Sentences with phrase «large multinational publisher»

There has been much debate over the ebook pricing dispute that's emerged between retail giant Amazon and Hachette, a large multinational publisher.

Not exact matches

I am so tired of hearing how Amazon is picking on Hachette and that is David vs Goliath as though Hachetter were some mom - and - pop corner store instead of a large multinational corporation owned by Lagardère Group which is one of the world's largest trade publishers.
All that began to change in the eighties (broadly speaking) when large corporations began to buy up publishers and the multinationals began to take over the market.
Publishers are often large multinationals while authors typically work alone.
«The terms «small press», «indie publisher», and «independent press» are often used interchangeably, with «independent press» defined as publishers that are not part of large conglomerates or multinational corporations.
We have over 30 years of experience working with large multinational and smaller independent publishers in almost every capacity.
A not - for - profit, we represent businesses of all sizes from small start - ups to large multinational developers, publishers and service companies, working across all forms of interactive entertainment; console, mobile, PC, esports, VR, AR and Artificial Intelligence.
Most of them were subsequently acquired by the large multinationals who believed that they could transform many small print publishers into money minting global online services.
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