Sentences with phrase «larger estimate»

• School leaders with larger estimated contributions to student achievement growth did not, on average, receive higher scores than school leaders with smaller estimated contributions to student achievement growth.
The even larger estimated math gains (about 0.4 σ) are more than enough to eliminate the racial gap in math while students are in middle school.
A number of methodological studies provide empirical evidence to support these precautions.152 153 Trials in which the allocation sequence had been inadequately or unclearly concealed yielded larger estimates of treatment effects than did trials in which authors reported adequate allocation concealment.
Loup has a much larger estimated smart speaker market size for 2018 at about 58 million units sold compared to 45 million for Strategy Analytics.
Loup has a much larger estimated smart speaker market size for 2018 at about 58 million units sold compared to 45 million for Strategy Analytics.
The very large estimates of major gene variance and allele frequency for ED in all breeds, and especially in the Labrador Retriever, seem to be over-estimations when considered together with all the other results.
A study published in Nature late last year warned that greenhouse gas emissions due to permafrost thaw could equal the amount currently emitted by deforestation worldwide, a significantly larger estimate than has been put forward before.
However, given that the United States holds the world's largest estimated recoverable reserves of coal, coal - burning power plants will continue to be a major source of our nation's electricity generation for the foreseeable future.
Previous large estimates of the size of precautionary balances resulted from pooling these two groups together.
«The very large estimated return on investment for California county departments of public health, relative to the return on investment for selected aspects of medical care, suggests that public health is a wise investment,» Brown concluded.
In 1969, Burton Fabricand was apparently the first to write about the strong link between estimate revisions and subsequent stock prices, showing that portfolios of stocks selected on the basis of large estimate revisions significantly beat the market over a three month holding period.
Note, for example, that respondents who «strongly agreed» that differences in income were too large estimated a much larger pay gap between CEOs and unskilled workers (12.5:1) than respondents who «strongly disagreed» (6.7:1; Table 2).
Because the CFIB's study did not incorporate this premium - benefit linkage, it incorrectly modeled the CPP premium hike as a general payroll tax hike, yielding its large estimate of job losses.
It is also possible that the large estimate for stockbuilding will be subject to revision — the pattern over the 1990s has been that unusually large initial estimates of the change in stocks have tended to be revised to show less extreme movements.
To estimate trading frictions, they model bid - ask spreads based on maturity and rating (the longer maturity or the lower the rating, the larger the estimated trading friction).
(The larger estimate is older and entrenched, but the smaller is probably more accurate.)
But this paper takes into account new observations recorded from Greenland, Indonesia's Jakarta Bay and Gippsland Basin off Australia's southeastern coast to come up with the larger estimate.
Weissman takes issue, however, with the larger estimate of the contribution of extrasolar comets to the Oort Cloud.
Considering the large estimated outflow mass for HBC 494, our results support recent theoretical work suggesting that wind - driven processes might dominate the evolution of protoplanetary discs via energetic outflows.
KIPP's cumulative impacts in middle school are three times that size, so even the largest estimates of the size of peer effects suggest that they are unlikely to explain more than one - third of the cumulative KIPP impact.
Even if the largest estimates of peer effects are correct, however, the improvement in peers» prior test scores would appear to benefit KIPP students» achievement only by about 0.07 to 0.09 standard deviations after four years at KIPP.
This larger estimate suggests that the true effect may be closer to the upper bound of the interval we identified above.
The research on class size is decidedly mixed, but the largest estimates (from the Tennessee STAR study) imply that a three - student increase in class size in the early grades would decrease test scores by 0.05 standard deviations after one year (and by less in future years).
«The larger estimate is due to the inclusion of processes missing from current models and new estimates of the amount of organic carbon stored deep in frozen soils,» co-author Benjamin Abbott, a University of Alaska Fairbanks graduate student, explained in a press release.
Large estimates of bioenergy potential double count biomass, leading to a double counting of carbon.
Large estimates of greenhouse gas emissions reductions from bioenergy are based on a misplaced belief that biomass is inherently a carbon - free source of energy.
In the perspective of the historical employment growth in the province, the largest estimate of added jobs resulting from TMX — even Premier Notley's grossly exaggerated 5000 jobs figure — is not even a rounding error.
Among the IPCC, ICAO, DEFRA, and BrighterPlanet calculation methods, the largest estimate may be up to 4.5 times larger than the smallest.
I could only got full access to the first of your links, but judging from the abstracts of the others, it provides the largest estimated decline so I'll deal mostly with it.
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