Sentences with phrase «large peasant family»

Ngugi wa Thiong» o (pronounced GU - gi wa - ti - ONG - go) was born into a large peasant family, in the Kiambu district of Kenya in 1938.

Not exact matches

Pacha (boasting the commanding vocals of John Goodman, as the start of a short but fruitful relationship between the actor and Disney) is a large, kindhearted peasant whose family lives on the hill where Kuzco plans to build a new dream home.
That said — if prisoners, albeit ones condemned to death, do give their consent informed and freely to the use of their organs for transplantation after death, or indeed an impoverished Indian peasant, who is unable to support his wife and large family, consents to the donation for cash of eg a kidney, and this money will guarantee the family's life and future — can such autonomous action be regarded as unethical and should it be outlawed?
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