Sentences with phrase «larger apes»

In their study, published recently in the scientific journal «Quaternary International,» they reach the conclusion that the presumably largest apes in geological history died due to their insufficient adaptability.
Nor do H. habilis skulls have the crests and bone ridges found in large ape skulls.
Before the transformation Hank's feet are a CGI effect so I would wear a blue sock and then the larger ape like feet would be added in post production.
A man is brutally beaten by a large ape.
Earth's largest apes died off because they could not adapt to a new diet forced by climate change 100,000 years ago.

Not exact matches

Fledging Perth technology company APE Mobile has struck deals with some of the largest civil engineering contractors and secured Perth business leader Giles Everist to join its board.
Endocast researchers need to study the range of brain surface characteristics in a larger sample of living chimps and other apes to make more accurate comparisons, Falk says.
But scientists worry that unlike building - scaling apes, large storm waves crashing into the city may indeed become a reality in the near future.
If they were made to wait, the apes sometimes forgot where the food was, but by and large they did well on the task.
Though Bigfoot hunters may cling to hope, Earth's largest known ape disappeared from the fossil record about 100,000 years ago.
Terry Harrison, a paleoanthropologist at New York University, questioned in Nature whether Ardi was even a member of the human lineage or just an ape «among the tangled branches» of a much larger bush.
The Yeti or Abominable Snowman — a mysterious, ape - like creature said to inhabit the high mountains of Asia — looms large in the mythology of Nepal and Tibet.
Much of the work will therefore demand comparative analyses of the genomes and phenotypes of large numbers of humans and apes.
For large - brained mammals like apes that engage in complex social interactions this is relatively straightforward.
Eventually, these defenders conceded that evolutionary roots of certain cherished human cognitive abilities could indeed be found in nonhuman animals, but only in large - brained mammals, particularly in apes.
Both of these apes may have something to tell us about the evolution of human behavior, yet most research has focused on chimps, in large part because bonobos are endangered — perhaps as few as 10,000 remain.
The study is the strongest evidence to date that the genitalia of human males — which are unusually large compared with other apes — have evolved to help attract mates, says Mautz.
The few apes left hang on in increasingly restricted habitats (orang - utans in Asia, gorillas in Africa) and are stuck with odd specialisations (knuckle walking, large brains).
This 11.6 - million - year - old fossil find, nicknamed Laia by its discoverers, represents the first evidence that present - day African apes descended from a relatively small, somewhat gibbonlike common ancestor — not large - bodied African primates as previously thought, scientists report in the Oct. 30 Science.
• More effective management and protection of large areas outside of formally protected areas; • Increased law enforcement combined with improved legal frameworks and stiffer sanctions for poachers; • Coordination across all sectors on land use and protection of natural resources with a priority on conserving great ape populations; • Conservation advocacy for wildlife and law enforcement to effect behavior change; • An enhanced understanding of diseases such as Ebola to guide conservation actions; • Monitoring of great ape abundance and distribution, habitat loss, and illegal activities.
Most taxonomists agree that primates — apes, humans, monkeys, and real lemurs — belong to a larger group called Euarchonta, which also includes flying lemurs and tree shrews.
Researchers at Duke University, USA, conducted a large - scale study in 2014, where they compared the inhibitory control of 36 different animal species, mainly primates and apes.
But in many ways, we're not like other apes: Our brains are at least three times larger, and we produce more babies in shorter intervals — both of which consume more energy.
Falk suspects the size discrepancy can be linked to the philandering tendencies of our primate ancestors.Falk found that like humans, male rhesus monkeys had larger brains than females, while male and female gibbon apes were equally endowed.
Some names are descriptive, such as Notogomphus gorilla, which is «large and dark as the famous ape that shares its Ugandan habitat,» the dragonfly hunters wrote in an email.
These differences suggest that the ancestral population of apes that gave rise to humans, chimps, and bonobos was quite large and diverse genetically — numbering about 27,000 breeding individuals.
From the human perspective, few events in evolution were more momentous than the split among primates that led to apes (large, tailless primates such as today's gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans) and Old World monkeys (which today include baboons and macaques).
The study also found significant differences between DupB - / - and DupB + / - apes in 12 distinct brain regions, with the largest clusters within the frontal lobe.
«This could account for small brain sizes of great apes despite their large body sizes.»
He discovered the cries came from an assortment of lemurs — primates with large eyes, foxlike faces, and bushy tails — that predate monkeys and the great apes and have long been extinct everywhere else in the world.
Apes have a larger relative cranial capacity, and a longer childhood and lifespan.
Perhaps a larger implication is that the ability to learn new words for the same object may extend way beyond humans, even back 6 million years to the last common ancestor of humans and apes before they went their separate ways.
In a heroic effort, authors Ming Li, Ruigiang Li et al. have now sequenced, assembled and analyzed the mutations in the genomes of 38 wild snub - nosed monkeys (from genome mapping of 42 individuals: 27 golden, 4 gray, 2 Myanmar and 9 black) from four different endangered species of snub - nosed monkeys - the largest investigation into primate genomics outside of the great apes.
The orangutans are the only great apes that occurs outside Africa, and they are the largest arboreal mammal in the world.
Orangutans are the only great apes to occur outside of Africa, and are the largest arboreal mammals in the world.
Curiously, as a debating tactic to discredit other hominid fossils, creationists often accept 1470 as human, even though many of them reject larger - brained erectus specimens as apes.
The brain is far larger than that of any ape, with the possible exception of extremely large male gorillas.
Similarly, Gish (1995) quotes a passage from Bromage (1992) stating that 1470's face would have jutted out considerably, like that of an ape, but ignores the next paragraph, which states»... ER 1470 is Homo in many respects and it has a phenomenally large brain for its time».
ape A group of rather large «Old World» primates that lack a tail.
Lockwood and his colleague's work implies that Like some modern apes juvenile P. robustus males left their birth group to live on their own and that when older and larger, had to fight to gain a harem of their own.
Far from dismissing erectus forms as being only large extinct apes or frauds, the pendulum is now swinging to the view that most, if not all erectus specimens are indeed full members of the human race.
They are both larger and more modern, internally and externally, than the skull of any comparably sized ape.
The ACC and FI, though sometimes considered ancient in phylogeny, feature a large bipolar projection neuron, the von Economo neuron (VEN), which is found only in humans, apes, and selected whales - all large - brained mammals with complex social structures.
On the other hand fossil OH 62 proves that «habilis ``, far from being Homo - like, was small and ape - like - these cases were the very opposite of what evolution theory predicted and expected.103 Even though the brain size of WT 15000 was smaller than most modern humans, it was still larger than quite a few people living today.
However, in 1913 and 1914, more finds were made at Piltdown, including a canine tooth intermediate in size between that of apes and humans, and a unique carved artifact made from a large piece of elephant bone that because of its shape became known as the «cricket bat».
Although it will effect your ability to handle some fiber most of the nutrition absorption comes before the large intestine in the small intestine which we have evolved to be much larger then our closest relatives the great apes.
Walking upright signalled the end of eating large amounts of cellulose, such as we see in gorillas and other apes with big bellies.
The low carb diet is not consistent with our anatomy or physiology as hind - gut fermenting herbivores who have evolved to eat starch with more amylase genes and a 40 % larger small intestine than our great ape relatives.
The human gluteus maximus is much larger than that of other apes.
However, in other apes, the equivalent muscle to the gluteus medius is much larger than the gluteus maximus.
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