Sentences with phrase «larger bodies of»

I started researching what it took to make blogging pay and realized I was producing the same sort of content that others with larger audiences and larger bodies of work were being paid to do.
The larger bodies of the solar system can be divided into categories based on their composition:
As the contaminated water flows into larger and larger bodies of water, it will become increasingly diluted.
«This would look at expanding that and really doing some detailed testing over larger bodies of land.
If your business model revolves more around river tours and large bodies of water, the mighty kraken, complete with lots of morbid jokes about your service to the creature, ferrying tourists to feed its unending hunger for human flesh, may do a better job of making your employees feel like they are part of something greater.
It's an easy read, but it explains well a fairly large body of research,» Weinschenk claims.
«That is not only unfair, but it's a policy mistake in that those [low - income] kids would be the ones who would benefit the most,» Marr said, adding that a large body of research has found that extra income for poor families improves their kids» health, education, and career outcomes.
Fitza's research builds on (and subverts) a large body of academic work connecting CEO performance to company performance — using return on assets as the metric of the latter.
The Fiduciary Rule and PTEs followed an extensive public rulemaking process in which the Department evaluated a large body of academic and empirical work on conflicts of interest, and determined that conflicted advice was causing harm to retirement investors.
A large body of law and custom in the United States holds that because employers have far more power over their employees than businesses do over their customers, they must provide them with far greater protections — not least, a minimum wage and overtime pay.
There is a large body of established tax principles and law for property that apply to cryptocurrency and how the gains, losses, income and transactions are treated for federal tax purposes.
This was the music funded by the church and by private patrons and was the largest body of published work.
we're talking about a large population of scientists from a diverse span of disciplines — and fyi: large bodies of individuals can't keep secrets - and scientists can't wait to find something wrong with the data.
It seems unlikely that the work was ever meant to have been taken seriously by Christians; instead, its purpose was to offer further conjectural details about the life of Christ as a pious entertainment, part of a larger body of Pilate literature.
Like all religions especially the larger the body of human involvement the more corruption there is in fact no group on Earth that isn't corrupt to one extinct or another.
The concept of international human rights from which no country is exempt is consonant with the idea that Shari'a, the large body of legal tradition that informs the Muslim community about how God requires it to live, is in some sense the rule of God.
A large body of women (and a small group of men) is committed to equality.
In reference to the flood, one of the most important points to grasp is that in ancient Middle Eastern cosmology, the waters of the world — especially large bodies of water such as the ocean and the sea — were considered to be the dwelling places of powerful deities.
We view ourselves as embodied spirits in the larger body of the world which influences us and which we influence.
While it has traditionally taken the form of a religion, and has appeared eternally committed to a large body of doctrine, Christianity has been most accurately described as «the faith».
There is a large body of Christian literature on the value of prayers and pastoral ministry for convicts on death row or on the scaffold.
These manuscripts were representative of a much larger body of material which has since grown so extensively that today it includes about 70 papyri (portions written on papyrus), about 230 uncials (manuscripts with rounded letters), about 2,500 minuscules (manuscripts with small letters), and about 1,700 lectionaries (portions of Scripture arranged for worship).
But behind each group, and providing a considerable degree of moral support, is a much larger body of nationalists.
It accounted for the stability of atoms, molecules, large bodies of macrodimension.
While there are no guarantees that any scientific proposal will work as predicted, this proposal is exceptionally well supported by a large body of established scientific evidence.
This was most definitely true of the inner group which drew together out of the larger body of those who adhered to the cause of Jesus in a general way.
Here's what we know: A large body of research suggests that the status of our marriages influences our well - being at least as much as the status of our finances.»
Their selection out of a larger body of writings was a function of its growing corporate life, in response to a developing situation.
One thing, however, we can say with reasonable certainty is that the large body of sayings which he gives in common with Luke must have conic down to both, whether in writing or by word of mouth, from a period much earlier than the date at which the two authors wrote.2 It brings us that much nearer to the fountainhead.
Along with a large body of morally neutral acts, we are capable of behavior ranging from the inexpressibly wicked to the ineffably saintly.
Just for your information, the Episcopal Church is a member in full communion with the 80 million member Anglican Communion, which regardless of differences over social issues among its churches is still the THIRD largest body of Christians in the WORLD after Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity.
The Christianity of the United States not only spread to the Indians and to the much larger body of Negroes.
This conflict has emerged between the liberal and militant activist pastors and denominational leaders, on the one hand, and a large body of more conservative laymen, on the other hand, who think the church should stick to spiritual matters and stop meddling in politics and «social» issues.
There is a large body of literature that mostly supports the idea that nobody is altruistic without the expectation of something in return but the interesting thing is that a small portion of people actually are altruistic without the expectation of anything in return.
More clearly and subtly than anyone else in modern times, and over a larger body of materials, Maritain grasped the «intuition of being» that animates the deepest stratum of Catholic intellectual life.
For these lectionaries include within their various sections — Gospel, Epistle, Introit, and Gradual — a large body of the most memorable and central addresses of the scriptures to the worshipping generations in the church.
The emergence of a large body of secular Jews who can only be classified religiously as theists raises anew a question that Jewish scholars have been debating for thousands of years.
The movement's credibility has been damaged, and its political future is dismal, but a large body of scientific opinion still supports it.
So, inevitably, the researchers at Monash will produce just another large body of comparative cognitive studies — humans are better than cephalopods at crossword puzzles, no photodiodes can play chess but many Belgians can... that sort of thing — all meretriciously tricked out in the useless patois of Integrated Information Theory.
Evolution on the other hand IS based on a very large body of facts that have been confirmed innumerable times.
Stand near a large body of water — you can see the curvature of the earth.
These services are able to derive on a regular and comparable basis a large body of information on different aspects of the audiences of religious television programs.
Certainly the religious broadcaster has access to the much larger body of general communication research on associated topics such as audience patterns and viewing behavior, attitude and value change, and communication uses and effects.
We believe that our drama is having an impact on the larger body of the whole Christian community, especially churches whose members include parents, relatives and friends of PWAs.
On the basis of the well - defined structure of the ritual positions in the rites, Van Gennep concluded that the formality of rites of passage, exemplified in their highly patterned sequences of action, permits us to organize and understand a large body of ethnographic data and to make significant cross-cultural generalizations.
This theory is no more plausible or implausible than blind faith except there actually is a large body of evidence to support this theory across all human cultures and «mythologies» (See Zecharia Sitchin, Rael, G. Cope Schellhorn, many others).
The second largest body of non-European peoples, that of India, is loosening the bonds by which it has been tied to the British Empire; some of its spokesmen are demanding complete independence, and the British Government has already promised dominion status when once the present European war shall be over.
We have seen that modern scholarship has reversed the order and makes Mark a major source of Matthew who, while generally using Mark's gospel as a framework, has incorporated large bodies of material not known to, or at any rate not contained in Mark.
Do not share entire recipes, large bodies of text, or edit my photos in anyway without first obtaining permission from me.
This concern about artificially transferring genes between kingdoms and species in a way that has never occurred naturally is now being validated by a large body of science.
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