Sentences with phrase «largely inconclusive»

The evidence reviewed here is largely inconclusive with respect to impact on children's physical activity, but indicates that digital technology seems to be beneficial for children's social relationships.
Although many studies have attempted to find the color schemes to which consumers will best respond, colors are extremely connected to each person's feelings and experiences, and so these studies have been largely inconclusive.
«The conference was largely inconclusive,» he told me afterwards.
Attempts to find out which personal characteristics might explain differences among children in their ability to solve the task have so far been largely inconclusive, says Jackie Chappell of the University of Birmingham, who has worked with birds (including Betty) as well as children.
The reality of these claims has long been debated, and the research has been both limited, as well as largely inconclusive.
And while the data is largely inconclusive at this point, it certainly has not eliminated the possibility that too much technology - use could have adverse health effects down the road.
Scientific studies on whether fitness trackers actually change behavior have been largely inconclusive.

Not exact matches

But the handful of studies that attempted to look at changing hormonal levels and sexual desire during a period cycle have largely proved inconclusive.
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