Sentences with phrase «large tongue»

These animals can have a variety of problems contributing to their breathing problems such as narrow nostrils, excessive soft tissue in the mouth and throat like the soft palate and relatively large tongues and they also tend to have very narrow tracheas (windpipes) compared to normal animals of a similar size.
Babies with Down syndrome are often born with larger tongues which means they have them sticking out.
Key anatomical characteristics, such as larger tongues that fall back in the mouth during deep sleep, can obstruct the airway during sleep; and sensitivity to air blowing onto their faces through a mask makes it difficult for some patients to tolerate a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, the traditional therapy for OSA.
Use our favorite paint pots, a paintbrush, a clothes - pin, two large tongue depressors and regular popsicle stick.
For some dogs with overly large tongues, sometimes referred to as macroglossia, the size of the tongue may severely interfere with eating, drinking, and even sleeping.
These animals can also have a variety of breathing problems such as narrow nostrils and relatively large tongues.
An abnormal swallow is usually the result of a tight lingual frenum, bottle feeding, pacifier use, noxious infant habits like EXCESSIVE digit sucking, large tongues (macroglossia), enlarged tonsils, and / or obstructed airway.
She may also have problems in her mouth, such as a too - large tongue or a flat palate, which can affect the depth of latch and make your breasts sore.
Numerically, each cat has an optimal drinking frequency — say, four laps per second — and the researchers» analysis showed that larger feline species, which tend to have larger tongues and drink from greater heights above the surface of the liquid, should lap more slowly to maximize their intake.
Other potential risk factors include large tonsils, a small jaw bone, a large tongue and having sleep apnea in the family.
The second area of this site, just across the sand flats heading into deeper water, has large tongue and grooves plus intriguing pinnacles and coral heads.
As there are no wall - mounted cupboards, the large tongue - and - groove - clad island shields most of the cabinetry, making the room feel like more of a relaxed living space than just a kitchen.
Large tongue - and - groove - effect wooden panels on the walls give this bathroom a period feel, while Roman blinds in a vibrant cerise floral fabric add a hit of colour.
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