Sentences with phrase «larger illustration»

Beautiful and large illustrations of smiling faces will engage even the youngest eyes.
It features large illustrations and articles from astronomers all over the globe.
JPL, CalTech, NASA Larger illustration Astronomers have identified Iota Persei as a prime target for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF), now planned for launch between 2014 and 2020.
SDSS Collaboration Larger illustration Spectra of J1030 and another remote quasar displayed unexpectedly strong lines of heavier elements, i.e., carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and silicon (more on the «Gunn - Peterson trough» and the ionization of neutral hydrogen).
Melissa Weiss, CXC, NASA Larger illustration with more text.
Brown Team's Eris Page Larger illustration Along elongated and slanted, the orbits of 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY9 objects are still considerably less eccentric than that of dwarf planet Eris.
T. Pyle, SSC, JPL / CalTech, NASA — larger illustration Preliminary infrared observations indicate that 70 Virginis has a circumstellar dust disk generated by collisions between Kuiper - Belt type objects (more from SSC and Beichman et al, 2004).
Unknown artist (more images at NASA)-- larger illustration After the first («pre-burst») burst of gamma rays, shockwaves in the fireball create the the main burst that quickly fades to reveal the more typical «afterglow» of supernova - type emissions at x-ray, visible light, and other lower energy wavelengths (more images from NASA).
Howard et al, 2010; Keck Larger illustrations Planetary candidate «b» is a «super-Earth» class planet with 4.15 Earth - masses in a tight orbit (more).
Tuomi et al, 2012; RoPACS; UH Larger illustration.
Erik Tollerud, Chris Purcell, and James Bullock; UC Irvine Larger illustration.
Masashi Chiba, Tohoku University, SDSS - II Larger illustration.
Pedro Lacerda, University of Hawaii, University of Coimbra Larger illustration.
JPL, CalTech, NASA Larger illustration Astronomers have identified Beta Hydri as a prime target for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF), now planned for launch between 2014 and 2020.
JPL, CalTech, NASA Larger illustration Astronomers have identified Gamma Pavonis as a prime target for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF), now planned for launch between 2014 and 2020.
Yeshe Fenner, STcI, AURA, NASA, ESA Larger illustration.
Donald Schneider, Xiaohui Fan, SDSS Collaboration Larger illustration.
JPL, CalTech, NASA Larger illustration of the TPF.
Bradley Hansen, UCLA, Caltech, JPL, NASA Larger illustration.
Giovanni Tinetti, University College London, ESA, NASA, Larger illustration.
Michael Carroll, JPL, NASA Larger illustration.
GSFC, NASA Larger illustration.
SETI Institute, JPL, NASA Larger illustration.
Unknown artist, JPL, NASA Larger illustration.
David A. Aguilar, CfA; and Grillmair et al, 2007 Larger illustration.
© American Scientist, artwork by Barbara Aulicino based on the work of Richard Greenberg (Permission being sought) Larger illustration.
Tim Pyle, SSC, CalTech, JPL, NASA, Larger illustration or short movie.
Greg Bacon and Swain et al, 2008; STScI, ESA, NASA, Larger illustration.
Heather A. Knutson, CfA CalTech, JPL, NASA, Larger illustration.
David A. Aguilar, CfA; and Knutson et al, 2007 Larger illustration.
Carl J. Grillmair, SSC, CalTech, JPL, NASA, Larger illustration.
JPL, CalTech, NASA Larger illustration Astronomers have identified Zeta Tucanae as a prime target for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF), now planned for launch between 2014 and 2020.
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