Sentences with phrase «large hairy dog»

A large hairy dog and two nonconforming teenagers added chaos to the clutter of bins and boxes stacked up in every corner, and enough furniture to fill a home twice its size.
Or, it may be that a dog has come back to a breeder because of changed circumstances, such as divorce, illness or death in the family or sometimes the novelty has worn off, and the dog is no longer wanted or people did not realize how much work is entailed with such a large hairy dog.

Not exact matches

As Coren explains, «Fastidious people with neat, well - kept homes seldom have large, hairy dogs that shed.
I was not surprised at all to find at the end that the writer has a large hairy friendly raw - food - eating dog, since she pretty much ran down the personalities of everyone who does not.
Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, which has 17 rehoming centres across the country, is calling on the dog lovers nationwide to nominate their hairy heroes for a prestigious Dogs Trust Honour here.
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