Sentences with phrase «large observational uncertainties»

• A full resolution of this issue will require reducing the large observational uncertainties that currently exist.
For Antarctica, large observational uncertainties result in low confidence that anthropogenic forcings have contributed to the observed warming averaged over available stations.
In general, comparing warming from models and obs since the mid-1800s isn't ideal, since there is large observational uncertainty prior to 1900.

Not exact matches

You have to remember that the 5 year forecast is derived from a large number of individual runs each with slightly different starting conditions matching the range of the observational uncertainty in the real starting conditions.
The very high significance levels of model — observation discrepancies in LT and MT trends that were obtained in some studies (e.g., Douglass et al., 2008; McKitrick et al., 2010) thus arose to a substantial degree from using the standard error of the model ensemble mean as a measure of uncertainty, instead of the ensemble standard deviation or some other appropriate measure for uncertainty arising from internal climate variability... Nevertheless, almost all model ensemble members show a warming trend in both LT and MT larger than observational estimates (McKitrick et al., 2010; Po - Chedley and Fu, 2012; Santer et al., 2013).
They are perhaps the largest uncertainty in our understanding of climate change, owing to disagreement among climate models and observational datasets over what cloud changes have occurred during recent decades and will occur in response to global warming2, 3.
When the bottom - up approach is used to extrapolate the emissions to larger scales, uncertainty results from the inherent large temporal and spatial variations of fluxes and the limited range of observational conditions.
[7] Brient & Schneider's method thus down - weights a model whose estimate has a larger or smaller uncertainty than the observational estimate even if the model's and the observational mean estimates are identical.
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