Sentences with phrase «large minority»

They're already the nation's largest minority group among children under 18; in 25 years, projections show, one in every four elementary school pupils will be Hispanic.
Schools with large minority populations employ double the amount of first - year teachers as schools with low minority populations.
The adjustment could help some schools with large minority student populations score better.
A worrying large minority, 38 %, think she should quit.
This racial gap can limit a student's growth, which is why districts with large minority populations should strive for teacher diversity rather than strictly hiring on a merit - only basis.
These firms should make a conscious effort to recruit from second - and third - tier colleges — particularly those with large minority populations.
In 2016 US Democratic Primaries, a VERY large minority of the party supported Bernie Sanders, who openly described himself as «Socialist» (yes, technically speaking his views aren't entirely socialist and more social - democrat, but very few people are politically - nerdy enough to make fine distinctions like that).
Modern activists exploit this property by taking large minority stakes in these stocks and then agitating for change.
Check out the Philippines Sailing Challenge by Large Minority and find out why it's our top pick for adventures in the Philippines!
In the case of Ghana, the report state that, even though Ghana is more stable democracy in Africa with very transparent democratic institutions, the leader of largest minority party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo is very aggressive, divisive, intolerance and largely perceive as violent, and tribalistic.
Forgione then poured resources into the schools with large minority enrollments.
He is president of the South Asian Bar Association of Toronto, Canada's largest minority bar association and North America's largest South Asian bar association.
NAHREP is the nation's largest minority real estate trade association with over 26,000 members and 52 local chapters.
Boris Johnson celebrates his first year as London Mayor today and most Tory members say that they are satisfied with his performance although a very large minority doubt that he is yet a credible Prime Minister in waiting:
I think a majority of Evangelicals are with it, but that large minority needs to get over their fears of Mormons.
Because of the stridency with which he has criticized Israel in the past and the uncertainty about what he is proposing, he speaks for a small minority within a somewhat larger minority of Jews calling for a revised self - understanding of Israel's role.
Moreover, if and when general war comes again, there will be need for a much larger minority than there was in 1914 to resist the inevitable war hysteria, the orthodox dehumanizing of the enemy, and the making of another nationalistic peace.
Twenty schools in the whole state are getting a third of those awards, and like 2 — 3 percent of those students are actually African - American which is, I believe, the second largest minority in Missouri.
Devoutly wishing to enhance minority students» access to academic and career success, and disdaining universities» self - serving desire to assemble racially diverse student bodies at the expense of young people already shortchanged by inferior K — 12 schools, Sander and Taylor show that large minority admissions preferences are hypocritical and a severe disservice to many able students.
Duncan returned to Chicago and in 1992 took a job offered to him by a childhood friend from the basketball courts — John W. Rogers, the founder and CEO of the nation's largest minority mutual fund firm, Ariel Capital Management.
Perhaps the most interesting fact of all is that Special Master Adamowski only assigned the TFA recruits to teach Windham students, a town with a disproportionately large minority and Latino student population.
If you are looking to do more out of your holiday than just relaxing by the beach, check out the epic tuk tuk challenges that Large Minority organizes all over Cambodia.
The adversity faced by the cityâ $ ™ s ethnic groups is unique, of course, and not to be homogenized under one large minority umbrella.
As one of the nation's largest minority education funding organizations, UNCF offers scholarships, special programs, internships, fellowships, and grants.
You are partially correct; the Lambs certainly contribute in large minority part toward keeping large brokerages» / franchise offices in business.
Pakistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but after Hindus, Christians are the second - largest minority group with estimates ranging from two to 10 million for Christians, and 2.5 to 4.5 million for Hindus.
Womble Bond Dickinson actively recruits at law schools with large minority enrollments.
Activists exploit this property by taking large minority stakes these stocks and then agitating for change.
For instance, just 35 percent of teachers in schools with large minority student populations say their school is «very good» when it comes to having a safe and respectful atmosphere, compared with 68 percent of teachers in schools with few minority students.
Several districts in the city are protected by the Voting Rights Act because of large minority populations, but Mr. Weiner's is not.
The NAO also found that Centres were making services more relevant to the needs of lone parents, teenage parents and ethnic minority parents in areas with large minority populations.
Sainsbury's, a British grocery chain, will buy Asda for # 3 billion ($ 4.1 billion) in cash and a 42 % stake in the company, which will make Walmart the largest minority shareholder.
«We expect that there was slight pressure from the activist Corvex, which could be the reason for this move as strategically it made no sense any more for Danone to have such a large minority holding,» said Alain Oberhuber, an analyst at MainFirst Bank AG.
The move means no Latino will serve in a presidential cabinet for the first time in nearly 30 years and comes at a time when Hispanics are now the largest minority group in the country.
It's a view held by a large minority of CEOs, despite the fact they remain divided on whether the recession is over.
Another large minority, 34 %, say Canada is likely out of recession.
President - elect Donald Trump's decision not to appoint any Latinos to his Cabinet is drawing fierce criticism from Hispanics, who call it a major setback for the nation's largest minority group.
Furthermore, Hispanics will by this coming year cement their status as the nation's fastest - growing and largest minority group, with a population of 50 million.
He became a large minority shareholder and launched an insider bid for a control stake.
Deutsche Telekom AG, which owns 66 percent of T - Mobile U.S.'s company shares, would be left with a large minority stake if the deal is closed.
In a 2012 referendum, a large minority of the population said Puerto Rico should continue with the status quo.
You don't have a majority on your side; you don't even have a large minority.
It's a large minority compared to Christians in other places in the Middle East and North Africa.
Now if the content of the comments were to change to even a large minority of anti-BoBo, the comments would be shut down.
While some proponents advocate a flat monetary settlement to every descendant of a slave, others seek a social or political settlement — a percentage of the U.S. budget that would be allotted to improving schools with large minority populations, for example, or set aside for job training programs.

Phrases with «large minority»

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