Sentences with phrase «large parts of the globe»

Like a dark curtain pulled over large parts of the globe, the smoke would cause cool temperatures, darkness, less precipitation and even ozone depletion.
Unless networks are significantly improved, it may be difficult or impossible to detect climate change over large parts of the globe.
A New Yorker story on ultra-wealthy «doomsday preppers» identified Thiel as one of a number of Silicon Valley and Wall Street billionaires who have purchased property in New Zealand in the belief that the island nation will remain a safe haven should catastrophes make large parts of the globe dangerous or uninhabitable.
The Portuguese colonial empire was distributed over a much larger part of the globe but in square miles and population did not equal the Spanish possessions.
Marriott has provided a very limited travel window for large parts of the globe while Starwood has announced its discounts will be valid through Labor Day 2017 with no exceptions mentioned.
The case for global warming must instead be based on century - long temperature records over a large part of the globe.
Zheng and Basher (1999) use similar time - series models and show that deterministic trends are detectable over a large part of the globe.
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