Sentences with phrase «large lead»

The print sector still holds a fairly large lead over the digital editions.
They jumped out to a very large lead early..
The sensor is positioned between two large lead discs.
Performed day - to - day project management for large lead generation programs and acted as liaison between sales, online, editorial, creative and logistics teams to execute custom programs.
Before you knew it they had built up a very large lead and this one was done early.
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A handful of major polls show Clinton with large leads over Trump in key battleground states.
It was Dayton's largest lead of the game, and playing an easy drive away from campus in Columbus, the crowd was buzzing at the prospect of a second straight Sweet 16 trip for the Flyers.
He maintains large leads over Marc Molinaro and John DeFrancisco.
Trump holds a 12 - point lead among white voters overall, and an even larger lead among white men.
And on patriotism, which Corbyn also claimed as a particular virtue, and competence, which always matters at election time, Cameron enjoys large leads.
The author extrapolated that by consuming Himalayan salt, you're actually getting «20 times as large a lead dose than [sic] what is harming the people of Flint, Michigan.»
Lovely (original) high quality mounts with large lead glass paste, old cut stones of approximately 2.25 carats each.
Factor in that they are often coasting with large leads by halftime and it becomes more apparent why Alabama wouldn't be a great bet on the second half line.
Since the Scottish referendum we've had Scottish polls from MORI, Panelbase, YouGov and Survation and they've been consistent in showing large leads for the SNP over Labour in Westminster voting intentions.
Their position on issues is now similar to their position at the end of last summer when they enjoyed a much larger lead in voting intentions (The Conservatives are ahead by 20 on law and order, 24 on immigration, 7 on education, 10 on tax, 4 on unemployment (traditionally a «Labour issue»), 8 on the economy.
It's the second largest leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only...
It's the second largest leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease.
Team Sternberg was able to mount a fairly large lead from the get go..
(CNN)- A new poll is the second this week to indicate most New Jersey voters think Chris Christie deserves re-election next year, and is the second straight to give the Republican governor large leads over his possible Democratic challengers.
Apple announced its watch with an unusually large lead time — perhaps in part to steal the thunder of the various Android Wear watches.
Pamela Bainbridge, Recruitment Consultant Pamela has worked in HR and recruitment (in - house and agency) since 2004 for large leading organizations in the local Vancouver market.
Teams frequently run straight up the middle when nursing large leads, and it seems safe to say that Jacksonville will be on the losing end on a lot of blowouts this season.
He had a ridiculously large lead over challenger Eric Lynn before the new CD 13 district lines were verified by the Florida Supreme Court.
Kabwe, Zambia — The second largest city in this southern African country was home to one of the world's largest lead smelters until 1987.
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Justice David Prosser took a considerably larger lead Thursday evening when Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus announced that her original report to the Associated Press on election night did not include numbers from the City of Brookfield.
Dentons, the world's largest leading law firm, has announced the completion of its combination with Costa Rica - based Muñoz Global, making it the first global law firm to have a footprint across Central America.
Star Union Dai - Ichi Life Insurance Co.Ltd is a collaboration of Bank of India, Union Bank of India and Dai - ichi Life which is the 2nd largest leading insurance companies in Japan.
Connectivity with the outdoors was a huge priority for the homeowners, so Huff - Dewberry, Harrison Design and builders McGarrity - Garcia fused the two spaces with large leaded windows, allowing the custom details throughout the extensive interior to shine.
Both Clinton and Sanders held large leads over all three remaining Republican candidates in hypothetical general election match - ups.
Surveys also suggest that Cuomo holds very large leads over possible Republican contenders in hypothetical general election matchups.
That said, if the Conservatives open up a very large lead in the polls it will further undermine Tony Blair's leadership — whether that hastens his demise though depends upon the man expected to succeed him.
The poll revealed that in 32 of Labour's target seats, the Tories trailed by 14 %, a much larger lead than national polls suggest.
They took their next at - bats and put up a huge inning, that would give them a fairly large lead as we went in to the back half of the Championship Game.
Brown enjoys a very large lead over his Democratic primary opponent, Bernie Tolbert, and doesn't seem in any danger of losing his job next week.
Detachment from the goals at large leads to detached interest.
You think we're just going to talk about your largest lead?
A poll that surveyed nearly 1,000 Albertans earlier this month found the United Conservative Party have a large lead over the NDP and would win if an election...
A poll that surveyed nearly 1,000 Albertans earlier this month found the United Conservative Party have a large lead over the NDP and would win if an election was held...
The new PEW poll has Obama up three, and with a larger lead than that when it comes to strong supporters.
He had been a capable and corruption - free governor, and in the campaign's early days he held a large lead.
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