Sentences with phrase «large sample size»

This system has a strong driving hypothesis, consistent year - to - year results and a very large sample size.
Therefore, the significantly larger sample size allows us to get a much more accurate look at the sports betting marketplace.
Because the meta - analysis comprises a much larger sample size than any individual study, it provides greater statistical certainty in conclusions.
The vast digital realm has created the era of big data, where countless metrics are tracked over large sample sizes.
Further investigation using larger sample sizes that allow more sophisticated analyses are needed.
It is important to note that, to bring out a correlation in noisy data, you want as large a sample size as possible.
We believe that this type of analysis will yield reasonable results given a sufficiently large sample size and sufficiently long period of time, even allowing for our mistakes.
And that enabled me to get a reasonably large sample size and coverage very quickly.
Ultimately, the model showing continued negative performance is more relevant and accurate, as it is based on a substantially larger sample size.
Studies with larger sample sizes and conducted over longer periods of time will be needed.
Given the very large sample size the researchers suggest this is not due to chance.
Large sample sizes allow you to more accurately observe advantages that you may hold over the sportsbooks.
Obviously, the firm has a much larger sample size and the fact that they make it public (in aggregate) is impressive.
Resource lends itself to discussion of larger sample size for reliable results, and serves as a revision / extension tool for basic line of best fit (by eye).
Study designs were most often cross-sectional, included large sample sizes, and controlled for major individual characteristics.
Finally, some researchers worry that even though these registries are supposed to reduce the number of animals in biomedical research, their labs may end up using more animals because they feel they need larger sample sizes to conduct more robust research as part of these registries.
However, this ignores the many other studies with larger sample sizes on the subject, such as Oreskes 2004, Peiser 2006, Anderegg 2010, the statements of dozens of scientific organizations including every National Academy of Science with an official position.
However, in large sample sizes, the non-normality of the residuals will not hamper the interpretation of confidence intervals [52].
«After our earlier publication on these samples, we switched from amplicon to shotgun, with the intention of simply getting larger sample sizes,» said lead author Michael Tessler, a recent graduate of the Museum's Richard Gilder Graduate School.
«Future studies with larger sample sizes combined with machine learning analysis may further aid the diagnostic and prognostic value of structural MRI.»
Standardized husbandry in the dairy industry, combined with systematic milking procedures, detailed record - keeping, and large sample sizes made the dairy cow a powerful model for the exploration of milk synthesis.
Some severe disorders have low base rates, between 1 % and 4 %.29, 30 Low base rates require large sample sizes to generate reliable estimates.31 Some studies sampled too few subjects to generate reliable rates even for the more common disorders.18, 21
It does essentially the same thing parents have been doing since time immemorial — checking out how other people's kids turn out — only with the rigor of formal study design and a far larger sample size.
Although the highest ROI correlates with visitors receiving less than 30 % of spread bets, we will focus on teams receiving less than 35 % of spread bets due to the significantly larger sample size and units won.
Such success over large sample sizes indicates that the market is slightly inefficient when accounting for discrepancies in motivation and also tends to overreact to recent poor performances.
The study, with its exceptionally large sample sizes, is «a major advance,» says David Goldman, chief of the lab of neurogenetics at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, Maryland.
When Nweeia learned about narwhal molting for the first time, he knew that he had to part with the traditional scientific approach that validates facts through large sample sizes.
«This is a conspicuously large sample size,» said University of Illinois psychology professor Brent Roberts, who led the analysis with postdoctoral researcher Rodica Damian (now a professor of psychology at the University of Houston).
We've got the missing link, we can see the road ahead for large sample size warming to get these organs into patients,» Brockbank said.
Jackson, however, contests that characterization and argues that Siegel's larger sample size doesn't necessarily make for a better study.
«Using flies lends the advantages of a smaller animal brain, more sophisticated genetic tools, and greatly larger sample sizes.
The millions of preserved animal mummies in collections worldwide provide a uniquely large sample size for further study.
The paper is «sobering,» he adds, because it shows that pinning down actual resilience genes will require «incredibly large sample sizes,» or DNA from tens of millions of people who have agreed to be contacted for research.
As an example of why large sample sizes are critical in these kinds of trials, we could think about aspirin.
We were not able to detect beneficial effects of rapamycin on aortic degeneration in our mouse cohorts (Supplemental Figure 5 and Supplemental Table 5), although larger sample sizes may be required to detect possible effects of rapamycin on aortic degeneration.
Readers may also recall that Loehle and McCulloch (2008) do not have an adequately large sample size to call it a global temperature reconstruction, particularly in the southern hemisphere where 3 sites are used to represent the whole hemisphere.
These preliminary results point to the need for further research with larger sample sizes inclusive of mothers with comorbid diagnoses.
According to the Bentler (1995), with large sample size χ2 become significant while with the small sample the assumption of the χ2 test reveals an inaccurate probability.
For curative interventions, a trend significant negative moderating effect was found for sample size (larger sample sizes yielded smaller effect sizes), and a trend significant negative moderating effect was found for percentage of cultural minorities in samples (higher percentages of minorities yielded smaller effect sizes).
However, the results suggest that contact - only CSA may produce a significant association with parenting stress and that studies including both contact and non-contact CSA may need larger sample sizes to detect smaller effects.
Researchers compensate for the lack of control by using large sample sizes — some vitamin D studies track 50,000 people — and applying statistical techniques.

Phrases with «large sample size»

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