered more compelling than in the alternative context.
Lats — Abbreviation for latissimus dorsi, the large muscles of the back that move the arms downward, backward and in internal rotation.
But, I fear that Nook is in an unstoppable downward spiral, and that maybe it's better to make the switch at the 100 mark than to stick with B&N and ultimately have to move to Amazon anyway at some point when my library is even larger.
«There are definitely a large percentage of people that purchase the cheapest collar possible and leave it on their dog for a year, but this percentage is moving downward as customers learn of better products that are better for their dogs.»
Moving from very small to very large print along an upward curve before suddenly crashing downward, Slip unfolds across more than 100 running feet of wall space in Building 6.
Somehow all the station changes show a large bias towards moving from warmer to colder locations thus requiring either an upward adjustment to data prior to the move or downward adjustment to data before the move.
Also known as the debt avalanche method, by starting with larger debt and moving downward to smaller debt (like an avalanche), you're attacking your debt head - on before interest has a chance to accrue and your debt becomes unmanageable.
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